
    Creates a pscustomobject to send to api
  Creates a pscustomobject to send to api. Uses Models in V1.JSON
    PS C:\> $body = New-AutotaskBody -Resource CompanyModel
    Creates a new object in $Body with the companymodel, filled with expected content(e.g. int, string, boolean)
    PS C:\> $body = New-AutotaskBody -Resource CompanyModel -NoContent
    Creates a new, empty object in $Body with the companymodel,
    -NoContent Creates an empty object.
    -Resource tab completed model to use.
    Function might be changed at release of new API.

function New-AutotaskBody {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$NoContent
    DynamicParam {
    begin {
        if (!$Script:AutotaskAuthHeader -or !$Script:AutotaskBaseURI) {
            Write-Warning "You must first run Add-AutotaskAPIAuth before calling any other cmdlets" 
        $resource = $PSBoundParameters.resource
        $Headers = $Script:AutotaskAuthHeader
    process {
        $ResourceURL = (($Script:Queries | Where-Object { $_.'Post' -eq $Resource }).Name | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '/query', '' | Select-Object -first 1
        if ( !$ResourceURL ) {
            $ResourceURL = (($Script:Queries | Where-Object { $_.'Patch' -eq $Resource }).Name | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '/query', '' | Select-Object -first 1
        try {
            $resource = $PSBoundParameters.resource
            $ObjectTemplate = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Script:AutotaskBaseURI)/$($resourceURL)/entityInformation/fields" -headers $Headers -Method Get).fields
            try {
                $UDFs = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Script:AutotaskBaseURI)/$($resourceURL)/entityInformation/userdefinedfields" -headers $Headers -Method Get).fields | select-object name, value
            } catch {
                if ( $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne "NotFound" ) {
            if (!$ObjectTemplate) { 
                Write-Warning "Could not retrieve example body for $($Resource)" 
            else {
                if ($NoContent) { 
                    $ReturnedDef = [pscustomobject]
                    foreach ($prop in $ObjectTemplate.Name) { 
                        $ReturnedDef | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $prop -NotePropertyValue $null -Force
                if (!$NoContent) {
                    $ReturnedDef = [pscustomobject]
                    $ReturnedDef | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'UserdefinedFields' -NotePropertyValue $UDFs -Force
                    foreach ($prop in $ObjectTemplate) { 
                        $ExpectedValue = if ($prop.picklistValues) { $prop.picklistValues | select-object Label, Value, IsActive } else { $($prop.datatype) }
                        $ReturnedDef | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $ -NotePropertyValue $ExpectedValue -Force
            $Names = if ($UDFS) { $ + "UserDefinedFields" } else { $ }
            return $ReturnedDef | select-object $Names

        catch {
            write-error "Getting object failed: $($_.Exception.Message)"
