#Requires -Version 5.0 <# .COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) ECIT Solutions AS. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. See https://github.com/ecitsolutions/Autotask/blob/master/LICENSE.md for license information. #> Function Get-AtwsResource { <# .SYNOPSIS This function get one or more Resource through the Autotask Web Services API. .DESCRIPTION This function creates a query based on any parameters you give and returns any resulting objects from the Autotask Web Services Api. By default the function returns any objects with properties that are Equal (-eq) to the value of the parameter. To give you more flexibility you can modify the operator by using -NotEquals [ParameterName[]], -LessThan [ParameterName[]] and so on. Possible operators for all parameters are: -NotEquals -GreaterThan -GreaterThanOrEqual -LessThan -LessThanOrEquals Additional operators for [string] parameters are: -Like (supports * or % as wildcards) -NotLike -BeginsWith -EndsWith -Contains Properties with picklists are: EmailTypeCode MOBILE - Mobile email service PAGER - Pager e-mail address PRIMARY - Primary e-mail address SECONDARY - Secondary e-mail address SMS - SMS text messaging address EmailTypeCode2 MOBILE - Mobile email service PAGER - Pager e-mail address PRIMARY - Primary e-mail address SECONDARY - Secondary e-mail address SMS - SMS text messaging address EmailTypeCode3 MOBILE - Mobile email service PAGER - Pager e-mail address PRIMARY - Primary e-mail address SECONDARY - Secondary e-mail address SMS - SMS text messaging address Gender F - Female M - Male Greeting 1 - Mr. 2 - Mrs. 3 - Ms. LocationID 90682 - Hønefoss 90684 - ECIT Group Services 90685 - Fornebu 90686 - Fornebu (Holiday Set 2) 90687 - Utdatert Location 90688 - Autotask API 90689 - Nøtterøy 90690 - Drammen 90691 - Drammen (Holiday Set 2) 90692 - Hønefoss (Holiday Set 2) ResourceType Contractor - Contractor Employee - Employee Suffix TravelAvailabilityPct 0% - 0% up to 100% - up to 100% up to 25% - up to 25% up to 50% - up to 50% up to 75% - up to 75% UserType 7 - Service Desk User 17 - Full Access (system) 18 - System Administrator - Full tilgang 19 - Sales 20 - Service Desk User - Standard bruker 21 - Dashboard User (system) 22 - Minimal Access (system) 23 - Service Desk User - Standard bruker+Kontrakter 24 - API User (system) 26 - Service Desk User - Standard bruker+Kontrakt+Kost 27 - API User - custom changes 28 - ECIT Group Services - Service Desk User 29 - ECIT Group Services - Manager 33 - System Administrator (system) 34 - Manager (system) 35 - Project Manager (system) 36 - Sales (system) 37 - Team Member (system) 38 - Contractor (system) 39 - Service Desk User (system) 40 - Private CRM (system) 41 - Time and Attendance (system) 48 - Copy (1) of Service Desk User - Standard bruker 49 - Service Desk User - Standard bruker+Kontrakt(les) 51 - Co-Managed Help Desk (system) 52 - Manager + Add Contacts 53 - Service Desk User - Standard bruker+Kontrakt+exten 54 - Jon Erik 55 - Stian Mauritzen (copy og S&O+Products & Services) DateFormat MM/dd/yyyy - MM/dd/yyyy MM-dd-yyyy - MM-dd-yyyy MM.dd.yyyy - MM.dd.yyyy dd/MM/yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy dd-MM-yyyy - dd-MM-yyyy dd.MM.yyyy - dd.MM.yyyy yyyy/MM/dd - yyyy/MM/dd yyyy-MM-dd - yyyy-MM-dd yyyy.MM.dd - yyyy.MM.dd TimeFormat hh:mm a - hh:mm a HH:mm - HH:mm h:mm a - h:mm a PayrollType 1 - Salary 2 - Hourly 3 - Contractor 4 - Salary Non Exempt NumberFormat X,XXX.XX - X,XXX.XX X.XXX,XX - X.XXX,XX LicenseType 1 - Administrator 2 - Executive 3 - Professional 4 - Team Member 5 - Time & Attendance Only 6 - Dashboard User 7 - API User 8 - Contractor 9 - Co-Managed Help Desk Entities that have fields that refer to the base entity of this CmdLet: Account AccountNote AccountTeam AccountToDo AccountWebhook AccountWebhookExcludedResource Appointment AttachmentInfo BillingItem BillingItemApprovalLevel BusinessDivisionSubdivisionResource ChangeOrderCost ComanagedAssociation Contact ContactWebhook ContactWebhookExcludedResource ContractCost ContractMilestone ContractNote ContractRoleCost Currency ExpenseReport InstalledProduct InstalledProductNote InventoryItem InventoryLocation InventoryTransfer Invoice NotificationHistory Opportunity Phase Product Project ProjectCost ProjectNote PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrderReceive Quote QuoteTemplate ResourceRole ResourceRoleDepartment ResourceRoleQueue ResourceServiceDeskRole ResourceSkill SalesOrder Service ServiceBundle ServiceCall ServiceCallTaskResource ServiceCallTicketResource ServiceLevelAgreementResults Subscription Task TaskNote TaskSecondaryResource Ticket TicketChangeRequestApproval TicketChecklistItem TicketCost TicketHistory TicketNote TicketSecondaryResource TimeEntry .INPUTS Nothing. This function only takes parameters. .OUTPUTS [Autotask.Resource[]]. This function outputs the Autotask.Resource that was returned by the API. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -Id 0 Returns the object with Id 0, if any. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -ResourceName SomeName Returns the object with ResourceName 'SomeName', if any. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -ResourceName 'Some Name' Returns the object with ResourceName 'Some Name', if any. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -ResourceName 'Some Name' -NotEquals ResourceName Returns any objects with a ResourceName that is NOT equal to 'Some Name', if any. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -ResourceName SomeName* -Like ResourceName Returns any object with a ResourceName that matches the simple pattern 'SomeName*'. Supported wildcards are * and %. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -ResourceName SomeName* -NotLike ResourceName Returns any object with a ResourceName that DOES NOT match the simple pattern 'SomeName*'. Supported wildcards are * and %. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -EmailTypeCode <PickList Label> Returns any Resources with property EmailTypeCode equal to the <PickList Label>. '-PickList' is any parameter on . .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -EmailTypeCode <PickList Label> -NotEquals EmailTypeCode Returns any Resources with property EmailTypeCode NOT equal to the <PickList Label>. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -EmailTypeCode <PickList Label1>, <PickList Label2> Returns any Resources with property EmailTypeCode equal to EITHER <PickList Label1> OR <PickList Label2>. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -EmailTypeCode <PickList Label1>, <PickList Label2> -NotEquals EmailTypeCode Returns any Resources with property EmailTypeCode NOT equal to NEITHER <PickList Label1> NOR <PickList Label2>. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsResource -Id 1234 -ResourceName SomeName* -EmailTypeCode <PickList Label1>, <PickList Label2> -Like ResourceName -NotEquals EmailTypeCode -GreaterThan Id An example of a more complex query. This command returns any Resources with Id GREATER THAN 1234, a ResourceName that matches the simple pattern SomeName* AND that has a EmailTypeCode that is NOT equal to NEITHER <PickList Label1> NOR <PickList Label2>. .LINK Set-AtwsResource #> [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName='Filter', ConfirmImpact='None')] Param ( # A filter that limits the number of objects that is returned from the API [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true, ParametersetName = 'Filter' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $Filter, # Follow this external ID and return any external objects [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Filter' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Alias('GetRef')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('DefaultServiceDeskRoleID')] [string] $GetReferenceEntityById, # Return entities of selected type that are referencing to this entity. [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Filter' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Alias('External')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('Account:CreatedByResourceID', 'Account:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'Account:OwnerResourceID', 'AccountNote:AssignedResourceID', 'AccountNote:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'AccountNote:ImpersonatorUpdaterResourceID', 'AccountTeam:ResourceID', 'AccountToDo:AssignedToResourceID', 'AccountToDo:CreatorResourceID', 'AccountToDo:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'AccountWebhook:OwnerResourceID', 'AccountWebhookExcludedResource:ResourceID', 'Appointment:CreatorResourceID', 'Appointment:ResourceID', 'AttachmentInfo:AttachedByResourceID', 'AttachmentInfo:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'BillingItem:AccountManagerWhenApprovedID', 'BillingItem:ItemApproverID', 'BillingItemApprovalLevel:ApprovalResourceID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionResource:ResourceID', 'ChangeOrderCost:CreatorResourceID', 'ChangeOrderCost:StatusLastModifiedBy', 'ComanagedAssociation:ResourceID', 'Contact:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'ContactWebhook:OwnerResourceID', 'ContactWebhookExcludedResource:ResourceID', 'ContractCost:CreatorResourceID', 'ContractMilestone:CreatorResourceID', 'ContractNote:CreatorResourceID', 'ContractNote:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'ContractNote:ImpersonatorUpdaterResourceID', 'ContractRoleCost:ResourceID', 'Currency:UpdateResourceId', 'ExpenseReport:ApproverID', 'ExpenseReport:SubmitterID', 'InstalledProduct:CreatedByPersonID', 'InstalledProduct:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'InstalledProduct:InstalledByID', 'InstalledProduct:LastActivityPersonID', 'InstalledProductNote:CreatorResourceID', 'InstalledProductNote:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'InstalledProductNote:ImpersonatorUpdaterResourceID', 'InventoryItem:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'InventoryLocation:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'InventoryLocation:ResourceID', 'InventoryTransfer:TransferByResourceID', 'Invoice:CreatorResourceID', 'Invoice:VoidedByResourceID', 'NotificationHistory:InitiatingResourceID', 'Opportunity:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'Opportunity:OwnerResourceID', 'Phase:CreatorResourceID', 'Product:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'Project:CompanyOwnerResourceID', 'Project:CreatorResourceID', 'Project:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'Project:LastActivityResourceID', 'Project:ProjectLeadResourceID', 'ProjectCost:CreatorResourceID', 'ProjectNote:CreatorResourceID', 'ProjectNote:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'ProjectNote:ImpersonatorUpdaterResourceID', 'PurchaseOrder:CreatorResourceID', 'PurchaseOrder:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'PurchaseOrderReceive:ReceivedByResourceID', 'Quote:ApprovalStatusChangedByResourceID', 'Quote:CreatorResourceID', 'Quote:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'Quote:LastModifiedBy', 'QuoteTemplate:CreatedBy', 'QuoteTemplate:LastActivityBy', 'ResourceRole:ResourceID', 'ResourceRoleDepartment:ResourceID', 'ResourceRoleQueue:ResourceID', 'ResourceServiceDeskRole:ResourceID', 'ResourceSkill:ResourceID', 'SalesOrder:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'SalesOrder:OwnerResourceID', 'Service:CreatorResourceID', 'Service:UpdateResourceID', 'ServiceBundle:CreatorResourceID', 'ServiceBundle:UpdateResourceID', 'ServiceCall:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'ServiceCallTaskResource:ResourceID', 'ServiceCallTicketResource:ResourceID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementResults:FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementResults:FirstResponseResourceID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementResults:ResolutionPlanResourceID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementResults:ResolutionResourceID', 'Subscription:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'Task:AssignedResourceID', 'Task:CompletedByResourceID', 'Task:CreatorResourceID', 'Task:LastActivityResourceID', 'TaskNote:CreatorResourceID', 'TaskNote:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'TaskNote:ImpersonatorUpdaterResourceID', 'TaskSecondaryResource:ResourceID', 'Ticket:AssignedResourceID', 'Ticket:CompletedByResourceID', 'Ticket:CreatorResourceID', 'Ticket:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'Ticket:LastActivityResourceID', 'TicketChangeRequestApproval:ResourceID', 'TicketChecklistItem:CompletedByResourceID', 'TicketCost:CreatorResourceID', 'TicketHistory:ResourceID', 'TicketNote:CreatorResourceID', 'TicketNote:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'TicketNote:ImpersonatorUpdaterResourceID', 'TicketSecondaryResource:ResourceID', 'TimeEntry:BillingApprovalResourceID', 'TimeEntry:ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID', 'TimeEntry:ImpersonatorUpdaterResourceID', 'TimeEntry:ResourceID')] [string] $GetExternalEntityByThisEntityId, # Return all objects in one query [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Get_all' )] [switch] $All, # Status [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Nullable[boolean][]] $Active, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateLength(0,254)] [string[]] $Email, # Add Email 1 [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,254)] [string[]] $Email2, # Add Email 2 [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,254)] [string[]] $Email3, # Email Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName EmailTypeCode -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName EmailTypeCode -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $EmailTypeCode, # Add Email 1 Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName EmailTypeCode2 -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName EmailTypeCode2 -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $EmailTypeCode2, # Add Email 2 Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName EmailTypeCode3 -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName EmailTypeCode3 -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $EmailTypeCode3, # First Name [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateLength(0,50)] [string[]] $FirstName, # Gender [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName Gender -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName Gender -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $Gender, # Greeting [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName Greeting -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName Greeting -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $Greeting, # Home Phone [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,25)] [string[]] $HomePhone, # Resource ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Nullable[long][]] $id, # Pay Roll Identifier [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,32)] [string[]] $Initials, # Last Name [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateLength(0,50)] [string[]] $LastName, # Pimary Location [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName LocationID -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName LocationID -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $LocationID, # Middle Initial [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,50)] [string[]] $MiddleName, # Mobile Phone [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,25)] [string[]] $MobilePhone, # Office Extension [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,10)] [string[]] $OfficeExtension, # Office Phone [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,25)] [string[]] $OfficePhone, # Resource Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName ResourceType -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName ResourceType -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $ResourceType, # Suffix [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName Suffix -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName Suffix -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $Suffix, # Title [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,50)] [string[]] $Title, # Travel Availability Pct [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName TravelAvailabilityPct -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName TravelAvailabilityPct -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $TravelAvailabilityPct, # UserName [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateLength(0,32)] [string[]] $UserName, # User Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName UserType -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName UserType -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $UserType, # Date Format [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName DateFormat -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName DateFormat -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $DateFormat, # Time Format [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName TimeFormat -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName TimeFormat -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $TimeFormat, # Payroll Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName PayrollType -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName PayrollType -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $PayrollType, # Number Format [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName NumberFormat -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName NumberFormat -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $NumberFormat, # Accounting Reference ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateLength(0,100)] [string[]] $AccountingReferenceID, # Interal Cost [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Nullable[double][]] $InternalCost, # Hire Date [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Nullable[datetime][]] $HireDate, # Survey Resource Rating [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Nullable[double][]] $SurveyResourceRating, # License Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Cmd, $Param, $Word, $Ast, $FakeBound) Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName LicenseType -Label })] [ValidateScript({ $set = Get-AtwsPicklistValue -Entity Resource -FieldName LicenseType -Label if ($_ -in $set) { return $true} else { Write-Warning ('{0} is not one of {1}' -f $_, ($set -join ', ')) Return $false } })] [string[]] $LicenseType, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Active', 'Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'Greeting', 'HomePhone', 'id', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'LocationID', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'UserType', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'PayrollType', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID', 'InternalCost', 'HireDate', 'SurveyResourceRating', 'LicenseType')] [string[]] $NotEquals, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Active', 'Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'Greeting', 'HomePhone', 'id', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'LocationID', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'UserType', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'PayrollType', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID', 'InternalCost', 'HireDate', 'SurveyResourceRating', 'LicenseType')] [string[]] $IsNull, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Active', 'Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'Greeting', 'HomePhone', 'id', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'LocationID', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'UserType', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'PayrollType', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID', 'InternalCost', 'HireDate', 'SurveyResourceRating', 'LicenseType')] [string[]] $IsNotNull, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'Greeting', 'HomePhone', 'id', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'LocationID', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'UserType', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'PayrollType', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID', 'InternalCost', 'HireDate', 'SurveyResourceRating', 'LicenseType')] [string[]] $GreaterThan, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'Greeting', 'HomePhone', 'id', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'LocationID', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'UserType', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'PayrollType', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID', 'InternalCost', 'HireDate', 'SurveyResourceRating', 'LicenseType')] [string[]] $GreaterThanOrEquals, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'Greeting', 'HomePhone', 'id', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'LocationID', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'UserType', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'PayrollType', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID', 'InternalCost', 'HireDate', 'SurveyResourceRating', 'LicenseType')] [string[]] $LessThan, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'Greeting', 'HomePhone', 'id', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'LocationID', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'UserType', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'PayrollType', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID', 'InternalCost', 'HireDate', 'SurveyResourceRating', 'LicenseType')] [string[]] $LessThanOrEquals, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'HomePhone', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID')] [string[]] $Like, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'HomePhone', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID')] [string[]] $NotLike, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'HomePhone', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID')] [string[]] $BeginsWith, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'HomePhone', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID')] [string[]] $EndsWith, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('Email', 'Email2', 'Email3', 'EmailTypeCode', 'EmailTypeCode2', 'EmailTypeCode3', 'FirstName', 'Gender', 'HomePhone', 'Initials', 'LastName', 'MiddleName', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficeExtension', 'OfficePhone', 'ResourceType', 'Suffix', 'Title', 'TravelAvailabilityPct', 'UserName', 'DateFormat', 'TimeFormat', 'NumberFormat', 'AccountingReferenceID')] [string[]] $Contains, [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [ValidateSet('HireDate')] [string[]] $IsThisDay ) begin { $entityName = 'Resource' # Enable modern -Debug behavior if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' } else { # Respect configured preference $DebugPreference = $Script:Atws.Configuration.DebugPref } Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) if (!($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'].IsPresent)) { # No local override of central preference. Load central preference $VerbosePreference = $Script:Atws.Configuration.VerbosePref } } process { # Parameterset Get_All has a single parameter: -All # Set the Filter manually to get every single object of this type if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Get_all') { $Filter = @('id', '-ge', 0) } # So it is not -All. If Filter does not exist it has to be By_parameters elseif (-not ($Filter)) { Write-Debug ('{0}: Query based on parameters, parsing' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) # Convert named parameters to a filter definition that can be parsed to QueryXML [string[]]$Filter = ConvertTo-AtwsFilter -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -EntityName $entityName } # Not parameters, nor Get_all. There are only three parameter sets, so now we know # that we were passed a Filter else { Write-Debug ('{0}: Query based on manual filter, parsing' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) # Parse the filter string and expand variables in _this_ scope (dot-sourcing) # or the variables will not be available and expansion will fail $Filter = . Update-AtwsFilter -Filterstring $Filter } # Prepare shouldProcess comments $caption = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $verboseDescription = '{0}: About to query the Autotask Web API for {1}(s).' -F $caption, $entityName $verboseWarning = '{0}: About to query the Autotask Web API for {1}(s). Do you want to continue?' -F $caption, $entityName # Lets do it and say we didn't! if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($verboseDescription, $verboseWarning, $caption)) { # Make the query and pass the optional parameters to Get-AtwsData $result = Get-AtwsData -Entity $entityName -Filter $Filter ` -NoPickListLabel:$NoPickListLabel.IsPresent ` -GetReferenceEntityById $GetReferenceEntityById ` -GetExternalEntityByThisEntityId $GetExternalEntityByThisEntityId Write-Verbose ('{0}: Number of entities returned by base query: {1}' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $result.Count) } } end { Write-Debug ('{0}: End of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) if ($result) { Return $result } } } |