
function Invoke-AutomateAPIMaster {
        Internal function used to make API calls
        Internal function used to make API calls
    .PARAMETER Arguments
        Required parameters for the API call
        The returned results from the API call
        Version: 1.1.0
        Author: Darren White
        Creation Date: 2020-07-03
        Purpose/Change: Initial script development

        Update Date: 2020-08-01
        Purpose/Change: Change to use CWAIsConnected script variable to track connection state
        Update Date: 2020-11-19
        Author: Brandon Fahnestock
        Purpose/Change: ConnectWise Automate v2020.11 requires a registered ClientID for API access. Added Support for ClientIDs
        Invoke-AutomateAPIMaster -Arguments $Arguments

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [int]$MaxRetry = 5
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Check that we have cached connection info
        If (!$Script:CWAIsConnected) {
            $ErrorMessage = @()
            $ErrorMessage += "Not connected to an Automate server."
            $ErrorMessage += $_.ScriptStackTrace
            $ErrorMessage += ''
            $ErrorMessage += "----> Run 'Connect-AutomateAPI' to initialize the connection before issuing other AutomateAPI commandlets."
            Write-Error ($ErrorMessage | Out-String)
        # Add default set of arguments
        $Arguments.Item('UseBasicParsing') = $Null
        If (!$Arguments.Headers) { $Arguments.Headers = @{} }
        Foreach ($Key in $script:CWAToken.Keys) {
            If ($Arguments.Headers.Keys -notcontains $Key) {
                $Arguments.Headers += @{$Key = $script:CWAToken.$Key }
        # if(!$Arguments.SessionVariable){ $Arguments.WebSession = $global:CWMServerConnection.Session }

        # Check URI format
        If ($Arguments.URI -notlike '*`?*' -and $Arguments.URI -like '*`&*') {
            $Arguments.URI = $Arguments.URI -replace '(.*?)&(.*)', '$1?$2'

        If ($Arguments.URI -notmatch '^https?://') {
            $Arguments.URI = ($Script:CWAServer + $Arguments.URI)
        #Add required CWA ClientID to API request
        If ($Arguments.Headers.Keys -notcontains 'clientID' -and $Script:CWAClientID -match '.+') {
            $Arguments.Headers += @{'clientID' = "$Script:CWAClientID" }

        # Issue request
        Try {
            Write-Debug "Calling AutomateAPI with the following arguments:`n$(($Arguments|Out-String -Stream) -join "`n")"
            $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
            $Result = Invoke-WebRequest @Arguments
        Catch {
            If ($_.Exception.Response) {
                if ($psversiontable.psversion.major -lt 6) {
                    # Read exception response
                    $ErrorStream = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                    $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($ErrorStream)
                    $global:ErrBody = $Reader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json

                    # Start error message
                    $ErrorMessage = @()

                    if ($errBody.code) {
                        $ErrorMessage += "An exception has been thrown."
                        $ErrorMessage += $_.ScriptStackTrace
                        $ErrorMessage += ''    
                        $ErrorMessage += "--> $($ErrBody.code)"
                        if ($errBody.code -eq 'Unauthorized') {
                            $ErrorMessage += "-----> $($ErrBody.message)"
                            $ErrorMessage += "-----> Use 'Connect-AutomateAPI' to set new authentication."
                        else {
                            $ErrorMessage += "-----> $($ErrBody.message)"
                            $ErrorMessage += "-----> ^ Error has not been documented please report. ^"

                if ($_.ErrorDetails) {
                    $ErrorMessage += "An error has been thrown."
                    $ErrorMessage += $_.ScriptStackTrace
                    $ErrorMessage += ''
                    $global:errDetails = $_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json
                    $ErrorMessage += "--> $($errDetails.code)"
                    $ErrorMessage += "--> $($errDetails.message)"
                    if ($errDetails.errors.message) {
                        $ErrorMessage += "-----> $($errDetails.errors.message)"
                Write-Error ($ErrorMessage | out-string)

        # Not sure this will be hit with current iwr error handling
        # May need to move to catch block need to find test
        # TODO Find test for retry
        # Retry the request
        $Retry = 0
        while ($Retry -lt $MaxRetry -and $Result.StatusCode -eq 500) {
            $Wait = $([math]::pow( 2, $Retry))
            Write-Warning "Issue with request, status: $($Result.StatusCode) $($Result.StatusDescription)"
            Write-Warning "$($Retry)/$($MaxRetry) retries, waiting $($Wait)ms."
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Wait
            $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
            $Result = Invoke-WebRequest @Arguments
        If ($Retry -ge $MaxRetry -and $Result.StatusCode -eq 500) {
            $Script:CWAIsConnected = $False
            Write-Error "Max retries hit. Status: $($Result.StatusCode) $($Result.StatusDescription)"
    End {
        Return $Result