<# .COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) ECIT Solutions AS. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. See for license information. #> Function Get-AtwsPSParameter { <# .SYNOPSIS This function creates a Powershell parameter definition as text. .DESCRIPTION Based on parameter values this function creates Powershell code as text that can be converted to a scriptblock and executed. .INPUTS Multiple parameters representing the various parameter options. .OUTPUTS Text .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsPSParameter -Name 'Filter' -SetName 'Filter' -Type 'string' -Mandatory -Remaining -NotNull -Array -Comment $Comment Returns as text: # <value of $comment> [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true, ParametersetName = 'Filter' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $Filter .NOTES NAME: Get-AtwsPSParameter .LINK #> [CmdLetBinding()] [Outputtype([string])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, [string[]]$Alias, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$type, [switch]$Mandatory, [Alias('Remaining')] [switch]$ValueFromRemainingArguments, [Alias('setName')] [string[]]$ParametersetName, [Alias('Pipeline')] [switch]$valueFromPipeline, [Alias('NotNull')] [switch]$ValidateNotNullOrEmpty, [string[]]$ValidateSet, [Alias('Length')] [int]$ValidateLength, [string]$Comment, [switch]$Array, [switch]$nullable ) begin { Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) if ($Comment) { [string]$text = "# {0}`n" -F $Comment } else { [string]$text = '' } } process { foreach ($setName in $parametersetName) { # Make an array of properties that goes inside the Parameter clause $paramProperties = @() # Hardcoded filter against requiring parameters for 'Input_Object' if ($Mandatory.IsPresent -and $setName -in 'By_parameters', 'Filter') { $paramProperties += " Mandatory = `$true" } if ($valueFromRemainingArguments.IsPresent) { $paramProperties += " ValueFromRemainingArguments = `$true" } if ($parametersetName) { $paramProperties += " ParametersetName = '$setName'" } if ($valueFromPipeline.IsPresent) { $paramProperties += " ValueFromPipeline = `$true" } # Create the [Parameter()] clause if ($paramProperties.Count -gt 0) { $text += " [Parameter(`n" $text += $paramProperties -join ",`n" $text += "`n )]`n" } } # Add any aliases if ($Alias.Count -gt 0) { $text += " [Alias('{0}')]`n" -F $($Alias -join "','") } # Add validate not null if present if ($ValidateNotNullOrEmpty.IsPresent) { $text += " [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]`n" } # Add validate length if present if ($ValidateLength -gt 0) { $text += " [ValidateLength(0,$ValidateLength)]`n" } # Add Validateset if present if ($ValidateSet.Count -gt 0) { # Fix quote characters for labels $labels = foreach ($Label in $ValidateSet) { if ($Label -match ("['{0}]" -F [Char]8217)) { '"{0}"' -F $Label } else { "'{0}'" -F $Label } } $text += " [ValidateSet($($labels -join ', '))]`n" } # Add the correct variable type for the parameter $type = switch ($type) { 'Integer' { 'Int' } 'Short' { 'Int16' } default { $type } } if ($nullable.IsPresent) { $type = "Nullable[$type]" } $text += " [$type" if ($Array.IsPresent) { $text += '[]' } $text += "]`n` `$$Name" } end { Return $text } } |