
.GUID 6ba84db4-f1a9-4079-bd19-39cd044c6b11
.AUTHOR Brian Lalancette (@brianlala)
.COPYRIGHT 2021 Brian Lalancette
.TAGS SharePoint

    Builds a SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019/SE Service Pack + Cumulative/Public Update (and optionally slipstreamed) installation source.
    Builds a SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019/SE Service Pack + Cumulative/Public Update (and optionally, slipstreamed) installation source.
    Starting from existing (user-provided) SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019/SE installation media/files (and optional Office Web Apps / Online Server media/files),
    the script can download prerequisites, the specified Service Pack, and CU/PU packages for SharePoint/WAC, along with specified (optional) language packs, then extract them to a destination path structure.
    By default, automatically downloads the latest AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml inventory file as the source of product information (URLs, builds, naming, etc.) to the same local path as the AutoSPSourceBuilder.ps1 script.
    AutoSPSourceBuilder.ps1 -LocationForUpdates "C:\Users\brianl\Downloads\SP" -Destination "D:\SP\2010"
    AutoSPSourceBuilder.ps1 -SourceLocation E: -Destination "C:\Source\SP\2010" -CumulativeUpdate "December 2011" -Languages fr-fr,es-es
    AutoSPSourceBuilder.ps1 -SharePointVersion 2013 -Destination "C:\SP" -Verbose -UseExistingLocalXML
.PARAMETER SharePointVersion
    The version of SharePoint for which to download updates. Valid options are 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and SE (Subscription Edition).
    This parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER SourceLocation
    The location (path, drive letter, etc.) where the SharePoint binary files are located.
    You can specify a UNC path (\\server\share\SP\2010), a drive letter (E:) or a local/mapped folder (Z:\SP\2010).
    If you don't provide a value, the script will not attempt to do any slipstreaming and will only download updates (and build out some of the folder structure).
.PARAMETER Destination
    The file path for the final slipstreamed SP2010/SP2013/2016/2019/SE installation files.
    The default value is the parent folder of the value specified for LocationForUpdates
.PARAMETER LocationForUpdates
    The file path where the downloaded service pack and cumulative update files are located, or where they should be placed in case they need to be downloaded.
    This parameter is now mandatory as we'll use it to infer the default Destination.
.PARAMETER GetPrerequisites
    Switch that specifies whether to attempt to download all prerequisite files for the selected product, which can be subsequently used to perform an offline installation.
    By default prerequisites are not downloaded.
.PARAMETER CumulativeUpdate
    The name of the cumulative update (CU) you'd like to integrate.
    The format should be e.g. "December 2011".
    If no value is provided, the script will prompt for an available CU name.
.PARAMETER WACSourceLocation
    The location (path, drive letter, etc.) where the Office Web Apps / Online Server binary files are located.
    You can specify a UNC path (\\server\share\SP\2010), a drive letter (E:) or a local/mapped folder (Z:\WAC).
    If no value is provided, the script will simply skip the WAC integration altogether.
.PARAMETER Languages
    A comma-separated list of languages (in the culture ID format, e.g. de-de,fr-fr) used to specify which language packs to download.
    If no languages are provided, and PromptForLanguages isn't specified, the script will simply skip language pack/update integration altogether.
.PARAMETER PromptForLanguages
    This switch indicates that the script should prompt the user for which languages to download updates (and language packs) for.
    If this switch is omitted, and no languages have been specified on the command line, languages are skipped entirely.
.PARAMETER UseExistingLocalXML
    If you want to use a custom or pre-existing AutoSPSourceBuilder.XML file, or simply want to skip downloading the official one on-the-fly, use this switch parameter.
.PARAMETER Unattended
    Disables additional user interaction so that command can be run in CI/CD pipelines
    Created & maintained by Brian Lalancette (@brianlala), 2012-2018.

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("2010", "2013", "2016", "2019","SE")]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
    [String]$Destination = (Split-Path -Path $LocationForUpdates -Parent),
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias('UpdateLocation')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [switch]$UseExistingLocalXML = $false,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [switch]$Unattended = $false

#region Functions
# ===================================================================================
# Func: Pause
# Desc: Wait for user to press a key - normally used after an error has occured or input is required
# ===================================================================================
Function Pause($action, $key)
    # From
    if ($key -eq "any" -or ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($key)))
        $actionString = "Press any key to $action..."
        Write-Host $actionString
        $null = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
        $actionString = "Enter `"$key`" to $action"
        $continue = Read-Host -Prompt $actionString
        if ($continue -ne $key) {pause $action $key}

Function WriteLine
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "--------------------------------------------------------------"

Function DownloadPackage
    $file = $url.Split('/')[-1]
    If (!$destinationFile) {$destinationFile = $file}
    If (!$expandedFile) {$expandedFile = $file}
        # Check if destination file or its expanded version already exists
        If (Test-Path "$DestinationFolder\$expandedFile") # Check if the expanded file is already there
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " - File $expandedFile exists, skipping download."
        ElseIf (Test-Path "$DestinationFolder\$destinationFile") # Check if the packed downloaded file is already there (in case of a CU)
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " - File $destinationFile exists, skipping download."
        ElseIf ((($file -eq $destinationFile) -or ("$" -eq $destinationFile)) -and ((Test-Path "$DestinationFolder\$file") -or (Test-Path "$DestinationFolder\$")) -and !((Get-Item $file -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Mode -eq "d----")) # Check if the packed downloaded file is already there (in case of a CU or Prerequisite)
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " - File $file exists, skipping download."
            If (!($file -like "*.zip"))
                # Give the CU package a .zip extension so we can work with it like a compressed folder
                Rename-Item -Path "$DestinationFolder\$file" -NewName ($file+".zip") -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Else # Go ahead and download the missing package
            # Begin download
            Write-Verbose -Message " - Attempting to download from $url..."
            # Quick fix for wonky BitsTransfer support in PowerShell Core
            if ($host.Version.Major -gt 5)
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -TimeoutSec 3600 -MaximumRetryCount 60 -OutFile "$DestinationFolder\$destinationFile" -Method Get
                $job = Start-BitsTransfer -Asynchronous -Source $url -Destination "$DestinationFolder\$destinationFile" -DisplayName "Downloading `'$file`' to $DestinationFolder\$destinationFile" -Priority Foreground -Description "From $url..." -RetryInterval 60 -RetryTimeout 3600 -ErrorVariable err
                # When proxy is enabled
                # $job = Start-BitsTransfer -Asynchronous -Source $url -Destination "$DestinationFolder\$destinationFile" -DisplayName "Downloading `'$file`' to $DestinationFolder\$destinationFile" -Priority Foreground -Description "From $url..." -RetryInterval 60 -RetryTimeout 3600 -ProxyList canatsrv06:80 -ProxyUsage Override -ProxyAuthentication Ntlm -ProxyCredential $proxyCredentials -ErrorVariable err
                Write-Host " - Connecting..." -NoNewline
                while ($job.JobState -eq "Connecting")
                    Write-Host "." -NoNewline
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
                Write-Host "."
                If ($err) {Throw}
                Write-Host " - Downloading $file..."
                while ($job.JobState -ne "Transferred")
                    $percentDone = "{0:N2}" -f $($job.BytesTransferred / $job.BytesTotal * 100) + "% - $($job.JobState)"
                    Write-Host $percentDone -NoNewline
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
                    $backspaceCount = (($percentDone).ToString()).Length
                    for ($count = 1; $count -le $backspaceCount; $count++) {Write-Host "`b `b" -NoNewline}
                    if ($job.JobState -like "*Error")
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow " - An error occurred downloading $file, retrying..."
                        Resume-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $job -Asynchronous | Out-Null
                Write-Output " - Completing transfer..."
                Complete-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $job
                Write-Output " - Done!"
        Write-Output $err
        Write-Debug $_
        Write-Warning " - An error occurred downloading `'$file`'"
        $global:errorWarning = $true

Function Expand-Zip ($InputFile, $DestinationFolder)
    $Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
    $fileZip = $Shell.Namespace($InputFile)
    $Location = $Shell.Namespace($DestinationFolder)

Function Read-Log()
    $log = Get-ChildItem -Path (Get-Item $env:TEMP).FullName | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "opatchinstall*.log"} | Sort-Object -Descending -Property "LastWriteTime" | Select-Object -first 1
    If ($null -eq $log)
        Write-Host `n
        Throw " - Could not find extraction log file!"
    # Get error(s) from log
    $lastError = $log | select-string -SimpleMatch -Pattern "OPatchInstall: The extraction of the files failed" | Select-Object -Last 1
    If ($lastError)
        Write-Host `n
        Write-Warning $lastError.Line
        $global:errorWarning = $true
        Invoke-Item $log.FullName
        Throw " - Review the log file and try to correct any error conditions."
    Remove-Variable -Name log -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Function Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute ($Path)
    ForEach ($item in (Get-ChildItem -File -Path $Path -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        $attributes = @((Get-ItemProperty -Path $item.FullName).Attributes)
        If ($attributes -match "ReadOnly")
            # Set the file to just have the 'Archive' attribute
            Write-Output " - Removing Read-Only attribute from file: $item"
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $item.FullName -Name Attributes -Value "Archive"

# ====================================================================================
# Func: EnsureFolder
# Desc: Checks for the existence and validity of a given path, and attempts to create if it doesn't exist.
# From: Modified from patch 9833 at by user timiun
# ====================================================================================
Function EnsureFolder ($Path)
    If (!(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container))
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor White " - $Path doesn't exist; creating..."
            New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
            Write-Warning " - $($_.Exception.Message)"
            Throw " - Could not create folder $Path!"
            $global:errorWarning = $true

#region Admin Check
# First check if we are running this under an elevated session. Pulled from the script at
If (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
    Write-Warning " - You should run this script under an elevated PowerShell prompt. Launch an elevated PowerShell prompt by right-clicking the PowerShell shortcut and selecting `"Run as Administrator`"."
    Write-Warning " - Running without elevation may cause certain things to fail, e.g. file extraction."
    if (!$Unattended)
        Pause -action "proceed if you are sure this is OK, or Ctrl-C to exit" -key "y"

#region OS Check
# Then check if we are running Server 2012, Windows 8 or newer (e.g. Windows 10)
$windowsMajorVersion,$windowsMinorVersion,$null = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version -split "\."
if (($windowsMajorVersion -lt 6 -or (($windowsMajorVersion -eq 6) -and ($windowsMinorVersion -lt 2)) -and $windowsMajorVersion -ne 10) -and ($Languages.Count -gt 0))
    Write-Warning "You should be running Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 (minimum) to get the full functionality of this script."
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow " - Some features (e.g. image extraction) may not work otherwise."
    if (!$Unattended)
        Pause "proceed if you are sure this is OK, or Ctrl-C to exit" "y"

#region Start
if (!$Unattended)
    $oldTitle = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
    $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "--AutoSPSourceBuilder--"
$0 = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$dp0 = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($0)

# Clear out any old $errorWarning variable
Remove-Variable -Name errorWarning -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Scope Global

# Only needed if proxy is enabled
# $proxyCredentials = (Get-Credential -Message "Enter credentials for proxy server:" -UserName "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME")

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " -- AutoSPSourceBuilder SharePoint Update Download/Integration Utility --"

if ($UseExistingLocalXML)
    Write-Warning "'UseExistingLocalXML' specified; skipping download of AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml, and attempting to use local copy at '$dp0\AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml'."
    Write-Warning "This could mean you won't have the latest updates in your local copy."
    Write-Warning "To use the latest online AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml inventory file, omit the -UseExistingLocalXML switch."
    # Get latest official XML file from the master GitHub repo
    Write-Output " - Grabbing latest AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml update inventory file..."
    Start-BitsTransfer -DisplayName "Downloading AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml update inventory file" -Description "From ''..." -Destination "$dp0\AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml" -Priority Foreground -Source "" -RetryInterval 60 -RetryTimeout 3600
    if (!$?)
        # Try alternate method
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -TimeoutSec 3600 -MaximumRetryCount 60 -OutFile "$dp0\AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml" -Method Get
        if (!$?)
            throw "Could not download AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml file!"
[xml]$xml = (Get-Content -Path "$dp0\AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($xml))
    throw "Required AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml file not found! Please ensure it's located in the same folder as the AutoSPSourceBuilder.ps1 script ('$dp0')."
$spAvailableVersions = $xml.Products.Product.Name | Where-Object {$_ -like "SP*"}
$spAvailableVersionNumbers = $spAvailableVersions -replace "SP",""

#region Determine Product Version and Languages Requested

if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SharePointVersion)))
    Write-Output " - SharePoint $SharePointVersion specified on the command line."
    $spYear = $SharePointVersion

$Destination = $Destination.TrimEnd("\")
# Ensure the Destination has the year at the end of the path, in case we forgot to type it in when/if prompted
if (!($Destination -like "*$spYear"))
    $Destination = $Destination+"\"+$spYear
Write-Verbose -Message "Destination is `"$Destination`""
Write-Verbose -Message "Update location is `"$LocationForUpdates`""

if ($SourceLocation)
    $sourceDir = $SourceLocation.TrimEnd("\")
    Write-Output " - Checking for $sourceDir\Setup.exe and $sourceDir\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe..."
    $sourceFound = ((Test-Path -Path "$sourceDir\Setup.exe") -and (Test-Path -Path "$sourceDir\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe"))
    # Inspired by
    while (!$sourceFound)
        foreach ($driveLetter in 68..90) # Letters from D-Z
            # Check for the SharePoint DVD in all possible drive letters
            $sourceDir = "$([char]$driveLetter):"
            Write-Output " - Checking for $sourceDir\Setup.exe and $sourceDir\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe..."
            $sourceFound = ((Test-Path -Path "$sourceDir\Setup.exe") -and (Test-Path -Path "$sourceDir\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe"))
            If ($sourceFound -or $driveLetter -ge 90) {break}
    if (!$sourceFound)
        Write-Warning " - The correct SharePoint source files/media were not found!"
        Write-Warning " - Please insert/mount the correct media, or specify a valid path."
        $global:errorWarning = $true
        if (!$Unattended)
            Pause "exit"
        Write-Output " - Source found in $sourceDir."
        $spVer, $null, $spBuild, $null = (Get-Item -Path "$sourceDir\setup.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion -split "\."
        # Create a hash table with 'wave' to product year mappings
        $spYears = @{"14" = "2010"; "15" = "2013"; "16" = "2016"} # Can't use this hashtable to map SharePoint 2019 or SE versions because they use major version 16 as well
        $spYear = $spYears.$spVer
        # Accomodate SharePoint 2019 (uses the same major version number, but 5-digit build numbers)
        if ($spBuild.Length -eq 5)
            # Accomodate for SP Subscription Edition (2021)
            if ($spBuild -ge 13116)
                $spYear = "SE"
                $spYear = "2019"
        If (!$sourceDir -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SharePointVersion)))
            Write-Warning " - Cannot determine version of SharePoint setup binaries, and SharePointVersion was not specified."
            $global:errorWarning = $true
            if (!$Unattended)
                Pause "exit"
        Write-Output " - SharePoint $spYear detected."
        if ($spYear -eq "2013")
            $installerVer = (Get-Command "$sourceDir\setup.dll").FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion
            $null,$null,[int]$build,$null = $installerVer -split "\."
            If ($build -ge 4569) # SP2013 SP1
                $sp2013SP1 = $true
                Write-Output " - Service Pack 1 detected."
    if (!($sourceDir -eq "$Destination\SharePoint"))
        Write-Output " - (Robo-)copying files from $sourceDir to $Destination\SharePoint..."
        Start-Process -FilePath robocopy.exe -ArgumentList "`"$sourceDir`" `"$Destination\SharePoint`" /E /Z /ETA /NDL /NFL /NJH /XO /A-:R" -Wait -NoNewWindow
        Write-Output " - Done copying original files to $Destination\SharePoint."
    Write-Output " - No source location specified; updates will be downloaded but slipstreaming will be skipped."
    if ($SharePointVersion)
        Write-Output " - SharePoint $SharePointVersion specified on the command line."
        $spYear = $SharePointVersion
        Write-Verbose -Message "`$SharePointVersion not specified; prompting..."
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " - Please select the version of SharePoint from the list that appears..."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($spYear))
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $spYear = $spAvailableVersionNumbers | Sort-Object | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Please select the version of SharePoint to download updates for:"
        Write-Output " - SharePoint $spYear selected."
if ($Languages.Count -lt 1)
    Write-Host " - No languages specified on the command line.." -NoNewline
    if ($PromptForLanguages)
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        Write-Host "Will prompt for language(s)" -NoNewline
    Write-Host "."

#region Determine Update Requested
$spNode = $xml.Products.Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "SP$spYear"}
# Figure out which CU we want, but only if there are any available
[array]$spCuNodes = $spNode.CumulativeUpdates.ChildNodes | Where-Object {$_.NodeType -ne "Comment"}
if ((!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CumulativeUpdate))) -and !($spNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $CumulativeUpdate}))
    Write-Warning " - Invalid entry for update: `"$CumulativeUpdate`""
    Remove-Variable -Name CumulativeUpdate -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Only prompt for an update if there are actually any to choose from, and if we haven't already specified one on the command line
if (($spCuNodes).Count -ge 1 -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CumulativeUpdate)))
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " - Please select an available $(if ($spYear -eq "2016") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update from the list that appears..."
    while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedCumulativeUpdate))
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $selectedCumulativeUpdate = $spNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate.Name | Select-Object -Unique | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Please select an available $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update for SharePoint $spYear`:"
    $CumulativeUpdate = $selectedCumulativeUpdate
    Write-Output " - SharePoint $spYear $CumulativeUpdate $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update selected."
[array]$spCU = $spNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $CumulativeUpdate}
if ($spCU.Count -ge 1) # Only do this stuff if we actually have requested a CU
    $spCUName = $spCU[0].Name
    $spCUBuild = $spCU[0].Build
    if ($spYear -eq "2010") # For SP2010 service packs
        $null,$null,$updateSubBuild,$null = $spCU[0].Build -split "\."
        # Get the service pack required, based on the sp* value in the CU URL - the URL will refer to the *upcoming* service pack and not the service pack required to apply the CU...
        if ($spCU[0].Url -like "*sp2*" -and $CumulativeUpdate -ne "August 2013" -and $CumulativeUpdate -ne "October 2013") # As we would probably want at least SP1 if we are installing a CU prior to the August 2013 CU for SP2010
            $spServicePack = $spNode.ServicePacks.ServicePack | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "SP1"}
        elseif ($spCU[0].Url -like "*sp3*" -or $CumulativeUpdate -eq "August 2013" -or $updateSubBuild -gt 7140) # We probably want SP2 if we are installing the August 2013 CU for SP2010, or a version newer than 14.0.7140.5000
            $spServicePack = $spNode.ServicePacks.ServicePack | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "SP2"}
    elseif ($spYear -eq "2013") # For SP2013 service packs
        if ($sp2013SP1)
            $spServicePack = $spNode.ServicePacks.ServicePack | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "SP1"}
    # Check if we are requesting the August 2014 CU, which sure enough, isn't cumulative and requires SP1 + July 2014 CU
    if ($CumulativeUpdate -eq "August 2014")
        Write-Output " - The $CumulativeUpdate CU requires the July 2014 CU to be present first; will now attempt to integrate both."
        [array]$spCU = ($spNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "July 2014"}), $spCU

#region SharePoint Prerequisites
if ($GetPrerequisites)## -and (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation))))
    $spPrerequisiteNode = $spNode.Prerequisites
    EnsureFolder -Path "$Destination\SharePoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles"
    foreach ($prerequisite in $spPrerequisiteNode.Prerequisite)
        Write-Output " - Getting prerequisite `"$($prerequisite.Name)`"..."
        # Because MS added a newer WcfDataServices.exe (yes, with the same filename) to the prerequisites list with SP2013 SP1, we need a special case here to ensure it's downloaded with a different name
        if ($prerequisite.Name -eq "Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6" -and $spYear -eq "2013")
            DownloadPackage -Url $($prerequisite.Url) -ExpandedFile "WcfDataServices56.exe" -DestinationFolder "$Destination\SharePoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles" -DestinationFile "WcfDataServices56.exe"
            DownloadPackage -Url $($prerequisite.Url) -DestinationFolder "$Destination\SharePoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles"
    # Apply KB3087184 for SharePoint 2013 installer
    # KB3087184 can be considered a "prerequisite" for successful installation of SharePoint 2013 on a server that already has the .Net Framework 4.6 installed
    # Per
    If ($spYear -eq "2013")
        Write-Output " - Checking version of '$Destination\SharePoint\updates\svrsetup.dll'..."
        # Check to see if we have already patched/replaced svrsetup.dll
        $svrSetupDll = Get-Item -Path "$Destination\SharePoint\updates\svrsetup.dll" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        # Check for presence and version of svrsetup.dll
        if ($svrSetupDll)
            $null,$null,[int]$svrSetupDllBuild,$null = $svrSetupDll.VersionInfo.ProductVersion -split "\."
            Write-Output " - '$Destination\SharePoint\updates\svrsetup.dll' was not found (or version could not be determined); attempting to update..."
        if ($null -eq $svrSetupDllBuild -or ($svrSetupDllBuild -lt 4709)) # 4709 is the version substring/build of the patched svrsetup.dll
            if (Test-Path -Path "$Destination\SharePoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                Write-Output " - Attempting to patch SharePoint 2013 installation source with updated svrsetup.dll from KB3087184..."
                Write-Output " - Per"
                # Rename the original file
                Write-Output " - Copying patched version of svrsetup.dll to '$Destination\SharePoint\updates'..."
                Expand-Zip -InputFile "$Destination\SharePoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\" -DestinationFolder "$Destination\SharePoint\updates"
                Write-Output " - Done."
                $patchedForKB3087184 = $true
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow " - Package for KB3087184 was not found; skipping patching of SharePoint $spYear installation source."
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " - `"$Destination\SharePoint\updates\svrsetup.dll`" already exists and is already updated ($svrSetupDllBuild)."
            $patchedForKB3087184 = $true
    Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping prerequisites since GetPrerequisites or SourceLocation were not specified."

#region Prompt for Language Packs
if (($PromptForLanguages))
    $lpNode = $spNode.LanguagePacks
    # Prompt for an available language pack
    $availableLanguageNames = $lpNode.LanguagePack | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Url} | Select-Object Name | Sort-Object Name
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " - Please select one or more available language pack(s) from the list that appears..."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    [array]$Languages = $availableLanguageNames.Name | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title "Please select one or more available language pack(s). Hold down Ctrl to select multiple, or click Cancel to skip:"
    if ($Languages.Count -eq 0)
        Write-Output " - No languages selected."

#region SharePoint Service Pack
If ($spServicePack -and ($spYear -ne "2013") -and (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation)))) # Exclude SharePoint 2013 service packs as slipstreaming support has changed
    if ($spServicePack.Name -eq "SP1" -and $spYear -eq "2010") {$spMspCount = 40} # Service Pack 1 should have 40 .msp files
    if ($spServicePack.Name -eq "SP2" -and $spYear -eq "2010") {$spMspCount = 47} # Service Pack 2 should have 47 .msp files
    else {$spMspCount = 0}
    # Check if a SharePoint service pack already appears to be included in the source
    If ((Get-ChildItem "$sourceDir\Updates" -Filter *.msp).Count -lt $spMspCount) # Checking for specific number of MSP patch files in the \Updates folder
        Write-Output " - $($spServicePack.Name) seems to be missing, or incomplete in $sourceDir\; downloading..."
        # Set the subfolder name for easy update build & name identification, for example, "15.0.4481.1005 (March 2013)"
        $spServicePackSubfolder = $spServicePack.Build+" ("+$spServicePack.Name+")"
        EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$spServicePackSubfolder"
        DownloadPackage -Url $($spServicePack.Url) -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$spServicePackSubfolder"
        Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute -Path "$Destination\SharePoint\Updates"
        # Extract SharePoint service pack patch files
        $spServicePackExpandedFile = $($spServicePack.Url).Split('/')[-1]
        Write-Verbose -Message " - Extracting from '$LocationForUpdates\$spServicePackSubfolder\$spServicePackExpandedFile'"
        Write-Host " - Extracting SharePoint $($spServicePack.Name) patch files..." -NoNewline
        Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spServicePackSubfolder\$spServicePackExpandedFile" -ArgumentList "/extract:`"$Destination\SharePoint\Updates`" /passive" -Wait -NoNewWindow
        Write-Host "done!"
    Else {Write-Output " - $($spServicePack.Name) appears to be already slipstreamed into the SharePoint binary source location."}

    ## Extract SharePoint w/SP1 files (future functionality?)
    ## Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\en_sharepoint_server_2010_with_service_pack_1_x64_759775.exe" -ArgumentList "/extract:$Destination\SharePoint /passive" -NoNewWindow -Wait -NoNewWindow
    Write-Verbose -Message "Not processing service pack."

#region March PU for SharePoint 2013
# Since the March 2013 PU for SharePoint 2013 is considered the baseline build for all updates going forward (prior to SP1), we need to download and extract it if we are looking for a SP2013 CU dated March 2013 or later
If ($spCU.Count -ge 1 -and $spCU[0].Name -ne "December 2012" -and $spYear -eq "2013" -and !$sp2013SP1 -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation)))
    $march2013PU = $spNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "March 2013"}
    Write-Output " - Getting SharePoint $spYear baseline update $($march2013PU.Name) PU:"
    $march2013PUFile = $($march2013PU.Url).Split('/')[-1]
    if ($march2013PU.Url -like "*zip.exe")
        $march2013PUFileIsZip = $true
        $march2013PUFile += ".zip"
    # Set the subfolder name for easy update build & name identification, for example, "15.0.4481.1005 (March 2013)"
    $updateSubfolder = $march2013PU.Build+" ("+$march2013PU.Name+")"
    EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder"
    DownloadPackage -Url $($march2013PU.Url) -ExpandedFile $($march2013PU.ExpandedFile) -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder" -destinationFile $march2013PUFile
    # Expand PU executable to $LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder
    If (!(Test-Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\$($march2013PU.ExpandedFile)") -and $march2013PUFileIsZip) # Ensure the expanded file isn't already there, and the PU is a zip
        $march2013PUFileZipPath = Join-Path -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder" -ChildPath $march2013PUFile
        Write-Output " - Expanding $($march2013PU.Name) Public Update (single file)..."
        # Remove any pre-existing hotfix.txt file so we aren't prompted to replace it by Expand-Zip and cause our script to pause
        if (Test-Path -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\hotfix.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            Remove-Item -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\hotfix.txt" -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Expand-Zip -InputFile $march2013PUFileZipPath -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder"
    Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute -Path "$Destination\SharePoint\Updates"
    $march2013PUTempFolder = "$Destination\SharePoint\Updates\March2013PU_TEMP"
    # Remove any existing .xml or .msp files
    foreach ($existingItem in (Get-ChildItem -Path $march2013PUTempFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        $existingItem | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$false
    # Extract SharePoint PU files to $march2013PUTempFolder
    Write-Verbose -Message " - Extracting from '$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\$($march2013PU.ExpandedFile)'"
    Write-Host " - Extracting $($march2013PU.Name) Public Update patch files..." -NoNewline
    Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\$($march2013PU.ExpandedFile)" -ArgumentList "/extract:`"$march2013PUTempFolder`" /passive" -Wait -NoNewWindow
    Write-Host "done!"
    # Now that we have a supported way to slispstream BOTH the March 2013 PU as well as a subsequent CU (per, let's make it happen.
    Write-Host " - Processing $($march2013PU.Name) Public Update patch files (to allow slipstreaming with a later CU)..." -NoNewline
    # Grab every file except for the eula.txt (or any other text files) and any pre-existing renamed files
    foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem -Path "$march2013PUTempFolder" | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*.txt" -and $_.Name -notlike "_*SP0"}))
        $prefix,$extension = $item -split "\."
        $newName = "_$prefix-SP0.$extension"
        if (Test-Path -Path "$march2013PUTempFolder\$newName")
            Remove-Item -Path "$march2013PUTempFolder\$newName" -Force -Confirm:$false
        Rename-Item -Path "$($item.FullName)" -NewName $newName -ErrorAction Inquire
    # Move March 2013 PU files up into \Updates folder
    foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem -Path "$march2013PUTempFolder"))
        $item | Move-Item -Destination "$Destination\SharePoint\Updates" -Force
    Remove-Item -Path $march2013PUTempFolder -Force -Confirm:$false
    Write-Host "done!"

#region SharePoint Updates
If ($spCU.Count -ge 1)
    $null,$null,[int]$spServicePackBuildNumber,$null = $spServicePack.Build -split "\."
    $null,$null,[int]$spCUBuildNumber,$null = $spCUBuild -split "\."
    if (($spCU.Url[0] -like "*`/$($spServicePack.Name)`/*") -and ($spServicePackBuildNumber -gt $spCUBuildNumber)) # New; only get the CU if its URL doesn't contain the service pack we already have and if the build is older, as it will likely be older
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " - The $($spCU.Name[0]) update appears to be older than the SharePoint $spYear service pack or binaries, skipping."
        # Mark that the CU, although requested, has been skipped for the reason above. Used so that the output .txt file report remains accurate.
        $spCUSkipped = $true
        foreach ($spCUpackage in $spCU)
            $spCUpackageIndex ++
            $spCUPackageName = $spCUpackage.Name
            $spCUPackageBuild = $spCUpackage.Build
            $spCUFile = $($spCUPackage.Url).Split('/')[-1]
            Write-Output " - Getting SharePoint $spYear $($spCUPackageName) update file ($spCUFile):"
            if ($spCUPackage.Url -like "*zip.exe")
                $spCuFileIsZip = $true
                $spCuFile += ".zip"
            # Set the subfolder name for easy update build & name identification, for example, "15.0.4481.1005 (March 2013)"
            $updateSubfolder = $spCUPackageBuild+" ("+$spCUPackageName+")"
            EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder"
            DownloadPackage -Url $($spCUPackage.Url) -ExpandedFile $($spCUPackage.ExpandedFile) -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder" -destinationFile $spCuFile
            # Only do this if we are interested in slipstreaming, e.g. if we have a $SourceLocation
            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation)))
                # Expand CU executable to $LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder
                if (!(Test-Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\$($spCUPackage.ExpandedFile)") -and $spCuFileIsZip) # Ensure the expanded file isn't already there, and the CU is a zip
                    $spCuFileZipPath = Join-Path -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder" -ChildPath $spCuFile
                    Write-Output " - Expanding $spCuFile $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update (single file)..."
                    # Remove any pre-existing hotfix.txt file so we aren't prompted to replace it by Expand-Zip and cause our script to pause
                    if (Test-Path -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\hotfix.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                        Remove-Item -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\hotfix.txt" -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    Expand-Zip -InputFile $spCuFileZipPath -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder"
                Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute -Path "$Destination\SharePoint\Updates"
                # Extract SharePoint CU files to $Destination\SharePoint\Updates (but only if the source file is an .exe)
                if ($spCUPackage.ExpandedFile -like "*.exe")
                    # Assuming this is the the "launcher" package and the only one with an .exe extension. This is to differentiate from the ubersrv*.cab files included recently as part of CUs
                    [array]$spCULaunchers += $spCUPackage.ExpandedFile
                if ($spCUpackageIndex -eq $spCU.Count) # Now that all packages have been downloaded we can call the launcher .exe to extract the CU
                    if ($spYear -eq "2013")
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " - NOTE: SP2013 updates can take a VERY long time to extract, so please be patient!"
                    Write-Output " - Extracting $($spCUName) $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update patch files..."
                    foreach ($spCULauncher in $spCULaunchers)
                        Write-Verbose -Message " - Extracting from '$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\$spCULauncher'"
                        Write-Host " - $spCULauncher..." -NoNewline
                        Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\$updateSubfolder\$spCULauncher" -ArgumentList "/extract:`"$Destination\SharePoint\Updates`" /passive" -Wait -NoNewWindow
                        Write-Host "done!"
                    Write-Output " - Extracting update patch files done!"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping slipstreaming since no source location was specified."
    Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping SharePoint updates since no SharePoint $spYear updates were found."

#region Office Web Apps / Online Server
if ($spYear -le 2013) {$wacProductName = "Office Web Apps"; $wacNodeName = "OfficeWebApps"}
elseif ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {$wacProductName = "Office Online Server"; $wacNodeName = "OfficeOnlineServer"}
if ($WACSourceLocation)
    $wacNode = $xml.Products.Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$wacNodeName$spYear"}
    $wacServicePack = $wacNode.ServicePacks.ServicePack | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $spServicePack.Name} # To match the chosen SharePoint service pack
    if ($wacServicePack.Name -eq "SP1" -and $spYear -eq "2010") {$wacMspCount = 16}
    if ($wacServicePack.Name -eq "SP2" -and $spYear -eq "2010") {$wacMspCount = 32}
    else {$wacMspCount = 0}
    # Create a hash table with some directories to look for to confirm the valid presence of the WAC binaries. Not perfect.
    $wacTestDirs = @{"2010" = "XLSERVERWAC.en-us"; "2013" = "wacservermui.en-us"; "2016" = "wacserver.ww"}
    ##if ($spYear -eq "2010") {$wacTestDir = "XLSERVERWAC.en-us"}
    ##elseif ($spYear -eq "2013") {$wacTestDir = "wacservermui.en-us"}
    # Try to find a OWA/OOS update that matches the current month for the SharePoint update
    [array]$wacCU = $wacNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $spCUName}
    [array]$wacCUNodes = $wacNode.CumulativeUpdates.ChildNodes | Where-Object {$_.NodeType -ne "Comment"}
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacCU))
        Write-Output " - There is no $($spCUName) update for $wacProductName available."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacCUName) -and (($wacCUNodes).Count -ge 1))
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " - Please select another available $wacProductName update..."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $wacCUName = $wacNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate.Name | Select-Object -Unique | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Please select another available $wacProductName update:"
        [array]$wacCU = $wacNode.CumulativeUpdates.CumulativeUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $wacCUName}
        Write-Output " - $($wacCU[0].Name) update found for $wacProductName."
    if ($wacCU.Count -ge 1)
        $wacCUName = $wacCU[0].Name
        $wacCUBuild = $wacCU[0].Build
    # Download Office Web Apps / Online Server?

    # Download Office Web Apps / Online Server 2013 Prerequisites
    If ($GetPrerequisites -and $spYear -ge 2013)
        $wacPrerequisiteNode = $wacNode.Prerequisites
        EnsureFolder -Path "$Destination\$wacNodeName\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles"
        foreach ($prerequisite in $wacPrerequisiteNode.Prerequisite)
            Write-Output " - Getting $wacProductName prerequisite `"$($prerequisite.Name)`"..."
            DownloadPackage -Url $($prerequisite.Url) -DestinationFolder "$Destination\$wacNodeName\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping $wacProductName updates since GetPrerequisites wasn't specified or $wacProductName is older than 2013."
    # Extract Office Web Apps / Online Server files to $Destination\$wacNodeName
    $sourceDirWAC = $WACSourceLocation.TrimEnd("\")
    Write-Output " - Checking for $sourceDirWAC\$($wacTestDirs.$spYear)\..."
    $sourceFoundWAC = (Test-Path -Path "$sourceDirWAC\$($wacTestDirs.$spYear)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    if (!$sourceFoundWAC)
        Write-Warning " - The correct $wacProductName source files/media were not found!"
        Write-Warning " - Please specify a valid path."
        $global:errorWarning = $true
        if (!$Unattended)
            Pause "exit"
        Write-Output " - Source found in $sourceDirWAC."
    if (!($sourceDirWAC -eq "$Destination\$wacNodeName"))
        Write-Output " - (Robo-)copying files from $sourceDirWAC to $Destination\$wacNodeName..."
        Start-Process -FilePath robocopy.exe -ArgumentList "`"$sourceDirWAC`" `"$Destination\$wacNodeName`" /E /Z /ETA /NDL /NFL /NJH /XO /A-:R" -Wait -NoNewWindow
        Write-Output " - Done copying original files to $Destination\$wacNodeName."

    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacServicePack.Name)))
        # Check if WAC SP already appears to be included in the source
        if ((Get-ChildItem "$sourceDirWAC\Updates" -Filter *.msp).Count -lt $wacMspCount) # Checking for ($wacMspCount) MSP patch files in the \Updates folder
            Write-Output " - WAC $($wacServicePack.Name) seems to be missing or incomplete in $sourceDirWAC; downloading..."
            # Download Office Web Apps / Online Server service pack
            Write-Output " - Getting $wacProductName $($wacServicePack.Name):"
            # Set the subfolder name for easy update build & name identification, for example, "15.0.4481.1005 (March 2013)"
            $wacServicePackSubfolder = $wacServicePack.Build+" ("+$wacServicePack.Name+")"
            EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$wacServicePackSubfolder"
            DownloadPackage -Url $($wacServicePack.Url) -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$wacServicePackSubfolder"
            Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute -Path "$Destination\$wacNodeName\Updates"
            # Extract Office Web Apps / Online Server service pack files to $Destination\$wacNodeName\Updates
            $wacServicePackExpandedFile = $($wacServicePack.Url).Split('/')[-1]
            Write-Verbose -Message " - Extracting from '$$LocationForUpdates\$wacServicePackSubfolder\$wacServicePackExpandedFile'"
            Write-Host " - Extracting $wacProductName $($wacServicePack.Name) patch files..." -NoNewline
            Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\$wacServicePackSubfolder\$wacServicePackExpandedFile" -ArgumentList "/extract:`"$Destination\$wacNodeName\Updates`" /passive" -Wait -NoNewWindow
            Write-Host "done!"
        else {Write-Output " - WAC $($wacServicePack.Name) appears to be already slipstreamed into the SharePoint binary source location."}
    else {Write-Output " - No WAC service packs are available or applicable for this version."}

    if ($spCU.Count -ge 1 -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacCU))
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacCU))) # Only attempt this if we actually have a CU for WAC that matches the SP revision
        # Download Office Web Apps / Online Server CU
        foreach ($wacCUPackage in $wacCU)
            Write-Output " - Getting $wacProductName $wacCUName update:"
            $wacCuFileZip = $($wacCUPackage.Url).Split('/')[-1] +".zip"
            # Set the subfolder name for easy update build & name identification, for example, "15.0.4481.1005 (March 2013)"
            $wacUpdateSubfolder = $wacCUBuild+" ("+$wacCUName+")"
            EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder"
            DownloadPackage -Url $($wacCUPackage.Url) -ExpandedFile $($wacCUPackage.ExpandedFile) -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder" -destinationFile $wacCuFileZip

            # Expand Office Web Apps / Online Server CU executable to $LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder
            If (!(Test-Path "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder\$($wacCUPackage.ExpandedFile)")) # Check if the expanded file is already there
                $wacCuFileZipPath = Join-Path -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder" -ChildPath $wacCuFileZip
                Write-Output " - Expanding $wacProductName $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update (single file)..."
                EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder"
                # Remove any pre-existing hotfix.txt file so we aren't prompted to replace it by Expand-Zip and cause our script to pause
                if (Test-Path -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder\hotfix.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                    Remove-Item -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder\hotfix.txt" -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                Expand-Zip -InputFile $wacCuFileZipPath -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder"
            Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute -Path "$Destination\$wacNodeName\Updates"
            # Extract Office Web Apps / Online Server CU files to $Destination\$wacNodeName\Updates
            Write-Verbose -Message " - Extracting from '$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder\$($wacCUPackage.ExpandedFile)'"
            Write-Host " - Extracting $wacProductName $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update patch files..." -NoNewline
            Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\$wacUpdateSubfolder\$($wacCUPackage.ExpandedFile)" -ArgumentList "/extract:`"$Destination\$wacNodeName\Updates`" /passive" -Wait -NoNewWindow
            Write-Host "done!"
    else {Write-Output " - No $wacProductName updates are available or applicable for this version."}
    Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping $wacProductName updates since no $wacProductName location was specified."

#region Language Packs
if ($Languages.Count -gt 0)
    # Remove any spaces or quotes and ensure each one is split out
    [array]$languages = $Languages -replace ' ','' -split ","
    Write-Output " - Languages requested:"
    foreach ($language in $Languages)
        Write-Output " - $language"
    $lpNode = $spNode.LanguagePacks
    ForEach ($language in $Languages)
        $spLanguagePack = $lpNode.LanguagePack | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $language}
        If (!$spLanguagePack)
            Write-Warning " - Language Pack `"$language`" invalid, or not found - skipping."
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($spLanguagePack.Url))
            Write-Warning " - There is no download URL for Language Pack `"$language`" yet - skipping. You may need to download it manually from MSDN/Technet."
            # Download the language pack
            [array]$validLanguages += $language
            $lpDestinationFile = $($spLanguagePack.Url).Split('/')[-1]
            # Give it a more descriptive name if the language sub-string is not already present
            if (!($lpDestinationFile -like "*$language*"))
                if ($spver -eq "14")
                    $lpDestinationFile = $lpDestinationFile -replace ".exe","_$language.exe"
                    $lpDestinationFile = $lpDestinationFile -replace ".img","_$language.img"
            Write-Output " - Getting SharePoint $spYear Language Pack ($language):"
            # Set the subfolder name for easy update build & name identification, for example, "15.0.4481.1005 (March 2013)"
            $spLanguagePackSubfolder = $spLanguagePack.Name
            EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder"
            DownloadPackage -Url $($spLanguagePack.Url) -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder" -DestinationFile $lpDestinationFile
            Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute -Path "$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language"
            # Extract the language pack to $Destination\LanguagePacks\xx-xx (where xx-xx is the culture ID of the language pack, for example fr-fr)
            if ($lpDestinationFile -match ".img$" -or $lpDestinationFile -match ".iso$")
                # Mount the ISO/IMG file ($LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpDestinationFile) and robo-copy the files to $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language
                Write-Host " - Mounting language pack disk image..." -NoNewline
                Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpDestinationFile" -StorageType ISO
                $isoDrive = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpDestinationFile" | Get-Volume).DriveLetter + ":"
                Write-Host "Done."

                # Copy files
                Write-Output " - (Robo-)copying language pack files from $isoDrive to $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language"
                Start-Process -FilePath robocopy.exe -ArgumentList "`"$isoDrive`" `"$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language`" /E /Z /ETA /NDL /NFL /NJH /XO /A-:R" -Wait -NoNewWindow
                Write-Output " - Done copying language pack files to $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language."
                # Dismount the ISO/IMG
                Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpDestinationFile"
                Write-Verbose -Message " - Extracting from '$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpDestinationFile'"
                Write-Host " - Extracting Language Pack files ($language)..." -NoNewline
                Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpDestinationFile" -ArgumentList "/extract:`"$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language`" /quiet" -Wait -NoNewWindow
                Write-Host "done!"
            [array]$lpSpNodes = $splanguagePack.ServicePacks.ChildNodes | Where-Object {$_.NodeType -ne "Comment"}
            if (($lpSpNodes).Count -ge 1 -and $spServicePack)
                # Download service pack for the language pack
                $lpServicePack = $spLanguagePack.ServicePacks.ServicePack | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $spServicePack.Name} # To match the chosen SharePoint service pack
                $lpServicePackDestinationFile = $($lpServicePack.Url).Split('/')[-1]
                Write-Output " - Getting SharePoint $spYear Language Pack $($lpServicePack.Name) ($language):"
                EnsureFolder -Path "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder"
                DownloadPackage -Url $($lpServicePack.Url) -DestinationFolder "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder" -DestinationFile $lpServicePackDestinationFile
                if (Test-Path -Path "$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language\Updates") {Remove-ReadOnlyAttribute -Path "$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language\Updates"}
                # Extract each language pack to $Destination\LanguagePacks\xx-xx (where xx-xx is the culture ID of the language pack, for example fr-fr)
                if ($lpServicePackDestinationFile -match ".img$")
                    # Mount the ISO/IMG file ($LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpDestinationFile) and robo-copy the files to $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language
                    Write-Host " - Mounting language pack service pack disk image..." -NoNewline
                    Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpServicePackDestinationFile" -StorageType ISO
                    $isoDrive = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpServicePackDestinationFile" | Get-Volume).DriveLetter + ":"
                    Write-Host "Done."

                    # Copy files
                    Write-Output " - (Robo-)copying language pack service pack files from $isoDrive to $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language"
                    Start-Process -FilePath robocopy.exe -ArgumentList "`"$isoDrive`" `"$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language`" /E /Z /ETA /NDL /NFL /NJH /XO /A-:R" -Wait -NoNewWindow
                    Write-Output " - Done copying language pack service pack files to $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language."
                    # Dismount the ISO/IMG
                    Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpServicePackDestinationFile"
                    Write-Verbose -Message " - Extracting from '$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpServicePackDestinationFile'"
                    Write-Host " - Extracting Language Pack $($lpServicePack.Name) files ($language)..." -NoNewline
                    Start-Process -FilePath "$LocationForUpdates\$spLanguagePackSubfolder\$lpServicePackDestinationFile" -ArgumentList "/extract:`"$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language\Updates`" /quiet" -Wait -NoNewWindow
                    Write-Host "done!"
        If ($spCU.Count -ge 1 -and (Test-Path -Path "$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language\Updates") -and (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation))))
            # Copy matching culture files from $Destination\SharePoint\Updates folder (e.g. spsmui-fr-fr.msp) to $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language\Updates
            Write-Output " - Updating $Destination\LanguagePacks\$language with the $($spCUName) SharePoint update..."
            ForEach ($patch in (Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination\SharePoint\Updates -Filter *$language*))
                Copy-Item -Path $patch.FullName -Destination "$Destination\LanguagePacks\$language\Updates" -Force
            Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping language pack slipstreaming since no source location was specified."
    Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping language packs & language updates since no language was specified."


#region Wrap Up
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation)))
    $textFileName = "_SLIPSTREAM_HISTORY.txt"
    $textFileName = "_UPDATE_HISTORY.txt"
# Append the history file if it already exists
if (Get-item -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    Write-Output " - Appending version history file `"$textFileName`"..."
    Write-Output " - Adding a version history file `"$textFileName`"..."
    Set-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value "This media source directory has been prepared with:" -Force
Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -Force
Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value "$(Get-Date):" -Force
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation)))
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value "- SharePoint $spYear" -Force
If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($spServicePack)))
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - $($spServicePack.Name) for SharePoint $spYear" -Force
If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($march2013PU)))
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - $($march2013PU.Name) Public Update for SharePoint $spYear" -Force
If (($spCU.Count -ge 1) -and !$spCUSkipped)
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - $($spCUName) $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update for SharePoint $spYear" -Force
If ($GetPrerequisites -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation)))
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - Prerequisite software for SharePoint $spYear" -Force
if ($patchedForKB3087184)
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - .Net Framework 4.6 installation compatibility update (KB3087184) for SharePoint $spYear" -Force
If ($validLanguages.Count -gt 0) # Add the language packs to the txt file only if they were actually valid
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - Language Packs:" -Force
    ForEach ($language in $validLanguages)
        Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - $language" -Force
If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WACSourceLocation)))
    Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value "- $wacProductName $spYear" -Force
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacPrerequisiteNode)))
        Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - Prerequisite software for $wacProductName $spYear" -Force
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacServicePack)))
        Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - $($wacServicePack.Name) for $wacProductName $spYear" -Force
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wacCU)))
        Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value " - $($wacCUName) $(if ($spYear -ge 2016 -or $spYear -eq "SE") {"Public"} else {"Cumulative"}) Update for $wacProductName $spYear" -Force
Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value "Using AutoSPSourceBuilder (" -Force
Add-Content -Path "$Destination\$textFileName" -Value "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -Force
If ($global:errorWarning)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow " - At least one non-trivial error was encountered."
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLocation)))
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow " - Your SharePoint installation source could therefore be incomplete."
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow " - You should re-run this script until there are no more errors."
Write-Output " - Done!"
Write-Output " - Review the output and check your source/update file integrity carefully."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
if (!$Unattended)
    Invoke-Item -Path $Destination
if (!$Unattended)
    $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $oldTitle
    Pause "exit"