function Get-ControlSessions { <# .Synopsis Gets bulk session info from Control using the Automate Control Reporting Extension .DESCRIPTION Gets bulk session info from Control using the Automate Control Reporting Extension .PARAMETER SessionID The GUID identifier(s) for the machine you want status information on. If not provided, all sessions will be returned. .NOTES Version: 1.4 Author: Gavin Stone Modified By: Darren White Purpose/Change: Initial script development Update Date: 2019-02-23 Author: Darren White Purpose/Change: Added SessionID parameter to return information only for requested sessions. Update Date: 2019-02-26 Author: Darren White Purpose/Change: Include LastConnected value if reported. Update Date: 2019-06-24 Author: Darren White Purpose/Change: Modified output to be collection of objects instead of a hastable. .EXAMPLE Get-ControlSesssions .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Custom object of session details for all sessions #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [guid[]]$SessionID ) begin { $SessionIDCollection=@() $SCConnected = @{}; } process { # Gather Sessions from the pipeline for Bulk Processing. If ($SessionID) { $SessionIDCollection+=$SessionID } } end { # Ensure the session list does not contain duplicate values. $SessionIDCollection = @($SessionIDCollection | Select-Object -Unique) #Split the list into groups of no more than 100 items $SplitGUIDsArray = Split-Every -list $SessionIDCollection -count 100 If (!$SplitGUIDsArray) {Write-Debug "Resetting to include all GUIDs"; $SplitGUIDsArray=@('')} $Now = Get-Date ForEach ($GUIDs in $SplitGUIDsArray) { If ('' -ne $GUIDs) { Write-Verbose "Starting on a new array $($GUIDs)" $GuidCondition=$(ForEach ($GUID in $GUIDs) {"sessionid='$GUID'"}) -join ' OR ' If ($GuidCondition) {$GuidCondition="($GuidCondition) AND"} } $Body=ConvertTo-Json @("SessionConnectionEvent",@("SessionID","EventType"),@("LastTime"),"$GuidCondition SessionConnectionProcessType='Guest' AND (EventType = 'Connected' OR EventType = 'Disconnected')", "", 20000) -Compress $RESTRequest = @{ 'URI' = "${Script:ControlServer}/App_Extensions/fc234f0e-2e8e-4a1f-b977-ba41b14031f7/ReportService.ashx/GenerateReportForAutomate" 'Method' = 'POST' 'ContentType' = 'application/json' 'Body' = $Body } If ($Script:ControlAPIKey) { $RESTRequest.Add('Headers',@{'CWAIKToken' = (Get-CWAIKToken)}) } Else { $RESTRequest.Add('Credential',${Script:ControlAPICredentials}) } Write-Debug "Submitting Request to $($RESTRequest.URI)`nHeaders:`n$(ConvertTo-JSON $($RESTRequest.Headers) -Depth 5 -Compress)`nBody:`n$($RESTRequest.Body|Out-String)" $AllData=$Null Try { $SCData = Invoke-RestMethod @RESTRequest Write-Debug "Request Result: $($SCData | select-object -property * | convertto-json -Depth 10 -Compress)" If ($SCData.FieldNames -contains 'SessionID' -and $SCData.FieldNames -contains 'EventType' -and $SCData.FieldNames -contains 'LastTime') { $AllData = $($SCData.Items.GetEnumerator() | select-object @{Name='SessionID'; Expression={$_[0]}},@{Name='Event'; Expression={$_[1]}},@{Name='Date'; Expression={$_[2]}} | sort-Object SessionID,Event -Descending) } Else { Throw "Session report data was not returned: Error $_.Exception.Message" Return } } Catch { Write-Debug "Request FAILED! Request Result: $($SCData | select-object -property * | convertto-json -Depth 10)" } $AllData | ForEach-Object { # Build $SCConnected hashtable with information from report request in $AllData If ($_.Event -like 'Disconnected') { $SCConnected.Add($_.SessionID,$_.Date) } Else { If ($_.Date -ge $SCConnected[$_.SessionID]) { If ($SCConnected.ContainsKey($_.SessionID)) { $SCConnected[$_.SessionID]=$True } Else { $SCConnected.Add($_.SessionID,$True) } } } } } #Build final output objects with session information gathered into $SCConnected hashtable $SCStatus = $( Foreach ($sessid IN $($SCConnected.Keys)) { write-debug "assigning status for $sessid" $SessionResult = [pscustomobject]@{ SessionID = $sessid OnlineStatusControl = $Null LastConnected = $Null } If ($SCConnected[$sessid] -eq $True) { $SessionResult.OnlineStatusControl = $True $SessionResult.LastConnected = $Now.ToUniversalTime() } Else { $SessionResult.OnlineStatusControl = $False $SessionResult.LastConnected = $SCConnected[$sessid] } $SessionResult } ) Return $SCStatus } } |