function GetTelldusAccessToken { [cmdletbinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", '', Scope="Function", Target="GetTelldusAccessToken")] Param( $RequestToken ) BEGIN { } PROCESS { $RequestTokenJson = $RequestToken | ConvertTo-Json $TokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -Body $RequestTokenJson [PSCustomObject] @{ Token = $TokenResponse.Token TokenSecret = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $TokenResponse.TokenSecret -AsPlainText -Force -ErrorAction Stop) } Remove-Variable TokenResponse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue [GC]::Collect() } END { } } function GetTelldusProperty { [cmdletbinding()] Param( $Data ) BEGIN { $TextFormat = (Get-Culture).TextInfo } PROCESS { foreach ($dataObj in $Data) { $Properties = @{} $KeyName = $textFormat.ToTitleCase($dataObj.Name.ToLower()) # Resolve sensors types to friendly names if they are known $KeyName = switch ($KeyName) { 'Temp' { 'Temperature' } 'rrate' { 'RainRate' } 'rtot' { 'RainTotal' } 'wdir' { 'WindDirection' } 'wavg' { 'WindAverage' } 'wgust' { 'WindGust' } 'watt' { 'Watt' } 'lum' { 'Luminance' } default { $KeyName } } if ($Properties.ContainsKey($KeyName)) { Write-Warning "Property $KeyName already exists. It will be dropped." } else { $Properties.Add($TextFormat.ToTitleCase($KeyName), $dataObj.value) } $Properties } } END { } } function GetTelldusRequestToken { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri } function InvokeTelldusAction { Param($URI) BEGIN { $ApiUri = '' if (-not [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol.HasFlag([Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12)) { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol += [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 } } PROCESS { $Payload = @{ Token = $Global:TelldusLiveAccessToken.Token TokenSecret = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($Global:TelldusLiveAccessToken.TokenSecret)) URI = $URI } | ConvertTo-Json $Response = try { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ApiUri -Method Post -Body $Payload -ErrorAction Stop } catch { throw "Request failed with error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($Response.error) { throw $Response.error } else { $Response } } END { Remove-Variable Payload -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue [GC]::Collect() } } function Backup-TDAccount { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports information from Telldus Live! to the specified folder .DESCRIPTION This function will fetch information about Clients (Locations), devices, sensors, schedules and events from the Telldus Live! API and export the data as XML to the specified folder. This backup can potentially be used to restore for example events or schedules if they become broken. This backup does NOT include device/sensor history and values! .EXAMPLE Backup-TDAccount -Verbose Exports the backups and logs a verbose message for each type of information that get's exported #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( $BackupFolderPath ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { if (-not (Test-Path -Path $BackupFolderPath)) { $null = New-Item -Path $BackupFolderPath -ItemType Directory -Force } Write-Verbose "Backing up client/location information..." $ClientBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $BackupFolderPath -ChildPath ClientBackup.xml Get-TDClient | Get-TDClient | Export-Clixml -Path $ClientBackupPath -Encoding UTF8 -Depth 10 -Force Write-Verbose "Backing up device information..." $DeviceBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $BackupFolderPath -ChildPath DeviceBackup.xml Get-TDDevice | Export-Clixml -Path $DeviceBackupPath -Encoding UTF8 -Depth 10 -Force Write-Verbose "Backing up sensor information..." $SensorBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $BackupFolderPath -ChildPath SensorBackup.xml Get-TDSensor | Export-Clixml -Path $SensorBackupPath -Encoding UTF8 -Depth 10 -Force Write-Verbose "Backing up schedule information..." $ScheduleBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $BackupFolderPath -ChildPath ScheduleBackup.xml Get-TDSchedule | Export-Clixml -Path $ScheduleBackupPath -Encoding UTF8 -Depth 10 -Force Write-Verbose "Backing up trigger event information..." $EventBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $BackupFolderPath -ChildPath EventBackup.xml Get-TDTriggerEvent | Get-TDTriggerEvent | Export-Clixml -Path $EventBackupPath -Encoding UTF8 -Depth 10 -Force } END { } } function Connect-TelldusLive { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to Telldus Live! .DESCRIPTION This function connects to Telldus Live! by either using a saved access token or by creating a new one. .EXAMPLE Connect-TelldusLive .EXAMPLE Connect-TelldusLive -SaveCredential Will return a link which you need to authorize and then save that access token for later use. .PARAMETER Profile The name of the profile you use to connect. You can leave this to "Default" (default value) if you don't have more than one Telldus Live! account. .PARAMETER Credential If you have a known access token, you can specify it as a PSCredential object. Username should be the AccessToken Password Should be the AccessTokenSecret .PARAMETER AccessToken If you have a known access token, you can specify it here (not the AccessTokenSecret) .PARAMETER AccessTokenSecret If you have a known access TokenSecret, you can specify it here (as a secure string) .PARAMETER SaveCredential Will save and store the access token after it has been retieved so it can be reused later You can then connect by simply using the -UseSavedCredential switch. The credential is saved using your logon session. .PARAMETER UseSavedCredential Specify this switch to use a saved credential instead of specifying one. #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='SpecifyCredential')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Profile = 'Default', [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SpecifyAccessTokenAsCredential')] [PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SpecifyAccessToken')] $AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SpecifyAccessToken')] [System.Security.SecureString] $AccessTokenSecret, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch] $SaveCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='SavedCredential')] [Switch] $UseSavedCredential ) BEGIN { } PROCESS { $AccessTokenFolder = Join-Path -Path $($env:APPDATA) -ChildPath AutomaTD if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $AccessTokenFolder)) { $null = New-Item -Path $AccessTokenFolder -ItemType Directory -Force } $AccessTokenFilename = "TelldusAccessToken-$($Profile).json" $AccessTokenFilePath = Join-Path -Path $AccessTokenFolder -ChildPath $AccessTokenFilename if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SavedCredential') { if (Test-Path -Path $AccessTokenFilePath) { $AccessTokenFromDisk = Get-Content $AccessTokenFilePath -Raw -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json $Token = $AccessTokenFromDisk.Token $TokenSecret = $AccessTokenFromDisk.TokenSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString # Build the token $AccessToken = [PSCustomObject] @{ Token = $Token TokenSecret = $TokenSecret } } else { throw "Didn't locate any saved access tokens. Please run this command with the 'SaveCredential' switch first to store the credentials or verify which profile you choose." } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SpecifyAccessToken') { # Build the credential $AccessToken = [PSCustomObject] @{ Token = $AccessToken TokenSecret = $AccessTokenSecret } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SpecifyAccessTokenAsCredential') { # Build the credential $AccessToken = [PSCustomObject] @{ Token = $Credential.UserName TokenSecret = $Credential.Password } } else { $RequestToken = GetTelldusRequestToken Write-Output "Please go to the following URL to authenticate this module:`n$($RequestToken.AuthURL)" $PollingAttempts = 20 Do { $PollingAttempts-- $AuthFailed = $false try { $AccessToken = GetTelldusAccessToken -RequestToken $RequestToken -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $AuthFailed = $true Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 } } while ($AuthFailed -and $PollingAttempts -gt 0) if (-not $AccessToken) { throw "Authorization failed or timed out. Please try again." } if ($SaveCredential.IsPresent) { $ExportToken = @{ Token = $AccessToken.Token TokenSecret = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $AccessToken.TokenSecret } $ExportToken | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-File -FilePath $AccessTokenFilePath -Encoding utf8 -Force } } $Global:TelldusLiveAccessToken = $AccessToken try { $null = Get-TDClient -ErrorAction Stop } catch { throw "Failed to connect to Telldus Live! The error was: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } END { } } function ConvertTo-TDNormalizedOutput { <# .SYNOPSIS Makes sure all objects have the same set of properties .DESCRIPTION Makes sure all objects have the same set of properties Makes exporting to for example CSV-files easiser since all sensors will have the same set of "columns" in the file (but blank values for those missing that sensor value type). .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensor | Get-TDSensorData | ConvertTo-TDNormalizedOutput Makes sure all objects have the same set of properties .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensor | Get-TDSensorData | ConvertTo-TDNormalizedOutput -PropertiesToAlwaysInclude CustomSensorData Makes sure all objects have the same set of properties, and "CustomSensorData" will always be a property of the objects even if it doesn't exist in the results. #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]] $PropertiesToAlwaysInclude ) begin { $Properties = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] $Objects = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] } process { $null = $InputObject.psobject.Properties.Name.foreach({$Properties.Add($_)}) $Objects.Add($InputObject) } end { if ($PropertiesToAlwaysInclude) { foreach ($Property in $PropertiesToAlwaysInclude) { if ($Property -notin $Properties) { $null = $Properties.Add($Property) } } } $Objects | Select-Object -Property @($Properties) } } function Get-TDAccessToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Used to export the access token as a PSCredential or as plain text .DESCRIPTION Used to export the access token as a PSCredential or as plain text Useful if you want to set it up on a new computer where you wont be able to interact with the login command interactively or store the token. Be aware that exporting the access token as plain-text is a security risk! Only do this on systems that you trust. .EXAMPLE Get-TDAccessToken -ExportAsPSCredential #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='AsPSCredential')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='AsPSCredential')] [switch] $ExportAsPSCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='AsPlainText')] [switch] $ExportAsPlainText, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='AsPlainText')] [switch] $Force ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet to load the access token" } } PROCESS { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AsPSCredential') { New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Global:TelldusLiveAccessToken.Token, $Global:TelldusLiveAccessToken.TokenSecret) } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AsPlainText') { if ($Force.IsPresent) { [PSCustomObject] @{ Token = $Global:TelldusLiveAccessToken.Token TokenSecret = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($Global:TelldusLiveAccessToken.TokenSecret)) } } else { throw "The system cannot protect plain text output. To suppress this warning and output the access token as plain text anyway, reissue the command specifying the Force parameter." } } } END { } } function Get-TDClient { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all clients/locations associated with a Telldus Live! account. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves all clients/locations associated with a Telldus Live! account. .EXAMPLE Get-TDClient #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $ClientID ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { if ($ClientID) { $response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "client/info?id=$ClientID&extras=coordinate,suntime,timezone,tzoffset" $Clients = $response } else { $response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "clients/list" $Clients = $response.client } foreach ($Client in $Clients) { $ = [bool] $ $Client.editable = [bool] $Client.editable if ($Client.sunrise) { $Client.sunrise = (Get-Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00").AddSeconds($Client.sunrise) } if ($Client.sunset) { $Client.sunset = (Get-Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00").AddSeconds($Client.sunset) } $Client } } END { } } function Get-TDDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all devices associated with a Telldus Live! account. .DESCRIPTION This command will list all devices associated with an Telldus Live!-account and their current status and other information. .EXAMPLE Get-TDDevice .EXAMPLE Get-TDDevice | Format-Table #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { if ($DeviceID) { $response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "device/info?id=$DeviceID&supportedMethods=19&extras=coordinate,metadata,timezone,transport,tzoffset" $DeviceList = $response } else { $response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI 'devices/list?supportedMethods=19' $DeviceList = $response.device } foreach ($Device in $DeviceList) { $PropertiesToOutput = [ordered] @{ 'Name' = $ 'DeviceID' = $ 'State' = switch ($Device.state) { 1 { "On" } 2 { "Off" } 16 { "Dimmed" } default { "Unknown" } } 'Statevalue' = $Device.statevalue 'Methods' = switch ($Device.methods) { 3 { "On/Off" } 19 { "On/Off/Dim" } default { "Unknown" } } 'Type' = $Device.type 'Client' = $Device.client 'Online' = switch ($ { 0 { $false } 1 { $true } } } if ($Device.longitude) { $PropertiesToOutput.Add('Longitude', $Device.longitude) } if ($Device.latitude) { $PropertiesToOutput.Add('Latitude', $Device.latitude) } if ($Device.clientName) { $PropertiesToOutput.Add('ClientName', $Device.clientName) } if ($Device.metadata) { $PropertiesToOutput.Add('Metadata', $Device.metadata) } if ($Device.timezone) { $PropertiesToOutput.Add('TimeZone', $Device.timezone) } if ($Device.transport) { $PropertiesToOutput.Add('Transport', $Device.transport) } if ($Device.tzoffset) { $PropertiesToOutput.Add('TimeOffset', $Device.tzoffset) } $returnObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PropertiesToOutput $returnObject } } END { } } function Get-TDDeviceHistory { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all events associated with the specified device. .DESCRIPTION This command will list all events associated with the specified device .EXAMPLE Get-TDDeviceHistory .EXAMPLE Get-TDDeviceHistory | Format-Table #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { $HistoryEvents = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "device/history?id=$DeviceID" foreach ($HistoryEvent in $HistoryEvents.history) { $PropertiesToOutput = @{ 'DeviceID' = $DeviceID 'State' = switch ($HistoryEvent.state) { 1 { "On" } 2 { "Off" } 16 { "Dimmed" } default { "Unknown" } } 'Statevalue' = $HistoryEvent.statevalue 'Origin' = $HistoryEvent.Origin; 'EventDate' = (Get-Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00").AddSeconds($HistoryEvent.ts) } $returnObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PropertiesToOutput Write-Output $returnObject | Select-Object DeviceID, EventDate, State, Statevalue, Origin } } END { } } function Get-TDEvent { <# .SYNOPSIS List all events available in Telldus Live! .DESCRIPTION List all events available in Telldus Live! .EXAMPLE Get-TDEvent #> [CmdletBinding()] param() BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { $EventHistory = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "events/list" $EventHistory.event } } function Get-TDSchedule { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all schedules associated with a Telldus Live! account. .DESCRIPTION This command will list all schedules associated with an Telldus Live!-account .EXAMPLE Get-TDSchedule Fetch all schedules in the Telldus Live! account .EXAMPLE Get-TDSchedule -ScheduleID 1234567 Fetch the schedule with id 1234567 from the Telldus Live! account #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $ScheduleID ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { if ($ScheduleID) { $response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "scheduler/jobInfo?id=$ScheduleID" $jobList = $response } else { $response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI 'scheduler/jobList' $jobList = $response.job } foreach ($job in $jobList) { $job | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ScheduleID -Value $ $job } } END { } } function Get-TDSensor { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all sensors associated with a Telldus Live! account. .DESCRIPTION This command will list all sensors associated with an Telldus Live!-account and their current status and other information. .PARAMETER IncludeIgnored Returns hidden/ignored sensors as well .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensor .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensor | Format-Table #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [switch] $IncludeIgnored ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { if ($IncludeIgnored.IsPresent) { $URI = "sensors/list?includeValues=1&includeIgnored=1" } else { $URI = "sensors/list?includeValues=1&includeIgnored=0" } $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI $URI $Sensors = $Response.sensor [datetime] $TelldusDate="1970-01-01 00:00:00" foreach ($Sensor in $Sensors) { $Sensor.lastUpdated = $TelldusDate.AddSeconds($Sensor.lastUpdated) $Sensor.Ignored = [bool] $Sensor.Ignored $Sensor.keepHistory = [bool] $Sensor.keepHistory $Sensor.Editable = [bool] $Sensor.Editable $Sensor.Online = [bool] $Sensor.Online Write-Output $Sensor } } END { } } function Get-TDSensorData { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the sensordata of specified sensor. .DESCRIPTION This command will retrieve the sensordata associated with the specified ID. .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensorData -DeviceID 123456 .PARAMETER DeviceID The DeviceID of the sensor which data you want to retrieve. .PARAMETER HideRawData Specify this switch to hide the raw data response from Telldus Live! #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $HideRawData ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { $SensorData = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "sensor/info?id=$DeviceID" [datetime] $TelldusDate="1970-01-01 00:00:00" $PropertiesToOutput = @{ DeviceId = $ Name = $ ClientName = $SensorData.clientName LastUpdated = $TelldusDate.AddSeconds($SensorData.lastUpdated) Ignored = [bool] $SensorData.Ignored Editable = [bool] $SensorData.editable Protocol = $SensorData.protocol SensorId = $SensorData.sensorId TimeZoneOffset = $SensorData.timezoneoffset Battery = $SensorData.battery KeepHistory = [bool] $SensorData.keepHistory } if (-not $HideRawData.IsPresent) { $PropertiesToOutput += @{ 'Data' = $ } } $expandedProperties = GetTelldusProperty -Data $ foreach ($expandedProperty in $expandedProperties) { $PropertiesToOutput += $expandedProperty } New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PropertiesToOutput } END { } } function Get-TDSensorHistoryData { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves sensor data history from Telldus Live! .DESCRIPTION This command will retrieve the sensor history data of the specified sensor. .PARAMETER DeviceID The DeviceID of the sensor which data you want to retrieve. .PARAMETER After Specify from which date you would like to retrieve sensor history. Always use UTC time. .PARAMETER Before Specify the "end date" of the data samples. Default value is current date. Always use UTC time. .PARAMETER PostRawData Specify this switch to post the raw data response from Telldus Live! .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensorHistoryData -DeviceID 123456 .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensorHistoryData -DeviceID 123456 | Format-Table .EXAMPLE Get-TDSensorHistoryData -DeviceID 123456 -After (get-date).AddDays(-1) Get's the history from yesterday until today #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='AllData')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='AllData')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='DateRange')] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='DateRange')] [DateTime] $After, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='DateRange')] [DateTime] $Before, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $PostRawData ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { $ApiEndpoint = "sensor/history`?id=$DeviceID" if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'DateRange') { if (-not $Before) { $Before = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() } if ($Before -gt $After) { $FromDateToPost = [Math]::Floor((New-TimeSpan -Start '1970-01-01' -End $After).TotalSeconds) $ToDateToPost = [Math]::Floor((New-TimeSpan -Start '1970-01-01' -End $Before).TotalSeconds) $ApiEndpoint = $ApiEndpoint + "&from=$FromDateToPost" + "&to=$ToDateToPost" } else { throw 'The value for Before must be greater than the value for After.' } } $HistoryDataPoints = InvokeTelldusAction -URI $ApiEndpoint foreach ($HistoryDataPoint in $HistoryDataPoints.history) { $PropertiesToOutput = @{ 'DeviceID' = $DeviceID 'Date' = (Get-Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00").AddSeconds($HistoryDataPoint.ts) } $expandedProperties = GetTelldusProperty -Data $ foreach ($expandedProperty in $expandedProperties) { $PropertiesToOutput += $expandedProperty } if ($PostRawData.IsPresent) { $PropertiesToOutput += @{ 'Data' = $ } } $returnObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PropertiesToOutput Write-Output $returnObject } } END { } } function Get-TDTriggerEvent { <# .SYNOPSIS Lists trigger events available in Telldus Live! .DESCRIPTION Lists trigger events available in Telldus Live! If you specify an EventId, you'll also get all the events properties back .EXAMPLE Get-TDTriggerEvent List all Trigger events in the associated Telldus Live! account .EXAMPLE Get-TDTriggerEvent -EventId 123456 Get information about the event with id 123456 from Telldus Live! (including all properties) #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $EventId ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { if ($EventId) { $URI = "event/info`?id=$EventId" } else { $URI = "events/list`?listOnly=1" } $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI $URI if ($Response.event) { $Response.event } else { $Response } } } function Invoke-TDAction { <# .SYNOPSIS Generic function that can trigger any endpoint in the Telldus Live! API .DESCRIPTION Generic function that can trigger any endpoint in the Telldus Live! API Just specify the URL you want to call with all the parameters. .EXAMPLE Invoke-TDAction -URI "events/list" Lists all events #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string] $URI ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { InvokeTelldusAction -URI $URI } END { } } function Rename-TDDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Renames a device in Telldus Live! .DESCRIPTION Renames a device in Telldus Live! .EXAMPLE Rename-TDDevice -DeviceID 123456 -NewName MyNewDeviceName .PARAMETER DeviceID The DeviceID of the device to rename .PARAMETER NewName The new name for that device #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $NewName) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "device/setName`?id=$DeviceID&name=$([uri]::EscapeDataString($NewName))" Write-Verbose "Renamed device with id $DeviceID. Result: $($Response.status)." } } function Set-TDDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Turns a device on or off. .DESCRIPTION This command can set the state of a device to on or off through the Telldus Live! service. .EXAMPLE Set-TDDevice -DeviceID 123456 -Action turnOff .EXAMPLE Set-TDDevice -DeviceID 123456 -Action turnOn .EXAMPLE Set-TDDevice -DeviceID 123456 -Action bell .PARAMETER DeviceID The DeviceID of the device to turn off or on. (Pipelining possible) .PARAMETER Action What to do with that device. Possible values are "turnOff", "turnOn" and "bell". .NOTES Thank you Ispep ( for fixing "bell" support! #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateSet("turnOff","turnOn", "bell", "down", "up", "stop")] [string] $Action) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "device/$Action`?id=$DeviceID" Write-Verbose "Doing action $Action on device $DeviceID. Result: $($Response.status)." } } function Set-TDDimmer { <# .SYNOPSIS Dims a device to a certain level. .DESCRIPTION This command can set the dimming level of a device to through the Telldus Live! service. .EXAMPLE Set-TDDimmer -DeviceID 123456 -Level 89 .EXAMPLE Set-TDDimmer -Level 180 .PARAMETER DeviceID The DeviceID of the device to dim. (Pipelining possible) .PARAMETER Level What level to dim to. Possible values are 0 - 255. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Enter the DeviceID.")] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Enter the level to dim to between 0 and 255.")] [ValidateRange(0,255)] [int] $Level) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "device/dim`?id=$DeviceID&level=$Level" Write-Verbose "Dimming device $DeviceID to level $Level. Result: $($Response.status)." } } function Set-TDSensor { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets/updates settings for sensors .DESCRIPTION Sets/updates settings for sensors It can for example enable history on the sensor, ignore/hide a sensor or rename a sensor .EXAMPLE Set-TDSensor -DeviceID 123456 -NewName Garage Changes the name of the sensor with id 123456 to Garage .EXAMPLE Set-TDSensor -DeviceID 123456 -KeepHistory $true -IgnoreSensor $false Enables history on sensor with id 123456 and unhides it .PARAMETER DeviceID The ID of the sensor which settings you wish to update #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $KeepHistory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $IgnoreSensor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $NewName ) BEGIN { if ($TelldusLiveAccessToken -eq $null) { throw "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet" } } PROCESS { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('KeepHistory')) { if ($KeepHistory) { $HistorySetting = 1 } else { $HistorySetting = 0 } $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "sensor/setKeepHistory?id=$DeviceID&keepHistory=$HistorySetting" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IgnoreSensor')) { if ($IgnoreSensor) { $IgnoreSetting = 1 } else { $IgnoreSetting = 0 } $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "sensor/setIgnore?id=$DeviceID&ignore=$IgnoreSetting" } if ($NewName) { $Response = InvokeTelldusAction -URI "sensor/setName?id=$DeviceID&name=$([uri]::EscapeDataString($NewName))" } } } |