Function Add-EventLogSource { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds an Event Log source, for script/module logging. Adding an Event Log source requires administrative rights. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 19 April 2017 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 1 May 2017 - Minor updates to status handling. V1.0.0.2 date: 4 May 2017 - Added additional return value. V1.0.0.3 date: 22 May 2017 - Changed output to reduce the number of "Write-Host" messages. V1.0.0.4 date: 21 June 2017 - Fixed typo. - Significantly improved performance. - Changed logging. V1.0.0.5 date: 21 June 2017 - Added a return value if the event log source exists. V1.0.0.6 date: 28 June 2017 - Added [CmdletBinding()]. V1.0.0.7 date: 28 June 2017 - Added a check for the source, then a check on the status of the query. V1.0.0.8 date 9 February 2018 - Updated output to remove a message. .PARAMETER EventLogSource Mandatory parameter. This parameter is used to specify the event source, that script/modules will use for logging. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $EventLogSource ) # Check if $EventLogSource exists as a source. If the shell is not elevated and the check fails to access the Security log, assume the source does not exist. Try { $sourceExists = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("$EventLogSource") } Catch { $sourceExists = $False } If ($sourceExists -eq $False) { $message = ("{0}: The event source `"{1}`" does not exist. Prompting for elevation." -f (Get-Date -Format s), $EventLogSource) Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor White Try { Start-Process PowerShell –Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "New-EventLog –LogName Application –Source $EventLogSource -ErrorAction Stop" } Catch [System.InvalidOperationException] { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the user cancelled the operation." -f (Get-Date -Format s)) Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Yellow Return "Error" } Catch { $message = ("{0}: Unexpected error launching an elevated Powershell session. The specific error is: {1}" -f (Get-Date -Format s), $_.Exception.Message) Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red Return "Error" } Return "Success" } Else { $message = ("{0}: The event source `"{1}`" already exists. There is no action for {2} to take." -f (Get-Date -Format s), $EventLogSource, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) Write-Verbose $message Return "Success" } } # Function Find-AemSoftwareInstance { <# .DESCRIPTION Accepts an application name and optional device group, and returns a list of all devices where the application is installed. .NOTES V1.0.0.0 date: 17 August 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 25 March 2019 - Added support for rate-limiting response. - Updated loop and properties. V1.0.0.2 date: 28 March 2019 - Added support for 403, 401, and 400 responses. V1.0.0.3 date: 29 March 2019 - Added support for 404 response. V1.0.0.4 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.5 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER Application Represents the name of an application, for which to search. .PARAMETER AccessToken Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER SiteName When included, search for the specified application on machines from this site. If not included, search on machines in all sites (except Deleted Devices). .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-AemSoftwareInstance -Application "CentraStage" -AccessToken <token> -Verbose In this example, the function will search the audit data of devices in all sites (except Deleted Devices), for CentraStage. Output will be written to the event log and host. Verbose output is sent to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-AemSoftwareInstance -Application "CentraStage" -AccessToken <token> -SiteName <site name> In this example, the function will search the audit data of devices in <site name> for CentraStage. Output will be written to the event log and host .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-AemSoftwareInstance -Application "CentraStage" -AccessToken <token> -ApiUrl -BlockLogging In this example, the function will search the audit data of devices in all sites (except Deleted Devices), for CentraStage. Output will be written to the event log and host. In this example, the AEM instance is located in the "merlot" region. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Application, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [string]$SiteName, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { # Initialize variables. [int]$index = 0 $http400Devices = @() # Setup the parameters for Get-AemDevice. If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { $commandParams = @{ Verbose = $true EventLogSource = $EventLogSource AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { $commandParams = @{ Verbose = $true LogPath = $LogPath AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } Else { $commandParams = @{ Verbose = $true } } } Else { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { $commandParams = @{ EventLogSource = $EventLogSource AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { $commandParams = @{ LogPath = $LogPath AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } Else { $commandParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } } # Retrieve device information from the API. If ($SiteName) { $message = ("{0}: Getting all devices in {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $SiteName) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $allDevices = (Get-AemDevice @commandParams | Where-Object { ($_.siteName -ne 'Deleted Devices') -and ($_.siteName -eq "$SiteName") }) } Else { $message = ("{0}: Getting all devices." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $SiteName) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $allDevices = (Get-AemDevice @commandParams | Where-Object { $_.siteName -ne 'Deleted Devices' }) } If (-NOT($allDevices)) { $message = ("{0}: Unable to locate devices. To prevent errors, {1} will exit." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } Foreach ($device in $alldevices) { $stopLoop = $false $message = ("{0}: Checking for `"{1}`" on {2} (device number {3} of {4})." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $Application, $device.hostname, $index, $allDevices.count) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $index++ $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/audit/device/$($device.Uid)/software" Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Getting applications installed on {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $device.hostname) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Do { Try { $webrequest = Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json $stopLoop = $True } Catch { If ($_.Exception.Message -match '429') { $message = ("{0}: Rate limit exceeded, retrying in 60 seconds." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Warning -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Warning -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Warning -Message $message } Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } ElseIf ($_.Exception.Message -match '403') { $message = ("{0}: Secret rate limit exceeded, retrying in 60 seconds." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Warning -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Warning -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Warning -Message $message } Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } ElseIf ($_.Exception.Message -match '400') { $message = ("{0}: The remote server returned 400 (Bad Request). This may be caused by a device ({1}) not having any software list." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $device.hostname) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } # I am not doing anything with $http400Devices yet. Perhaps I will write them all out to the logging output (in a group), we'll see. $http400Devices += $device $stopLoop = $True } ElseIf ($_.Exception.Message -match '401') { $message = ("{0}: The remote server returned 401. It appears that the access token has expired." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Warning -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Warning -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Warning -Message $message } Return } ElseIf ($_.Exception.Message -match '404') { $message = ("{0}: The remote server returned 404. It appears that we were unable to locate {1} ({2})." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $device.hostname, $ If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Warning -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Warning -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Warning -Message $message } $stopLoop = $True } Else { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed (for {1}). The specific error message is: {2}" -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $device.hostname, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return } } } While ($stopLoop -eq $false) # Used "-like" instead of "-match" on purpose. If ($ -like "$Application*") { $message = ("{0}: Found `"{1}`"." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $Application) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Foreach ($app in $ { If ($ -Match "$Application") { $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ DeviceName = $device.hostname SiteName = $device.siteName ApplicationName = $ ApplicationVersion = $app.version OperatingSystem = $device.operatingSystem } $obj } } } } } } # Function Get-AemDevice { <# .DESCRIPTION Retrieves either individual devices by ID or UID, or all devices from AutoTask Endpoint Management. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 16 June 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 17 June 2018 - Fixed typo in help. - Changed return to filter out duplicate devices based on the Id field. V1.0.0.2 date: 17 June 2018 - Removed uniqueness filter from return statement. V1.0.0.3 date: 16 August 2018 - Updated white space. V1.0.0.4 date: 18 November 2018 - Konstantin Kaminskiy renamed to Get-AemDevice, added ability to get device by UID. V1.0.0.5 date: 21 November 2018 - Updated white space. V1.0.0.6 date: 25 March 2019 - Added support for rate-limiting response. V1.0.0.7 date: 8 April 2019 - Added alias for Get-AemDevices. V1.0.0.8 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.9 date: 11 December 2019 V1.0.0.10 date: 16 March 2020 V1.0.0.11 date: 17 March 2020 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER DeviceId Represents the ID number (e.g. 23423) of the desired device. .PARAMETER DeviceUID Represents the UID (31fcea20-3924-c976-0a59-52ec4a2bbf6f) of the desired device. .PARAMETER All Use this parameter to get all devices from Autotask Endpoint Management. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource Default value is 'AemPowerShellModule'. This parameter is used to specify the event source, that script/modules will use for logging. .PARAMETER BlockLogging When this switch is included, the code will write output only to the host and will not attempt to write to the Event Log. .EXAMPLE Get-AemDevice -AccessToken $token -Verbose This will return all devices. Verbose output is sent to the host. .EXAMPLE Get-AemDevice -AccessToken $token -DeviceId $id This will return the device matching the specified id. .EXAMPLE Get-AemDevice -AccessToken $token -DeviceUID $UID This will return the device matching the specified UID. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AllDevices')] [alias('Get-LogicMonitorDevices')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'IDFilter')] [int]$DeviceId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'UIDFilter')] [string]$DeviceUID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SiteFilter')] [ValidateScript( { try { $null = [System.Guid]::Parse($_) $true } catch { $false } })] [System.Guid]$SiteUID, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { $message = ("{0}: Operating in the {1} parameter set." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Initialize variables. $devices = $null $loopCount = 0 Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { { $_ -in ("IDFilter", "AllDevices", "UIDFilter", "SiteFilter") } { # Define parameters for Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/account/devices" Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table. The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), ($params | Out-String)) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } "IDFilter" { $params.set_item("Uri", "$(($params.Uri).TrimEnd("/account/devices")+"/device/id/$DeviceId")") $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table (Uri key). The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), ($params | Out-String)) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } "UIDFilter" { $params.set_item("Uri", "$(($params.Uri).TrimEnd("/account/devices")+"/device/$DeviceUID")") $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table (Uri key). The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), ($params | Out-String)) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } "SiteFilter" { $params.set_item("Uri", "$(($params.Uri).TrimEnd("/account/devices")+"/site/$SiteUID/devices")") $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table (Uri key). The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), ($params | Out-String)) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } } # Make request. $message = ("{0}: Making the first web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { { $_ -in ("AllDevices", "SiteFilter") } { $devices = ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).devices } { $_ -in ("IDFilter", "UIDFilter") } { $devices = ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json) } } While ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl) { $stopLoop = $false $page = ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl).Split("&")[1] If ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "SiteFilter") { $resourcePath = "/v2/account/devices?$page" } Else { $resourcePath = "/v2/site/$SiteUID/devices?$page" } $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, $resourcePath Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Making web request for page {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $page.TrimStart("page=")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Do { Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content $stopLoop = $True } Catch { If ($_.Exception.Message -match '429') { $message = ("{0}: Rate limit exceeded, retrying in 60 seconds." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } Else { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. The specific error message is: {1}" -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return } } } While ($stopLoop -eq $false) $message = ("{0}: Retrieved an additional {1} devices." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).devices).count) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $devices += ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).devices } Return $devices } } # Function Get-AemDevicesFromSite { <# .DESCRIPTION Retrieves all devices from a user-specified site. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 17 June 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.2 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER SiteUid Represents the UID number (e.g. 9fd7io7a-fe95-44k0-9cd1-fcc0vcbc7900) of the desired site. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE Get-AemDevicesFromSite -AccessToken $token -SiteUid $uid -Verbose This will get the devices for the specified site. Verbose output is sent to the host. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$SiteUid, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/site/$SiteUid/devices" Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } # Make request. $message = ("{0}: Making the first web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } $devices = ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).devices While ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl) { $page = ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl).Split("&")[1] $resourcePath = "/v2/site/$SiteUid/devices?$page" $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, $resourcePath Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Making web request for page {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $page.TrimStart("page=")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } $message = ("{0}: Retrieved an additional {1} devices." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).devices).count) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $devices += ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).devices } Return $devices } } # Function Get-AemJob { <# .DESCRIPTION Accepts a Datto RMM job unique ID and returns the job's status. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 29 October 2019 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.2 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER JobUid Represents the unique ID (e.g. 44e7a880-8c4b-44cf-8133-b1d17a9aea5e) of the desired job. A job's UID is available in the Actvity Log (Setup -> Activity Log). .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:> Get-AemJob -AccessToken '<access token>' -JobUid '44e7a880-8c4b-44cf-8133-b1d17a9aea5e' -Verbose In this example, the cmdlet retrieves the status of the job with unique ID '44e7a880-8c4b-44cf-8133-b1d17a9aea5e'. Verbose output is sent to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:> Get-AemJob -AccessToken (New-AemApiAccessToken -ApiKey <api public key> -ApiUrl <api private key>) -JobUid '44e7a880-8c4b-44cf-8133-b1d17a9aea5e' In this example, the cmdlet retrieves the status of the job with unique ID '44e7a880-8c4b-44cf-8133-b1d17a9aea5e'. The cmdlet's output is written to the host and to the Windows Application log. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { try { $null = [System.Guid]::Parse($_) $true } catch { throw "The value provided for DeviceUID is not formatted properly." } } )] [string]$JobUid, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Initialize variables. $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/job/$JobUid" Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } Try { $message = ("{0}: Making the web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: Unexpected error getting the RMM job. To prevent errors, {1} will exit.The specific error is: {2}" -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } $webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json } } # Function Get-AemSite { <# .DESCRIPTION Retrieves either individual or all sites from AutoTask Endpoint Management. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 17 June 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 17 June 2018 - Removed uniqueness filter from return statement. V1.0.0.2 date: 17 August 2018 - Updated white space. - Changed parameter name from SiteId to SiteUid for clarity. V1.0.0.3 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.4 date: 11 December 2019 V1.0.0.5 date: 3 March 2020 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER SiteUid Represents the UID number (e.g. 9fd7io7a-fe95-44k0-9cd1-fcc0vcbc7900) of the desired site. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE Get-AemSites -AccessToken $token -Verbose This will return all sites. Verbose output is sent to the host. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AllSites')] [alias('Get-AemSites')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AllSites')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'IDFilter')] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'IDFilter')] [string]$SiteUid, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { { $_ -in ("IDFilter", "AllSites") } { # Define parameters for Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/account/sites" Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table. The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($params | Out-String) -split "`n")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } "IDFilter" { $params.set_item("Uri", "$(($params.Uri).TrimEnd("/account/sites")+"/site/$SiteUid")") $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table (Uri key). The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($params | Out-String) -split "`n")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } } # Make request. $message = ("{0}: Making the first web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "AllSites" { $sites = ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).sites } "IDFilter" { $sites = ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json) } } While ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl) { $page = ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl).Split("&")[1] $resourcePath = "/v2/account/sites?$page" $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, $resourcePath Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Making web request for page {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $page.TrimStart("page=")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing @params).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } $message = ("{0}: Retrieved an additional {1} sites." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).sites).count) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $sites += ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).sites } Return $sites } } # Function Get-AemSoftwareList { <# .DESCRIPTION Accepts a device UID and returns a list of installed applications. .NOTES V1.0.0.0 date: 17 August 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 23 August 2018 - Updated output. - Fixed bug in setting up the web request parameters. V1.0.0.2 date: 26 February 2019 - Fixed bug in call to get RMM device. V1.0.0.3 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.4 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER DeviceId Device to get the software list for, by id. .PARAMETER DeviceUID Device to get the software list for, by uid. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE Get-AemSoftwareList -DeviceUid $uid -AccessToken $token -Verbose Get the list of software for the agent specified by the uid. Verbose output is sent to the host. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'IdFilter')] [int]$DeviceId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'UidFilter')] [string]$DeviceUid, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { $message = ("{0}: Operating in {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Setup the parameters for Get-AemDevices. If (($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'])) { $deviceQueryParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken Verbose = $True } } Else { $deviceQueryParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken } } If ($BlockLogging) { $deviceQueryParams.add("BlockLogging", $True) } Else { $deviceQueryParams.add("EventLogSource", $EventLogSource) } Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "IdFilter" { $message = ("{0}: Attempting to retrieve the UID of device {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $DeviceId) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $DeviceUId = (Get-AemDevice -DeviceId $DeviceId @deviceQueryParams).Uid } } If ($DeviceUId) { $message = ("{0}: Found {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $DeviceUid) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/audit/device/$DeviceUid/software" Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Getting installed applications." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing @params -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. The specific error message is: {1}" -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } Return $ } Else { $message = ("{0}: Unable to determine the Uid of the device with ID {1}. To prevent errors, {2} will exit." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $DeviceId, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } } } # Function Get-AemUser { <# .DESCRIPTION Retrieves all users from AutoTask Endpoint Management. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 22 August 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.2 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE .\Get-AemUsers -AccessToken <bearer token> -Verbose This example returns an array of all AEM users and their properties. Verbose output is sent to the host. #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias('Get-AemUsers')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { # Define parameters for Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/account/users" Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } # Make request. $message = ("{0}: Making the first web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } $users = ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).users While ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl) { $page = ((($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).pageDetails).nextPageUrl).Split("&")[1] $resourcePath = "/v2/account/users?$page" $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, $resourcePath Method = 'GET' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Making web request for page {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $page.TrimStart("page=")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing @params).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } $message = ("{0}: Retrieved an additional {1} devices." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).devices).count) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $users += ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).users } Return $users } } # Function New-AemApiAccessToken { <# .DESCRIPTION Retrieves an authorization token from AutoTask. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 15 June 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 17 June 2018 - Added missing closing backet. V1.0.0.2 date: 16 August 2018 - Removed Ssl3 and Tsl protocol support. - Added return. - Fixed output bug. The -BlockLogging parameter was blocking all output. - Updated white space. V1.0.0.3 date: 27 October 2018 - by Konstantin Kaminskiy - Adjusted returned data to include only the access token itself to increase ease of use. V1.0.0.4 date: 16 October 2019 V1.0.0.5 date: 5 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER ApiKey Mandatory parameter. Represents the API key to AEM's REST API. .PARAMETER ApiSecretKey Mandatory parameter. Represents the API secret key to AEM's REST API. .PARAMETER EventLogSource Default value is 'AemPowerShellModule'. This parameter is used to specify the event source, that script/modules will use for logging. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE .\New-AemApiAccessToken -ApiKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -ApiSecretKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force .EXAMPLE $token = New-AemApiAccessToken -ApiKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -ApiSecretKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force Store your token in a variable for later use and re-use. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$ApiKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [securestring]$ApiSecretKey, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) #requires -Version 3.0 $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Specify security protocols. [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls11,Tls12' # Convert password to secure string. $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'public' -AsPlainText -Force # Define parameters for Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. $params = @{ Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ('public-client', $securePassword) Uri = '{0}/auth/oauth/token' -f $ApiUrl Method = 'POST' ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Body = 'grant_type=password&username={0}&password={1}' -f $ApiKey, [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($ApiSecretKey)) } $message = ("{0}: Requesting a bearer token from AutoTask." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Request access token. Try { $webResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty access_token } Catch { $message = ("{0}: Unexpected error generating an authorization token. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } If ($webResponse) { $webResponse } Else { Return "Error" } } # Function Out-PsLogging { <# .DESCRIPTION Logging function, for host, event log, or a log file. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 3 December 2019 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 7 January 2020 V1.0.0.2 date: 22 January 2020 .LINK .PARAMETER EventLogSource Default parameter set. Represents the Windows Application log event source. .PARAMETER LogPath Path and file name of the target log file. If the file does not exist, the cmdlet will create it. .PARAMETER ScreenOnly When this switch parameter is included, the logging output is written only to the host. .PARAMETER Message Message to output. .PARAMETER MessageType Type of message to output. Valid values are "Info", "Warning", "Error", and "Verbose". When writing to a log file, all output is "info" but will be written to the host, with the appropriate message type. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Out-PsLogging -Message "Test" -MessageType Info -LogPath C:\Temp\log.txt In this example, the message, "Test" will be written to the host and appended to C:\Temp\log.txt. If the path does not exist, or the user does not have write access, the message will only be written to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Out-PsLogging -Message "Test" -MessageType Warning -EventLogSource TestScript In this example, the message, "Test" will be written to the host and to the Windows Application log, as a warning and with the event log source/event ID "TestScript"/5417. If the event source does not exist and the session is elevated, the event source will be created. If the event source does not exist and the session is not elevated, the message will only be written to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Out-PsLogging -Message "Test" -MessageType Verbose -ScreenOnly In this example, the message, "Test" will be written to the host as a verbose message. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'EventLog')] [string]$EventLogSource, [ValidateScript( { If (-NOT ($_ | Split-Path -Parent | Test-Path) ) { Throw "Path does not exist." } If (-NOT ($_ | Test-Path) ) { "" | Add-Content -Path $_ } If (-NOT ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ) { Throw "The LogPath argument must be a file." } Return $true })] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'File')] [System.IO.FileInfo]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'SessionOnly')] [switch]$ScreenOnly, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Message, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Info', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Verbose', 'First')] [string]$MessageType ) # Initialize variables. $elevatedSession = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) If ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "EventLog") { If ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("$EventLogSource")) { # The event source does not exists, nothing else to do. $logType = "EventLog" } ElseIf (-NOT ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("$EventLogSource")) -and $elevatedSession) { # The event source does not exist, but the session is elevated, so create it. Try { New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventLogSource -ErrorAction Stop $logType = "EventLog" } Catch { Write-Error ("{0}: Unable to create the event source ({1}). No logging will be done." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $EventLogSource) $logType = "SessionOnly" } } ElseIf (-NOT $elevatedSession) { # The event source does not exist, and the session is not elevated. Write-Error ("{0}: The event source ({1}) does not exist and the command was not run in an elevated session, unable to create the event source. No logging will be done." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $EventLogSource) $logType = "SessionOnly" } } ElseIf ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "File") { # Check if we have rights to the path in $LogPath. Try { [System.Io.File]::OpenWrite($LogPath).Close() } Catch { Write-Error ("{0}: Unable to write to the log file path ({1}). No logging will be done." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $LogPath) $logType = "SessionOnly" } $logType = "LogFile" } ElseIf ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SessionOnly") { $logType = "SessionOnly" } Switch ($logType) { "SessionOnly" { Switch ($MessageType) { "Info" { Write-Host $Message } "Warning" { Write-Warning $Message } "Error" { Write-Error $Message } "Verbose" { Write-Verbose $Message } } } "EventLog" { Switch ($MessageType) { "Info" { Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventLogSource -EntryType Information -Message $Message -EventId 5417; Write-Host $Message } "Warning" { Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventLogSource -EntryType Warning -Message $Message -EventId 5417; Write-Warning $Message } "Error" { Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventLogSource -EntryType Error -Message $Message -EventId 5417; Write-Error $Message } "Verbose" { Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventLogSource -EntryType Information -Message $Message -EventId 5417; Write-Verbose $Message } } } "LogFile" { Switch ($MessageType) { "Info" { [System.IO.File]::AppendAllLines([string]$LogPath, [string[]]$Message); Write-Host $Message } "Warning" { [System.IO.File]::AppendAllLines([string]$LogPath, [string[]]$Message); Write-Warning $Message } "Error" { [System.IO.File]::AppendAllLines([string]$LogPath, [string[]]$Message); Write-Error $Message } "Verbose" { [System.IO.File]::AppendAllLines([string]$LogPath, [string[]]$Message); Write-Verbose $Message } "First" { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($LogPath, $Message); Write-Verbose $Message } } } } } # Function Set-AemDeviceUdf { <# .DESCRIPTION Sets the user defined fields of the device. .NOTES Author: Konstantin Kaminskiy V1.0.0.0 date: 5 November 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 21 November 2018 - Updated white space. - Changed Out-Null to $null. V1.0.0.2 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.3 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER DeviceUid Represents the UID number (e.g. 9fd7io7a-fe95-44k0-9cd1-fcc0vcbc7900) of the desired device. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER UdfData A hash table pairing the udfs and their intended values. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE $udfs = @{ 'udf1' = "String One" 'udf2' = "String Two" } Set-AemDeviceUDF -AccessToken $token -DeviceUID $deviceUid -UdfData $udfs This will set the udfs to the values provided in $udfs. .EXAMPLE $udfs = Get-AemDevices -AccessToken $token -DeviceId '764402' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty udf $newudfs = @{'udf6' = "$($udfs.udf6) - This data should be added"} Set-AemDeviceUDF -AccessToken $token -DeviceUid $uid -UdfData $newudfs -Verbose This will append to the udfs for the device. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$DeviceUid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [hashtable]$UdfData, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { # Define parameters for Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/device/$DeviceUid/udf" Method = 'Post' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } Body = ($UdfData | ConvertTo-Json) } $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table. The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($params | Out-String) -split "`n")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Make request. $message = ("{0}: Making the web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $null = Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } } } # Function Set-AemSiteDescription { <# .DESCRIPTION Sets the description of the AEM site .NOTES Author: Konstantin Kaminskiy V1.0.0.0 date: 14 November 2018 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 21 November 2018 - Updated white space. - Changed Out-Null to $null. V1.0.0.2 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.3 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER SiteUid Represents the UID number (e.g. 9fd7io7a-fe95-44k0-9cd1-fcc0vcbc7900) of the desired site. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER Description A string with the intended description of the site. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE Set-AemSiteDescription -AccessToken $token -SiteUID $SiteUid -Description "The one site to rule them all!" -Verbose This will set the site description to "The one site to rule them all!". Verbose output is sent to the host. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$SiteUid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Description, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Setup the parameters for Get-AemDevice. If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { $commandParams = @{ Verbose = $true EventLogSource = $EventLogSource AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { $commandParams = @{ Verbose = $true LogPath = $LogPath AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } Else { $commandParams = @{ Verbose = $true } } } Else { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { $commandParams = @{ EventLogSource = $EventLogSource AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { $commandParams = @{ LogPath = $LogPath AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } Else { $commandParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiUrl = $ApiUrl } } } } Process { # Define parameters for Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. $description = @{ "description" = "$description" "name" = (Get-AemSites -SiteUid $SiteUid @commandParams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name) } | ConvertTo-Json $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/site/$SiteUid" Method = 'Post' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } Body = "$description" } $message = ("{0}: Updated `$params hash table. The values are:`n{1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), (($params | Out-String) -split "`n")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Make request. $message = ("{0}: Making the web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Try { $null = Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $message = ("{0}: It appears that the web request failed. Check your credentials and try again. To prevent errors, {1} will exit. The specific error message is: {2}" ` -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } } } # Function Start-AemQuickJob { <# .DESCRIPTION Accepts a device unique ID and a component unique ID to trigger the quick job to run. .NOTES Author: Mike Hashemi V1.0.0.0 date: 24 October 2019 - Initial release. V1.0.0.1 date: 29 October 2019 V1.0.0.2 date: 30 October 2019 V1.0.0.3 date: 5 December 2019 V1.0.0.4 date: 11 December 2019 .LINK .PARAMETER AccessToken Mandatory parameter. Represents the token returned once successful authentication to the API is achieved. Use New-AemApiAccessToken to obtain the token. .PARAMETER DeviceUID Represents the UID (31fcea20-3924-c976-0a59-52ec4a2bbf6f) of the desired device. .PARAMETER JobName Represents the name of the job, once it is created. .PARAMETER ComponentGuid Unique ID of the component, which will be run. As of 24 October 2019, this value is only available in the UI (on the component definition page), not via the API. .PARAMETER Variables Optional hashtable of variables (name and value) to pass into the component. .PARAMETER ApiUrl Default value is ''. Represents the URL to AutoTask's AEM API, for the desired instance. .PARAMETER EventLogSource When included, (and when LogPath is null), represents the event log source for the Application log. If no event log source or path are provided, output is sent only to the host. .PARAMETER LogPath When included (when EventLogSource is null), represents the file, to which the cmdlet will output will be logged. If no path or event log source are provided, output is sent only to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:> Start-AemQuickJob -AccessToken (New-AemApiAccessToken -ApiKey <api public key> -ApiUrl <api private key>) -DeviceUID 894cc30a-ad10-57f5-82e7-5a3eac72b61f -JobName TestJob -ComponentGuid 377ffb75-9bbc-4c99-9fac-8966292a429b -Verbose In this example, the cmdlet will start the generate a new access token and will start a job called "TestJob" to run component with ID 377ffb75-9bbc-4c99-9fac-8966292a429b, on the device with UID 894cc30a-ad10-57f5-82e7-5a3eac72b61f. Verbose output is sent to the host. .EXAMPLE PS C:> Start-AemQuickJob -AccessToken (New-AemApiAccessToken -ApiKey <api public key> -ApiUrl <api private key>) -DeviceUID 894cc30a-ad10-57f5-82e7-5a3eac72b61f -JobName TestJob -ComponentGuid 377ffb75-9bbc-4c99-9fac-8966292a429b -Variables @{name='licensekey';value='xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx'} In this example, the cmdlet will start the generate a new access token and will start a job called "TestJob" to run component with ID 377ffb75-9bbc-4c99-9fac-8966292a429b, on the device with UID 894cc30a-ad10-57f5-82e7-5a3eac72b61f. In this case, the licensekey variable and value are passed to the component. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("AemAccessToken")] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript( { try { $null = [System.Guid]::Parse($_) $true } catch { throw "The value provided for DeviceUID is not formatted properly." } } )] [string]$DeviceUID, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$JobName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { try { $null = [System.Guid]::Parse($_) $true } catch { throw "The value provided for ComponentGuid is not formatted properly." } } )] [string]$ComponentGuid, [hashtable]$Variables, [string]$ApiUrl = '', [string]$EventLogSource, [string]$LogPath ) Begin { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } } Process { $message = ("{0}: Beginning {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } # Initialize variables. $inputVariables = @() $params = @{ Uri = '{0}/api{1}' -f $ApiUrl, "/v2/device/$DeviceUID/quickjob" Method = 'PUT' ContentType = 'application/json' Headers = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken } } $message = ("{0}: Building request body." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $apiRequestBody = @{ jobName = $JobName jobComponent = @{ componentUid = $ComponentGuid } } If ($Variables) { $message = ("{0}: One or more component variables were provided, updating the request body." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } Foreach ($var in $Variables.GetEnumerator()) { $message = ("{0}: Adding {1}." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $var.Name) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $inputVariables += @{name = $var.Name; value = $var.Value } } $apiRequestBody.jobComponent.Add('variables', @($inputVariables)) } $params.Add('Body', ($apiRequestBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)) Try { $message = ("{0}: Making the web request." -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss")) If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -or $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Verbose -Message $message } } $webResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest @params -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content } Catch { $message = ("{0}: Unexpected error starting the RMM job. To prevent errors, {1} will exit.The specific error is: {2}" -f ([datetime]::Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd`THH:mm:ss"), $MyInvocation.MyCommand, $_.Exception.Message) If ($EventLogSource -and (-NOT $LogPath)) { Out-PsLogging -EventLogSource $EventLogSource -MessageType Error -Message $message } ElseIf ($LogPath -and (-NOT $EventLogSource)) { Out-PsLogging -LogPath $LogPath -MessageType Error -Message $message } Else { Out-PsLogging -ScreenOnly -MessageType Error -Message $message } Return "Error" } ($webResponse | ConvertFrom-Json).Job } } # |