Function Get-MD4Hash { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Byte Array to Hash [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False)] [Byte[]] $DataToHash ) END { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class BCrypt { [DllImport("bcrypt.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern NTStatus BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider( [Out] out IntPtr phAlgorithm, [In] string pszAlgId, [In, Optional] string pszImplementation, [In] UInt32 dwFlags); [DllImport("bcrypt.dll")] public static extern NTStatus BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider( [In, Out] IntPtr hAlgorithm, [In] UInt32 dwFlags); [DllImport("bcrypt.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern NTStatus BCryptCreateHash( [In, Out] IntPtr hAlgorithm, [Out] out IntPtr phHash, [Out] IntPtr pbHashObject, [In, Optional] UInt32 cbHashObject, [In, Optional] IntPtr pbSecret, [In] UInt32 cbSecret, [In] UInt32 dwFlags); [DllImport("bcrypt.dll")] public static extern NTStatus BCryptDestroyHash( [In, Out] IntPtr hHash); [DllImport("bcrypt.dll")] public static extern NTStatus BCryptHashData( [In, Out] IntPtr hHash, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pbInput, [In] int cbInput, [In] UInt32 dwFlags); [DllImport("bcrypt.dll")] public static extern NTStatus BCryptFinishHash( [In, Out] IntPtr hHash, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pbInput, [In] int cbInput, [In] UInt32 dwFlags); [Flags] public enum AlgOpsFlags : uint { BCRYPT_PROV_DISPATCH = 0x00000001, BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE_HMAC_FLAG = 0x00000008, BCRYPT_HASH_REUSABLE_FLAG = 0x00000020 } // This is a gigantic enum and I don't want to copy all of it into this Powershell script. // Basically anything other than zero means something went wrong. public enum NTStatus : uint { STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x00000000 } } '@ [Byte[]]$HashBytes = New-Object Byte[] 16 [IntPtr]$PHAlgorithm = [IntPtr]::Zero [IntPtr]$PHHash = [IntPtr]::Zero $NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider([Ref] $PHAlgorithm, 'MD4', $Null, 0) If ($NTStatus -NE 0) { Write-Error "BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider failed with NTSTATUS $NTStatus" If ($PHAlgorithm -NE [IntPtr]::Zero) {$NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider($PHAlgorithm, 0)} Return } $NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptCreateHash($PHAlgorithm, [Ref] $PHHash, [IntPtr]::Zero, 0, [IntPtr]::Zero, 0, 0) If ($NTStatus -NE 0) { Write-Error "BCryptCreateHash failed with NTSTATUS $NTStatus" If ($PHHash -NE [IntPtr]::Zero) {$NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptDestroyHash($PHHash)} If ($PHAlgorithm -NE [IntPtr]::Zero) {$NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider($PHAlgorithm, 0)} Return } $NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptHashData($PHHash, $DataToHash, $DataToHash.Length, 0) $NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptFinishHash($PHHash, $HashBytes, $HashBytes.Length, 0) If ($PHHash -NE [IntPtr]::Zero) {$NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptDestroyHash($PHHash)} If ($PHAlgorithm -NE [IntPtr]::Zero) {$NTStatus = [BCrypt]::BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider($PHAlgorithm, 0)} $HashString = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder Foreach ($Byte In $HashBytes) {[Void]$HashString.Append($Byte.ToString("X2"))} Return $HashString.ToString() } } |