@{ RootModule = 'AutopilotPartner.psm1' ModuleVersion = '1.1.0' GUID = 'faa0d447-edd6-4d68-b449-3fc437fb21f9' Author = 'Onslivion' Description = 'A module designed to import devices to Intune / Autopilot (directly) using Microsoft Partner delegation.' FunctionsToExport = @('Import-Autopilot') RequiredModules = @( 'WindowsAutoPilotIntune', 'PartnerCenter' ) PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ ProjectUri = "" Tags = @('Intune','Autopilot','Windows','PSEdition_Desktop','CSP','Partner') ReleaseNotes = @' Version 1.1.0: Added color to customer selection menu and improved error handling/reporting. Version 1.0.5: Corrected soak timer and adjusted final progress bar Version 1.0.4: Adjusted import progress bar, retweaked PartnerCenter connection exception handling Version 1.0.3: fixed some semantics errors and fixed PartnerCenter connection exception handling Version 1.0.2: Correct semantics error on JSON conversion Version 1.0.1: Allows settings.json to contain non-standard comments (double slash comments) Version 1.0.0: Initial release '@ } } } |