
class Command {
    [string]$DocumentationUrl = '<unknown>'

    [string[]]$Scopes = @()

    [Hashtable]$Parameters = @{ }
    [Hashtable]$ParameterSets = @{ }




    [string]ToExample() {
        $format = @'
    PS C:\> {0}

        $sets = @{ }
        foreach ($set in $this.ParameterSets.Keys) {
            $sets[$set] = @()
        foreach ($parameter in $this.Parameters.Values) {
            foreach ($set in $parameter.ParameterSet) {
                if ($sets[$set]) { continue }
                $sets[$set] = @()
            if (-not $parameter.Mandatory) { continue }

            foreach ($set in $parameter.ParameterSet) {
                $sets[$set] += $parameter

        $texts = foreach ($set in $sets.Keys) {
            $descriptionText = '<insert description here>'
            if ($this.ParameterSets[$set]) { $descriptionText = $this.ParameterSets[$set] }

            $commandText = (@($this.Name) + @(($sets[$set] | ForEach-Object ToExample))) -join " "

            $format -f $commandText, $descriptionText

        return $texts -join "`n`n"

    [string]ToHelp() {
        $format = @'

        $parameterHelp = $this.Parameters.Values | Sort-Object Weight | ForEach-Object ToHelp | Join-String -Separator "`n`n"
        if ($this.ShouldProcess) {
            $shouldPropcessHelp = @'
    If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that change state.
    If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that explain what would happen if the command were to run.

            $parameterHelp = $parameterHelp, $shouldPropcessHelp -join "`n`n"
        $descriptionText = $this.Description
        if ($this.Scopes) { $descriptionText = $descriptionText, (' Scopes required (delegate auth): {0}' -f ($this.Scopes -join ", ")) -join "`n`n" }
        return $format -f $this.Synopsis, $descriptionText, $parameterHelp, $this.ToExample(), $this.DocumentationUrl

    [string]ToParam() {
        if (-not $this.ShouldProcess -and $this.Name -match '^New-|^Remove-|^Set-|^Start-') {
            $this.PssaRulesIgnored = @($this.PssaRulesIgnored) + @('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions')
        $pssaString = ''
        foreach ($rule in $this.PssaRulesIgnored) {
            if (-not "$rule") { continue }
            $pssaString += @"
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('$rule', '')]

        $supportsShouldProcess = ''
        if ($this.ShouldProcess) { $supportsShouldProcess = ', SupportsShouldProcess = $true' }
        return @"
$pssaString [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default'$($supportsShouldProcess))]
    param (
$($this.Parameters.Values | Sort-Object Weight | ForEach-Object ToParam | Join-String ",`n`n")


    [string]ToProcess() {
        $bodyString = '@({0})' -f (($this.Parameters.Values | Where-Object Type -EQ Body).Name | Add-String "'" "'" | Join-String ",")
        $queryString = '@({0})' -f (($this.Parameters.Values | Where-Object Type -EQ Query).Name | Add-String "'" "'" | Join-String ",")
        $headerString = '@({0})' -f (($this.Parameters.Values | Where-Object Type -EQ Header).Name | Add-String "'" "'" | Join-String ",")
        [string]$pathReplacement = $this.Parameters.Values | Where-Object {
            $_.Type -eq 'Path' -and
            $this.EndpointUrl -like "*{$($_.SystemName)}*"
        } | Format-String -Format " -Replace '{{{0}}}',`${1}" -Property SystemName, Name | Join-String ""
        $pathModifier = ''
        if ($optionalParameter = $this.Parameters.Values | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 'Path' -and $this.EndpointUrl -notlike "*{$($_.SystemName)}*" }) {
            $pathModifier = 'if (${0}) {{ $__param.Path += "/${0}" }}' -f $optionalParameter.Name
        $actionsString = ''
        if ($this.PassThruActions) { $actionsString = "`$__param += `$PSBoundParameters | $($this.ConvertToHashtableCommand) -Include 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'Verbose'" }
        $scopesString = ''
        if ($this.Scopes) { $scopesString = 'RequiredScopes = {0}' -f ($this.Scopes | Add-String "'" "'" | Join-String ',') }
        $processorString = ''
        if ($this.ProcessorCommand) { $processorString = " | $($this.ProcessorCommand)" }
        $serviceString = ''
        if ($this.ServiceName) { $serviceString = "Service = '$($this.ServiceName)'" }
        $mappingString = $this.Parameters.Values | Where-Object Type -NE Path | Format-String -Format " '{0}' = '{1}'" -Property Name, SystemName | Join-String "`n"
        $miscParameterString = $this.Parameters.Values | Where-Object Type -eq Misc | Format-String -Format ' -{0} ${1}' -Property SystemName, Name | Join-String " "
        $shouldProcessString = ''
        if ($this.ShouldProcess) {
            $target = $this.ShouldProcessTarget
            if (-not $target) { $target = '${0}' -f @(@($this.Parameters.Keys).Where{ $_ -like "*ID" })[0] }
            if ($target -eq '$') { $target = '<target>' }
            $shouldProcessString = ' if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("{0}","{1}")) {{ return }}' -f $target, $this.ShouldProcess

        return @"
        `$__mapping = @{
        `$__param = @{
            Body = `$PSBoundParameters | $($this.ConvertToHashtableCommand) -Include $bodyString -Mapping `$__mapping
            Query = `$PSBoundParameters | $($this.ConvertToHashtableCommand) -Include $queryString -Mapping `$__mapping
            Header = `$PSBoundParameters | $($this.ConvertToHashtableCommand) -Include $headerString -Mapping `$__mapping
            Path = '$($this.EndpointUrl)'$pathReplacement
            Method = '$($this.Method)'
        try { $($this.RestCommand) @__param$($miscParameterString)$($processorString) }
        catch { `$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(`$_) }


    [string]ToCommand([bool]$NoHelp = $false) {
        if ($NoHelp) {
            return @"
function $($this.Name) {
    process {

        return @"
function $($this.Name) {
    process {
