
#Requires -Version 5.0
    Copyright (c) ECIT Solutions AS. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
    See for license information.

Function New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit

This function creates a new TicketRmaCredit through the Autotask Web Services API. All required properties are marked as required parameters to assist you on the command line.
The function supports all properties of an [Autotask.TicketRmaCredit] that can be updated through the Web Services API. The function uses PowerShell parameter validation and supports IntelliSense for selecting picklist values. Any required paramterer is marked as Mandatory in the PowerShell function to assist you on the command line.

If you need very complicated queries you can write a filter directly and pass it using the -Filter parameter. To get the TicketRmaCredit with Id number 0 you could write 'New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -Id 0' or you could write 'New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -Filter {Id -eq 0}.

'New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -Id 0,4' could be written as 'New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -Filter {id -eq 0 -or id -eq 4}'. For simple queries you can see that using parameters is much easier than the -Filter option. But the -Filter option supports an arbitrary sequence of most operators (-eq, -ne, -gt, -ge, -lt, -le, -and, -or, -beginswith, -endswith, -contains, -like, -notlike, -soundslike, -isnotnull, -isnull, -isthisday). As you can group them using parenthesis '()' you can write arbitrarily complex queries with -Filter.

To create a new TicketRmaCredit you need the following required fields:

Entities that have fields that refer to the base entity of this CmdLet:

Nothing. This function only takes parameters.
[Autotask.TicketRmaCredit]. This function outputs the Autotask.TicketRmaCredit that was created by the API.
$result = New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -TicketID [Value] -CreditAmount [Value]
Creates a new [Autotask.TicketRmaCredit] through the Web Services API and returns the new object.
$result = Get-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -Id 124 | New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit
Copies [Autotask.TicketRmaCredit] by Id 124 to a new object through the Web Services API and returns the new object.
Get-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -Id 124 | New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit | Set-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -ParameterName 'Parameter Value'
Copies [Autotask.TicketRmaCredit] by Id 124 to a new object through the Web Services API, passes the new object to the Set-AtwsTicketRmaCredit to modify the object.
$result = Get-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -Id 124 | New-AtwsTicketRmaCredit | Set-AtwsTicketRmaCredit -ParameterName 'Parameter Value' -Passthru
Copies [Autotask.TicketRmaCredit] by Id 124 to a new object through the Web Services API, passes the new object to the Set-AtwsTicketRmaCredit to modify the object and returns the new object.

Related commands:


  [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName='By_parameters', ConfirmImpact='Low',
# An array of objects to create
      ParametersetName = 'Input_Object',
      ValueFromPipeline = $true

# Credit Amount
      Mandatory = $true,
      ParametersetName = 'By_parameters'

# Credit Details
      ParametersetName = 'By_parameters'

# Internal Currency Credit Amount
      ParametersetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket ID
      Mandatory = $true,
      ParametersetName = 'By_parameters'

    begin {
        $entityName = 'TicketRmaCredit'

        # Enable modern -Debug behavior
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent) {
            $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
        else {
            # Respect configured preference
            $DebugPreference = $Script:Atws.Configuration.DebugPref

        Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

        if (!($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'].IsPresent)) {
            # No local override of central preference. Load central preference
            $VerbosePreference = $Script:Atws.Configuration.VerbosePref

        $processObject = [collections.generic.list[psobject]]::new()
        $result = [collections.generic.list[psobject]]::new()

    process {

        if ($InputObject) {
            Write-Verbose -Message ('{0}: Copy Object mode: Setting ID property to zero' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

            # Copy the input array to the processObject collection
            if ($InputObject.count -gt 1) { 
                [collections.generic.list[psobject]]$processObject = $InputObject
            else {

            # If any objects has the ID property set to a value, the sum of all IDs will be larger than zero
            $sum = ($processObject | Measure-Object -Property Id -Sum).Sum

            # If $sum has value we must reset object IDs or we will modify existing objects, not create new ones
            if ($sum -gt 0) {
                foreach ($object in $processObject) {
                    $object.Id = $null
        else {
            Write-Debug -Message ('{0}: Creating empty [Autotask.{1}]' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $entityName)
            $processObject.add((New-Object -TypeName Autotask.$entityName))

        # Prepare shouldProcess comments
        $caption = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        $verboseDescription = '{0}: About to create {1} {2}(s). This action cannot be undone.' -F $caption, $processObject.Count, $entityName
        $verboseWarning = '{0}: About to create {1} {2}(s). This action may not be undoable. Do you want to continue?' -F $caption, $processObject.Count, $entityName

        # Lets don't and say we did!
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($verboseDescription, $verboseWarning, $caption)) {

            # Process parameters and update objects with their values
            $processObject = $processObject | Update-AtwsObjectsWithParameters -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -EntityName $EntityName

            try {
                # Force list even if result is only 1 object to be compatible with addrange()
                [collections.generic.list[psobject]]$response = Set-AtwsData -Entity $processObject -Create
            catch {
                # Write a debug message with detailed information to developers
                $ex = $_.Exception
                $reason = ("{0}: {1}" -f $_.CategoryInfo.Category, $_.CategoryInfo.Reason)
                $message = "{2}: {0}`r`n`r`nLine:{1}`r`n`r`nScript stacktrace:`r`n{3}" -f $ex.Message, $_.InvocationInfo.Line, $reason, $_.ScriptStackTrace
                while ($ex.InnerException) { 
                    $ex = $ex.InnerException
                    $message = "InnerException: {0}`n{1}" -F $ex.Message, $message

                Write-Debug $message

                # Pass on the error
            # If using pipeline this block (process) will run once pr item in the pipeline. make sure to return them all
            if ($response.Count -gt 0) {

    end {
        Write-Debug -Message ('{0}: End of function, returning {1} {2}(s)' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $result.count, $entityName)
        Return [array]$result
