function Repair-AutomateAgent { <# .Synopsis Takes changed detected in Compare-AutomateControlStatus and performs a specified repair on them .DESCRIPTION Takes changed detected in Compare-AutomateControlStatus and performs a specified repair on them .PARAMETER Action Takes either Update, Restart, Reinstall or Check .PARAMETER BatchSize When multiple jobs are run, they run in Parallel. Batch size determines how many jobs can run at once. Default is 10 .PARAMETER LTPoShURI If you do not wish to use the LT Posh module on GitHub you can use your own link to the LTPosh Module with this parameter .PARAMETER AutomateControlStatusObject Object taken from the Pipeline from Compare-AutomateControlStatus .EXAMPLE Get-AutomateComputer -Online $False | Compare-AutomateControlStatus | Repair-AutomateAgent -Action Check .EXAMPLE Get-AutomateComputer -Online $False | Compare-AutomateControlStatus | Repair-AutomateAgent -Action Restart .INPUTS Compare-AutomateControlStatus Object .OUTPUTS Object containing result of job(s) #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( [ValidateSet('Update','Restart','ReInstall','Check')] [String]$Action = 'Check', [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [ValidateRange(1,50)] [int] $BatchSize = 10, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [String]$LTPoShURI = $Script:LTPoShURI, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] $AutomateControlStatusObject ) Begin { $RepairProperty='RepairResult' $ObjectCapture = {}.Invoke() } Process { Foreach ($igu in $AutomateControlStatusObject) { If ($igu.ComputerID -and $igu.SessionID -and $igu.SessionID -match '^[a-z0-9]{8}(?:-[a-z0-9]{4}){3}-[a-z0-9]{12}' -and !($Action -eq 'Reinstall' -and !($igu.Location.ID -gt 0))) { $Null = $ObjectCapture.Add($igu) } Else { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "An object was passed that is missing a required property (ComputerID, SessionID)" } } } End { If ($ObjectCapture) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Starting fixes" If ($Action -eq 'Check') { $ServiceResults = $( $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Powershell -Command @" Try { (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('$($LTPoShURI)') | iex Get-LTServiceInfo } Catch { 'Error getting service settings. Checking LTErrors.txt' Get-Content "`${env:windir}\ltsvc\lterrors.txt" | Select-Object -Last 100 } "@ -TimeOut 60000 -MaxLength 102400 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command @' [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/state ]&&(echo '{' echo '"state": '; cat /usr/local/ltechagent/state 2>/dev/null [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/agent_config ]&&(cat /usr/local/ltechagent/agent_config | awk 'BEGIN { print ",\"agent_config\": \{"}; { row[NR]= "\"" $1 "\": \"" $2 "\"" }; END { for (i = 1; i < NR; i++) { print row[i] ","}; print row[NR] "\n\}" }') [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/agent.log ]&&(tail -n 100 /usr/local/ltechagent/agent.log | awk 'BEGIN { print ",\"lterrors\": \["}; { gsub ("[\\\\]","\\\\"); gsub ("[\\\"]","\\\""); gsub ("[\\\/]","\\\/"); gsub ("[\\b]","\\b"); gsub ("[\\f]","\\f"); gsub ("[\\t]","\\t"); row[NR]=$0 }; END { for (i = 1; i < NR; i++) { print "\"" row[i] "\","}; print "\"" row[NR] "\"\n\]" }') echo '}' ) '@.Replace("`r",'') -TimeOut 60000 -MaxLength 102400 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command @' [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/state ]&&(echo '{' echo '"state": '; cat /usr/local/ltechagent/state 2>/dev/null [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/agent_config ]&&(cat /usr/local/ltechagent/agent_config | awk 'BEGIN { print ",\"agent_config\": \{"}; { row[NR]= "\"" $1 "\": \"" $2 "\"" }; END { for (i = 1; i < NR; i++) { print row[i] ","}; print row[NR] "\n\}" }') [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/agent.log ]&&(tail -n 100 /usr/local/ltechagent/agent.log | awk 'BEGIN { print ",\"lterrors\": \["}; { gsub ("[\\\\]","\\\\"); gsub ("[\\\"]","\\\""); gsub ("[\\\/]","\\\/"); gsub ("[\\b]","\\b"); gsub ("[\\f]","\\f"); gsub ("[\\t]","\\t"); row[NR]=$0 }; END { for (i = 1; i < NR; i++) { print "\"" row[i] "\","}; print "\"" row[NR] "\"\n\]" }') echo '}' ) '@.Replace("`r",'') -TimeOut 60000 -MaxLength 102400 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects ) $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {!($_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*')} | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - $Action action for Operating System ($($_.OperatingSystemName)) is not supported at present in this module" } } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'Update') { $ServiceResults = $( $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Powershell -Command @" (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('$($LTPoShURI)') | iex Update-LTService "@ -TimeOut 120000 -MaxLength 20480 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command @' [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/ltupdate ]&&( /usr/local/ltechagent/ltupdate&&echo "Agent Update Completed Successfully"||echo "Agent Update failed or was not needed" )||echo "Error - Missing file /usr/local/ltechagent/ltupdate" '@.Replace("`r",'') -TimeOut 120000 -MaxLength 10240 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command @' [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/ltupdate ]&&( /usr/local/ltechagent/ltupdate&&echo "Agent Update Completed Successfully"||echo "Agent Update failed or was not needed" )||echo "Error - Missing file /usr/local/ltechagent/ltupdate" '@.Replace("`r",'') -TimeOut 120000 -MaxLength 10240 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects ) $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {!($_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*')} | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - $Action action for Operating System ($($_.OperatingSystemName)) is not supported at present in this module" } } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'Restart') { $ServiceResults = $( $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Powershell -Command @" (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('$($LTPoShURI)') | iex Try { Restart-LTService } Catch { net stop ltsvcmon net stop labvnc net stop ltservice TASKKILL /im ltsvcmon.exe /f TASKKILL /im ltsvc.exe /f TASKKILL /im lttray.exe /f TASKKILL /im labvnc.exe /f TASKKILL /im labtechupdate.exe /f /t net start ltsvcmon net start ltservice } "@ -TimeOut 120000 -MaxLength 20480 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command @' LOGGEDUSERS=`who | grep console | awk '{ print $1 }'` echo "Stopping Services" ( launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.labtechsoftware.LTSvc.plist launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.labtechsoftware.LTUpdate.plist for CURRUSER in $LOGGEDUSERS; do su -l $CURRUSER -c 'launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.labtechsoftware.LTTray.plist'; done ) echo "Starting Services" sleep 5 launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.labtechsoftware.LTSvc.plist for CURRUSER in $LOGGEDUSERS; do su -l $CURRUSER -c 'launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.labtechsoftware.LTTray.plist'; done echo "Checking Services" (for CURRUSER in $LOGGEDUSERS; do su -l $CURRUSER -c 'launchctl list'; done) | grep -i "com.labtechsoftware" launchctl list | grep -i "com.labtechsoftware"&&echo "LTService Restarted successfully" '@.Replace("`r",'') -TimeOut 120000 -MaxLength 10240 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*'} | ForEach-Object { # If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - $Action action for Operating System ($($_.OperatingSystemName)) is not supported at present in this module" # } } ) $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {!($_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*')} | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - $Action action for Operating System ($($_.OperatingSystemName)) is not supported at present in this module" } } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'Reinstall') { $ServiceResults = $( $InstallerToken = Get-AutomateInstallerToken $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Powershell -Command @" (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('$($LTPoShURI)') | iex Install-LTService -Server '$($Script:CWAServer)' -LocationID $($_.Location.Id) -InstallerToken '$($InstallerToken)' -Force -SkipDotNet "@ -TimeOut 300000 -MaxLength 20480 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $InstallerToken = Get-AutomateInstallerToken -InstallerType 5 $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*'} | ForEach-Object { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } } | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command @" LOCATIONID=$($_.Location.Id) cd /tmp&&( (rm -f; rm -Rf CWAutomate)&>/dev/null curl '$($Script:CWAServer)/LabTech/Deployment.aspx?InstallerToken=$($InstallerToken)' -s -o [[ `$(find -type f -size +700000c 2>/dev/null) ]]&&( echo " was downloaded" unzip -n -d CWAutomate &>/dev/null [ -f CWAutomate/ ]&&( [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/ ]&&(echo "Existing installation found. Removing."; /usr/local/ltechagent/ cd /tmp/CWAutomate&&( mv -f 2>/dev/null [ -f ]&&sed "s/LOCATION_ID=[0-9]*/LOCATION_ID=`$LOCATIONID/" >[ -f ]&&echo "SUCCESS-Installer Data Updated for location `$LOCATIONID" . ./ ; installer -pkg ./LTSvc.mpkg -verbose -target / [ -d /usr/local/ltechagent ]&&echo "SUCCESS-Installer completed" launchctl list | grep -i "com.labtechsoftware"&&echo "LTService Started successfully" ) )||echo ERROR-Failed to extract )||echo ERROR-Failed to download )||echo ERROR-Failed to change path to /tmp "@.Replace("`r",'') -TimeOut 300000 -MaxLength 20480 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects $InstallerToken = Get-AutomateInstallerToken -InstallerType 3 $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*'} | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - $Action action for Operating System ($($_.OperatingSystemName)) is not supported at present in this module" <# If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Automate Services on $($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName)",$Action)) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - Attempting to $Action Automate Services - job will be submitted to online systems" $_ } #> } <# | Invoke-ControlCommand -Command @" LOCATIONID=$($_.Location.Id) cd /tmp&&( (rm -f; rm -Rf CWAutomate)&>/dev/null curl '$($Script:CWAServer)/LabTech/Deployment.aspx?InstallerToken=$($InstallerToken)' -s -o [[ `$(find -type f -size +1500000c 2>/dev/null) ]]&&( echo was downloaded unzip -n -d CWAutomate &>/dev/null [ -f CWAutomate/ ]&&( [ -f /usr/local/ltechagent/ ]&&(echo Existing installation found. Removing.; /usr/local/ltechagent/ cd /tmp/CWAutomate&&( mv -f 2>/dev/null [ -f ]&&sed "s/LOCATION_ID=[0-9]*/LOCATION_ID=`$LOCATIONID/" >[ -f ]&&echo "SUCCESS-Installer Data Updated for location `$LOCATIONID" . ./ ; installer -pkg ./LTSvc.mpkg -verbose -target /; [ -d /usr/local/ltechagent ]&&echo SUCCESS-Installer completed launchctl list | grep -i "com.labtechsoftware"&&echo "LTService Started successfully" ) )||echo ERROR-Failed to extract )||echo ERROR-Failed to download )||echo ERROR-Failed to change path to /tmp "@.Replace("`r",'') -TimeOut 300000 -MaxLength 10240 -BatchSize $BatchSize -OfflineAction Skip -ResultPropertyName $RepairProperty -PassthroughObjects #> ) $ObjectCapture | Where-Object {!($_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Windows*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*OS X*' -or $_.OperatingSystemName -like '*Linux*')} | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "$($_.ComputerID) - $($_.ComputerName) - $Action action for Operating System ($($_.OperatingSystemName)) is not supported at present in this module" } } Else { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "Action $Action is not currently supported." } #Prepare a lookup for results $SResultLookup=@{} $ServiceResults | ForEach-Object {If (!($SResultLookup.ContainsKey("$($_.SessionID)"))) {$SResultLookup.Add("$($_.SessionID)",$_)}} Foreach ($singleObject in $ObjectCapture) { [string]$SessionID=$singleObject.SessionID If ($SResultLookup.ContainsKey($SessionID)) { $singleResult=$SResultLookup[$SessionID] | Select-Object -Expand $RepairProperty $AutofixSuccess = $false If ($Action -eq 'Check') { If ($singleResult.$RepairProperty -like '*LastSuccessStatus*' -or $singleResult.$RepairProperty -like '*is_signed_in*') {$AutofixSuccess = $true} } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'Update') { If ($singleResult.$RepairProperty -like '*successfully*') {$AutofixSuccess = $true} } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'Restart') { If ($singleResult.$RepairProperty -like '*started successfully*') {$AutofixSuccess = $true} } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'ReInstall') { If ($singleResult.$RepairProperty -like '*successfully*') {$AutofixSuccess = $true} } Else { $AutofixSuccess = $true } } Else { $singleResult=[pscustomobject]@{ $RepairProperty = "No result was returned for sessionID $($SessionID)" } $AutofixSuccess = $False } #Output the final object $singleObject | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty $RepairProperty -Property *,@{n=$RepairProperty;e={[pscustomobject]@{'AutofixSuccess'=$AutofixSuccess; 'AutofixResult'=$singleResult.$RepairProperty}}} } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "All jobs completed" } Else { 'No Input Objects could be processed' } } } |