
Function Get-AtwsPSParameter {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]









    If ($Comment)
    { [String]$Text = '# {0}' -F $Comment }
    { [String]$Text = '' }
    Foreach ($SetName in $ParameterSetName) { 
        # Make an array of properties that goes inside the Parameter clause
        $ParamProperties = @()
        If ($Mandatory.IsPresent) {
            $ParamProperties += " Mandatory = `$true"  
        If ($ValueFromRemainingArguments.IsPresent) {
            $ParamProperties += " ValueFromRemainingArguments = `$true" 
        If ($ParameterSetName) {
            $ParamProperties += " ParameterSetName = '$SetName'" 
        If ($ValueFromPipeline.IsPresent) {
            $ParamProperties += " ValueFromPipeline = `$true" 

        # Create the [Parameter()] clause
        If ($ParamProperties.Count -gt 0) {
            $Text += " [Parameter(`n"
            $Text += $ParamProperties -join ",`n"
            $Text += "`n )]`n"
    # Add any aliases
    If ($Alias.Count -gt 0) {
        $Text += " [Alias('{0}')]`n" -F $($Alias -join "','")
    # Add validate not null if present
    If ($ValidateNotNullOrEmpty.IsPresent) {
        $Text += " [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]`n" 

    # Add validate length if present
    If ($ValidateLength -gt 0) {
        $Text += " [ValidateLength(1,$ValidateLength)]`n" 
    # Add Validateset if present
    If ($ValidateSet.Count -gt 0) { 
        # Fix quote characters for labels
        $Labels = Foreach ($Label in  $ValidateSet) {
            If ($Label -match ("['{0}]" -F [Char]8217)) {
                '"{0}"' -F $Label
            Else {
                "'{0}'" -F $Label
        $Text += " [ValidateSet($($Labels -join ', '))]`n" 

    # Add the correct variable type for the parameter
    $Text += " [$Type"
    If ($Array.IsPresent) {
        $Text += '[]'
    $Text += "]`n` `$$Name"
    Return $Text