
        Fetches credentials stored by the Set-CredentialsLocallStored function.
        Defaults to "$($env:USERPROFILE)\AutomateAPI\" to fetch credentials
    .PARAMETER Automate
        When specified, fetches credentials from disk and loads them into the variables necessary for Automate related cmdlets to function
    .PARAMETER Control
        When specified, fetches credentials from disk and loads them into the variables necessary for Control related cmdlets to function
        When specified, fetches credentials from disk and loads them into the variables necessary for Automate and Control related cmdlets to function
    .PARAMETER CredentialPath
        Overrides default credential file path
    .PARAMETER CredentialDirectory
        Overrides default credential folder path
        Import-Module AutomateAPI
                Get-CredentialsLocallyStored -All
                $Connected = $true
                    Set-CredentialsLocallyStored -All
                    $Connected = $true
        Get-AutomateComputer -ComputerID 171 | Get-AutomateControlInfo | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command { "Hello World" } -PowerShell
        Does not return a credential object!
        You do not need to run Connect-AutomateAPI or Connect-ControlAPI, this method calls those methods to validate the credentials
        To prevent reconnection each time, you will want to store the connection state yourself as shown in the above example

function Get-CredentialsLocallyStored {
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Automate')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Control')]


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom',Mandatory=$True)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Automate')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Control')]    
        [string]$CredentialDirectory = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\AutomateAPI\"


    If ($All) {
        $Automate = $True
        $Control = $True

    If ($Automate) {
        $CredentialPath = "$($CredentialDirectory)\Automate - Credentials.txt"
        If (-not (Test-Path $CredentialPath -EA 0)) {
            Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Automate Credentials not found at $($CredentialPath)"
        $StoreBlock = Get-Content $CredentialPath | ConvertFrom-Json
        Foreach ($SaveVar in $StoreBlock.psobject.Properties) {
            Write-Debug "Restoring $($SaveVar.Name)"
            If ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Credential') {
                Try {
                    $Null = Set-Variable -Name $SaveVar.Name -Scope Script -Value $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Username), $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Password)))
                } Catch {
                    Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored password is invalid."
            } ElseIf ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Key') {
                Try {
                    $Null = Set-Variable -Name $SaveVar.Name -Scope Script -Value $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name)))
                } Catch {
                    Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored secure value is invalid."
            } Else {
                $Null = Set-Variable -Name $SaveVar.Name -Scope Script -Value $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name))
        If ($Script:CWATokenKey -and $Script:CWATokenKey.GetType() -match 'SecureString') {
            $AuthorizationToken = $([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Script:CWATokenKey)))
            $AutomateToken = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
            $AutomateToken.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $AuthorizationToken")
            $Script:CWAToken = $AutomateToken
        If (!(Connect-AutomateAPI -Verify -Quiet -ErrorAction 0)) {
            Write-Warning "Automate Credentials failed to successfully validate. Call Connect-AutomateAPI to establish a valid session."

    If ($Control) {
        $CredentialPath = "$($CredentialDirectory)\Control - Credentials.txt"
        If (-not (Test-Path $CredentialPath -EA 0)) {
            Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Control Credentials not found at $($CredentialPath)"
        $StoreBlock = Get-Content $CredentialPath | ConvertFrom-Json
        Foreach ($SaveVar in $StoreBlock.psobject.Properties) {
            Write-Debug "Restoring $($SaveVar.Name)"
            If ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Credential') {
                Try {
                    $Null = Set-Variable -Name $SaveVar.Name -Scope Script -Value $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Username), $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Password)))
                } Catch {
                    Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored password is invalid."
            } ElseIf ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Key') {
                Try {
                    $Null = Set-Variable -Name $SaveVar.Name -Scope Script -Value $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name)))
                } Catch {
                    Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored secure value is invalid."
            } Else {
                $Null = Set-Variable -Name $SaveVar.Name -Scope Script -Value $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name))
        If (!(Connect-ControlAPI -Verify -Quiet -ErrorAction 0)) {
            Write-Warning "Control Credentials failed to successfully validate. Call Connect-ControlAPI to establish a valid session."

    If ($Custom) {
        If (-not (Test-Path "$($CredentialPath)")) {
            Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Credentials not found at $($CredentialPath)"
        $StoreBlock = Get-Content $CredentialPath | ConvertFrom-Json

        Try {
            $CustomCredentialObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($StoreBlock.CustomCredentials.Username), $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.CustomCredentials.Password))
        } Catch {
            Write-Warning "Failed to restore CustomCredential from $($CredentialPath). The stored password is invalid."
        Return $CustomCredentialObject
