function Get-ItemMetaData { [CmdletBinding()] Param() DynamicParam { # Get Current Folder Metadata $MetaDataMap = $Global:PS_Media_MetaDataMap # Instantiate Runtime Parameter Dictionary, Attach Runtime Parameters, and return $RuntimeParameterDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add('Path', (New-StaticParameter -ParamName 'Path' -ValueType string[] -Mandatory $true -ValueFromPipeLine $true)) $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add('ExcludeEmptyProperties', (New-StaticParameter -ParamName 'ExcludeEmptyProperties' -ValueType bool -Mandatory $false -DefaultValue $false)) $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add('Properties', (New-DynamicParameter -ParamName 'Properties' -ValueType string[] -Dataset @($MetaDataMap.Keys+"*") -Mandatory $false -DefaultValue "*")) return $RuntimeParameterDictionary } Begin { # Convert Runtime Parameter Dictionary into Available Constants Initialize-DynamicParameters -DynamicDictionary $RuntimeParameterDictionary $oShell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application if($Properties -contains '*'){$Properties = [array]($MetaDataMap.keys)} } Process { Foreach ($sPath in $Path) { $PathTest = Test-Path -Path $sPath -PathType Leaf if($PathTest) { # Get Item $FileItem = Get-Item -Path $sPath # Get Folder and Item Data using the Instantiated Shell Application $oFolder = $oShell.Namespace($FileItem.DirectoryName) $oItem = $oFolder.ParseName($FileItem.Name) # Build an array of the file properties $FilePropHash = [ordered]@{} Foreach ($Property in $Properties) { $PropNums = [array]($MetaDataMap.$Property) $PropVals = Foreach ($Propnum in $PropNums) { $Detail = $oFolder.GetDetailsOf($oItem, $PropNum) if(($Detail -notlike "") -or ($ExcludeEmptyProperties -eq $false)){$Detail} } if(($PropVals -notlike "") -or ($ExcludeEmptyProperties -eq $false)){$FilePropHash.Add($Property,$PropVals)} } $FileObject = [PSCustomObject]($FilePropHash) $FileObject } } } End {$oShell = $null} } |