<# .COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) ECIT Solutions AS. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. See for license information. #> Function Save-AtwsModuleConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS This function saves to disk the internal configuration object that stores all module options. .DESCRIPTION This function saves to disk the internal configuration object that stores all module options. The default path is the current PowerShell configuration directory, .INPUTS Nothing. .OUTPUTS [PSObject] .EXAMPLE Save-AtwsModuleConfiguration .EXAMPLE Save-AtwsModuleConfiguration -Path AtwsConfig.clixml .NOTES NAME: Save-AtwsModuleConfiguration .LINK Get-AtwsModuleConfiguration Set-AtwsModuleConfiguration New-AtwsModuleConfiguration Remove-AtwsModuleConfiguration #> [cmdletbinding( ConfirmImpact = 'Low' )] Param ( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [ValidateScript( { # Validate the configuration object before accepting it Test-AtwsModuleConfiguration -Configuration $_ })] [PSObject] $Configuration = $Script:Atws.Configuration, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) $(Get-ChildItem -Path $(Split-Path -Parent $profile) -Filter "*.clixml").FullName | ForEach-Object { $Imp = Import-Clixml $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Imp) { $Imp.keys } } })] [String] $Name = 'Default', [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) $(Get-ChildItem -Path $(Split-Path -Parent $profile) -Filter "*.clixml").FullName })] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] [IO.FileInfo] $Path = $(Join-Path -Path $(Split-Path -Parent $profile) -ChildPath AtwsConfig.clixml) ) begin { # Enable modern -Debug behavior if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' } Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) # Read existing configuration from disk if ($Path.Exists) { Try { # Try to save to the path $settings = Import-Clixml -Path $Path.Fullname } catch { $message = "{0}`nStacktrace:`n{1}" -f $_, $_.ScriptStackTrace throw (New-Object System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException $message) return } } # Create an empty setting table if (-not ($settings -is [hashtable])) { $settings = @{} } } process { Try { # Save settings in correct slot $settings[$Name] = $Configuration # Try to save to the path Export-Clixml -InputObject $settings -Path $Path.Fullname } catch { $message = "{0}`nStacktrace:`n{1}" -f $_, $_.ScriptStackTrace throw (New-Object System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException $message) return } } end { Write-Debug ('{0}: End of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) } } |