function Get-ControlSessions { <# .Synopsis Gets bulk session info from Control using the Automate Control Reporting Extension .DESCRIPTION Gets bulk session info from Control using the Automate Control Reporting Extension .EXAMPLE Get-ControlSesssions .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Custom object of session details for all sessions #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { } process { } end { $Body=ConvertTo-Json @("SessionConnectionEvent",@("SessionID","EventType"),@("LastTime"),"SessionConnectionProcessType='Guest' AND (EventType = 'Connected' OR EventType = 'Disconnected')", "", 20000) -Compress $RESTRequest = @{ 'URI' = "${Script:ControlServer}/App_Extensions/fc234f0e-2e8e-4a1f-b977-ba41b14031f7/ReportService.ashx/GenerateReportForAutomate" 'Method' = 'POST' 'ContentType' = 'application/json' 'Body' = $Body } If ($Script:ControlAPIKey) { $RESTRequest.Add('Headers',@{'CWAIKToken' = (Get-CWAIKToken)}) } Else { $RESTRequest.Add('Credential',${Script:ControlAPICredentials}) } $SCConnected = @{}; Write-Debug "Submitting Request to $($RESTRequest.URI)`nHeaders:`n$($RESTRequest.Headers|ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 5)`nBody:`n$($RESTRequest.Body|ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 5)" Try { $SCData = Invoke-RestMethod @RESTRequest Write-Debug "Request Result: $($SCData | select-object -property * | convertto-json -Depth 10)" If ($SCData.FieldNames -contains 'SessionID' -and $SCData.FieldNames -contains 'EventType' -and $SCData.FieldNames -contains 'LastTime') { $AllData = $SCData.Items.GetEnumerator() | select-object @{Name='SessionID'; Expression={$_[0]}},@{Name='Event'; Expression={$_[1]}},@{Name='Date'; Expression={$_[2]}} | sort-Object SessionID,Event -Descending; $AllData | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Event -like 'Disconnected') { $SCConnected.Add($_.SessionID,$_.Date) } else { if ($_.Date -ge $SCConnected[$_.SessionID]) { if ($SCConnected.ContainsKey($_.SessionID)) { $SCConnected[$_.SessionID]=$True } else { $SCConnected.Add($_.SessionID,$True) } } else { if ($SCConnected.ContainsKey($_.SessionID)) { $SCConnected[$_.SessionID]=$False } else { $SCConnected.Add($_.SessionID,$False) } } } } Foreach ($sessid IN $( ($SCConnected.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {$_.Value -ne $True -and $_.Value -ne $False}).Key)) {$SCConnected[$sessid]=$False} } Else { Throw "Attempt to authenticate the Control API Key has failed with error $_.Exception.Message" Return } } Catch { Write-Debug "FAILED! Request Result: $($SCData | select-object -property * | convertto-json -Depth 10)" } return $SCConnected } } |