function Connect-ControlAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds credentials required to connect to the Control API .DESCRIPTION Creates a Control hashtable in memory containing the server and username/password so that it can be used in other functions that connect to ConnectWise Control. Unfortunately the Control API does not support 2FA. .PARAMETER Server The address to your Control Server. Example '' .PARAMETER Credential Takes a standard powershell credential object, this can be built with $CredentialsToPass = Get-Credential, then pass $CredentialsToPass .PARAMETER APIKey Automate APIKey for Control Extension .PARAMETER Verify Attempt to verify Cached API key or Credentials. Invalid results will be removed. .PARAMETER Quiet Will not output any standard logging messages. Function will returns True or False. .PARAMETER SkipCheck Used to set Server URL and Credentials without testing. .OUTPUTS Sets script variables with Server URL and Credentials or ApiKey. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Gavin Stone Creation Date: 2019-01-20 Purpose/Change: Initial script development Version: 1.1 Author: Gavin Stone Creation Date: 2019-06-22 Purpose/Change: The previous function was far too complex. No-one could debug it and a lot of it was unnecessary. I have greatly simplified it. Version: 1.2 Author: Darren White Creation Date: 2019-06-24 Purpose/Change: Added support for APIKey authentication. The new function was not complex enough. Version: 1.2.1 Author: Darren White Creation Date: 2020-12-01 Purpose/Change: Added origin to standard header Version: 1.2.2 Author: Darren White Creation Date: 2021-01-12 Purpose/Change: Support custom Server URI path Reference: Version: 1.2.3 Author: Darren White Creation Date: 2021-01-19 Purpose/Change: Regex Fix .EXAMPLE All values will be prompted for one by one: Connect-ControlAPI All values needed to Automatically create appropriate output Connect-ControlAPI -Server "" -Credential $CredentialsToPass #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'credential')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'credential', Mandatory = $false)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'credential', Mandatory = $False)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'apikey', Mandatory = $False)] [String]$Server = $Script:ControlServer, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'apikey', Mandatory = $False)] $APIKey = ([SecureString]$Script:ControlAPIKey), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'verify', Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$Verify, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'credential', Mandatory = $False)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'apikey', Mandatory = $False)] [Switch]$SkipCheck, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Quiet ) Begin { # If Quiet has been set, then do not prompt for the URL If (!$Quiet) { While (!($Server -match '.+')) { $Server = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your Control Server address, the full URL. IE" } } $AuthorizationResult=$Null $Script:CWCIsConnected = $False $Server = $Server -replace ':(?<=^https:[^:]+:)443(?!\d)|:(?<=^http:[^:]+:)80(?!\d)|/$', '' #Cleanup URL, remove port specification for standard port values $testCWCHeaders = @{'Origin'=$Server -replace '/(?<=://.+).*$',''} If ($Script:CWAClientID) {$testCWCHeaders.Add('ClientID',$Script:CWAClientID)} } Process { # This indicates an error state because the server is not in a valid format. Triggering will immediately throw an error If (!($Server -match 'https?://[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-]*(:[1-9][0-9]*)?(\/[a-z0-9\._\-\/]*)?$')) {$Server=$Null; throw "Control Server address ($Server) is in invalid format."; return} If (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'apikey' -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'verify') -and $Null -ne $APIKey) { # Authenticating with an APIKey # Clear the ControlAPICredentials variable Remove-Variable ControlAPICredentials -Scope Script -ErrorAction 0 If ($APIKey.GetType() -notmatch 'SecureString') { # If the key was passed as plaintext, convert to Secure String [SecureString]$APIKey = ConvertTo-SecureString $APIKey -AsPlainText -Force } If ($SkipCheck) { # Skip check is used in the parallel jobs so that when Connect-ControlAPI is called in a parallel job it doesn't test the credential each time Return # Bypass "Processing", execution resumes in the End {} Block. } Else { # Watch for time offset problems Try { $SvrCheck = Invoke-WebRequest $Server -Headers $testCWCHeaders -Method Head -UseBasicParsing $SvrOffset=New-TimeSpan -Start $(Get-Date ($SvrCheck.Headers.Date)) Write-Debug "Server Time $($SvrCheck.Headers.Date) is $([Math]::Truncate($SvrOffset.TotalSeconds)) seconds offset from local clock" If ([Math]::ABS($SvrOffset.TotalMinutes) -gt 30) { Write-Warning "Server time offset is greater than 30 minutes. Authentication failures may occur." } } Catch {} } # Clear the ControlAPIKey variable Remove-Variable ControlAPIKey -Scope Script -ErrorAction 0 # Retrieve Control Instance ID to verify APIKey $RESTRequest = @{ 'Method' = 'GET' 'Headers' = $testCWCHeaders 'URI' = "$($Server)/App_Extensions/${Script:CWCExtensionID}/Service.ashx/GetServerVersion" } $RESTRequest.Headers.Add('CWAIKToken',(Get-CWAIKToken -APIKey $APIKey)) Write-Debug "Submitting Request to $($RESTRequest.URI)" Try { $AuthorizationResult = Invoke-RestMethod @RESTRequest } Catch { Write-Debug "Result: $($AuthorizationResult | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress)" Throw "Attempt to authenticate the Control API Key has failed with error $_.Exception.Message" } } Else { # Authenticating with Credentials. # Clear the ControlAPIKey variable Remove-Variable ControlAPIKey -Scope Script -ErrorAction 0 $testCredential=$Credential If (!$Quiet) { If (!$testCredential -and !$Script:ControlAPICredentials -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'verify') { # If we have not been given credentials, lets ask for them $Username = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your Control Username" $Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your Control Password" -AsSecureString $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $Password) $testCredential=$Credential } If ($TwoFactorNeeded -eq $True -and $TwoFactorToken -match '') { #Just putting this framework here. 2FA is not currently supported. $TwoFactorToken = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your 2FA Token" } } If (!$testCredential -and $Script:ControlAPICredentials) { $testCredential = $Script:ControlAPICredentials } # Clear the ControlAPICredentials variable Remove-Variable ControlAPICredentials -Scope Script -ErrorAction 0 If ($SkipCheck) { # Skip check is used in the parallel jobs so that when Connect-ControlAPI is called in a parallel job it doesn't test the credential each time Return # Bypass "Processing", execution resumes in the End {} Block. } # Now we will test the credentials # Build up the REST request that we will use to test with $RESTRequest = @{ 'URI' = "$($Server)/App_Extensions/${Script:CWCExtensionID}/Service.ashx/GetServerVersion" 'Headers' = $testCWCHeaders 'Method' = 'GET' 'ContentType' = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' 'Credential' = $testCredential } # Invoke the REST Request Write-Debug "Submitting Request to $($RESTRequest.URI)`nHeaders:`n$($RESTRequest.Headers|ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 5)`nBody:`n$($RESTRequest.Body|ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 5)" Try { $AuthorizationResult = Invoke-RestMethod @RESTRequest } Catch { Write-Debug "Request Results: $($AuthorizationResult|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress -EA 0)" If ($Credential) { Remove-Variable ControlAPICredentials -Scope Script -ErrorAction 0 Throw "Attempt to authenticate to the Control server has failed with error $($_.Exception.Message|Out-String)" Return } } } } End { If ($SkipCheck -and (!$Server -or ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'apikey' -and ($Null -eq $APIKey)) -or ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'credential' -and ($Null -eq $testCredential)))) { # If Skipping Checks, validate required information exists and throw error if missing. Throw "SkipCheck failed because the Server, APIKey, or Credentials were not provided." If ($Quiet) { Return $False } Else { Return } } ElseIf ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AuthorizationResult) -and !$SkipCheck) { # If there was no authorization result then throw an error Throw "Unable to successfully authenticate. Either the credentials or APIKey provided are incorrect." If ($Quiet) { Return $False } Else { Return } } Else { If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'credential' -or $testCredential) { # Set the credentials at the script level $Script:ControlAPICredentials = $testCredential } ElseIf ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'apikey' -or $APIKey) { $Script:ControlAPIKey = $APIKey } Else { Throw "Error - No parameter set was recognized." } $Script:ControlServer = $Server $Script:CWCHeaders = $testCWCHeaders $Script:CWCIsConnected = $True If (!$Quiet) { If (!$SkipCheck) { Try { $CWCExtension = Invoke-ControlAPIMaster -Arguments @{'URI' = "ReplicaService.ashx/ExtensionGetExtensionInfos"} | Where-Object {$_.ExtensionID -eq $Script:CWCExtensionID} Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Control Extension version $($CWCExtension.Version) enabled: $($CWCExtension.IsEnabled)" } Catch {Write-Warning "Failed to obtain extension information."} Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Server version is $($AuthorizationResult)." Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Successfully tested and connected to the Control API." } Else { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Successfully stored Control Server parameters" } } Else { Return $True } } } } |