Function Update-Manifest { [CmdLetBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = 'High' )] Param( [Switch] $UpdateVersion, [Switch] $Beta ) Begin { # Get info from current module $ModuleInfo = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module If ($Beta.IsPresent) { $ModuleName = '{0}Beta' -F $ModuleInfo.Name $GUID = 'ff62b403-3520-4b98-a12b-343bb6b79255' # Path to RootModule $PSMName = '{0}\{1}.psm1' -F $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase, $ModuleInfo.Name $PSMDest = '{0}\{1}.psm1' -F $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase, $ModuleName # Update Beta rootmodule $Null = Copy-Item -Path $PSMName -Destination $PSMDest -Force } Else { $ModuleName = $ModuleInfo.Name $GUID = 'abd8b426-797b-4702-b66d-5f871d0701dc' } # Create the parameter hashtable $ManifestParams = @{} # Get valid parameters $Command = Get-Command -Name New-ModuleManifest # Pre-populate with previous values Foreach ($Parameter in $Command.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) { $Name = $Parameter.Key If ($ModuleInfo.$Name) { $ManifestParams[$Name] = $ModuleInfo.$Name } } # Read the nuspec $Nuspec = New-Object -TypeName XML $NuspecSourcePath = '{0}\{1}.nuspec' -F $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase, $ModuleInfo.Name $NuspecPath = '{0}\{1}.nuspec' -F $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase, $ModuleName $Nuspec.Load($NuspecSourcePath) } Process { # Overwrite parameters that need new values $ManifestParams['Path'] = '{0}\{1}.psd1' -F $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase, $ModuleName If ($UpdateVersion.IsPresent) { # Figure out the new module version number [Version]$ApiVersion = '{0}.{1}' -F $Script:Atws.GetWsdlVersion(), $ModuleInfo.Version.Revision If ($ApiVersion -eq $ModuleInfo.Version) { # It is the same API version. Increase the revision number $Revision = $ModuleInfo.Version.Revision $Revision++ } Else { # New API version. Then this is the first revision of the new API version $Revision = 1 } # Save the new version number to the parameter set [Version]$Moduleversion = '{0}.{1}' -F $Script:Atws.GetWsdlVersion(), $Revision } Else { # Use existing version if no update has been requested $Moduleversion = $ModuleInfo.Version } # Explicitly set important parameters $ManifestParams['RootModule'] = '{0}.psm1' -F $ModuleName $ManifestParams['Moduleversion'] = $Moduleversion # Make sure the GUID matches module manifest (Beta or Release) $ManifestParams['GUID'] = $GUID # Information to export $Functions = @() $Moduleinfo.ExportedFunctions.Keys | ForEach-Object {$Functions += ($_ -replace $ModuleInfo.Prefix, '')} $ManifestParams['FunctionsToExport'] = $Functions $ManifestParams['CmdletsToExport'] = @() $ManifestParams['VariablesToExport'] = @() $ManifestParams['AliasesToExport'] = @() # Custom $ManifestParams['LicenseUri'] = $ModuleInfo.PrivateData.PSData.LicenseUri $ManifestParams['ProjectUri'] = $ModuleInfo.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectUri $ManifestParams['ReleaseNotes'] = $ModuleInfo.PrivateData.PSData.ReleaseNotes $ManifestParams['Tags'] = $ModuleInfo.PrivateData.PSData.Tags # Recreate PrivateData $ManifestParams['PrivateData'] = @{} # Default prefix is always Atws $ManifestParams['DefaultCommandPrefix'] = 'Atws' # Update nuspec $ = $ModuleName $Nuspec.DocumentElement.metadata.version = $ManifestParams['Moduleversion'].ToString() $Nuspec.DocumentElement.metadata.description = $ManifestParams['Description'] $Nuspec.DocumentElement.metadata.authors = $ManifestParams['Author'] $Nuspec.DocumentElement.metadata.tags = $ManifestParams['Tags'] -join ', ' $Nuspec.DocumentElement.metadata.releasenotes = $ManifestParams['ReleaseNotes'] } End { $Caption = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $VerboseDescrition = '{0}: Overwriting existing module manifest and nuspec information file in {1}' -F $Caption, $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase $VerboseWarning = '{0}: About to overwrite existing module manifest and nuspec information file in {1}. Do you want to continue?' -F $Caption, $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($VerboseDescrition, $VerboseWarning, $Caption)) { # Create the new manifest New-ModuleManifest @ManifestParams # Save the nuspec $Nuspec.Save($NuspecPath) } } } |