
#Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# Auto
.GUID 602bc07e-a621-4738-8c27-0edf4a4cea8e
.AUTHOR David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave
.COMPANYNAME David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave
.COPYRIGHT David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave
.TAGS sitecore powershell local install iis solr

Auto All The Things!
PowerShell script that helps you Automate All The Things!
PS> Auto 'name'
PS> Auto az armtemplate.json
PS> Auto 'name' 'template'
PS> Auto 'name' 'template' 'd:\repos'

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position=0)]
    [string] $action = "help",
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position=1)]
    [string] $data = "",
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position=2)]
    [string] $path = "",
    [switch] $Force = $false
$PSScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".ps1",""))
Write-Verbose "#####################################################"
Write-Verbose "# $PSScriptName $action $data $path"
Write-Host "$($PSScriptName):$action $data $path" -ForegroundColor White

$StopWatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

if (!$path) { $path = "$($PSScriptName).json";}
Write-Verbose "path:$path"
if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
    if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\$PSScriptName.json") {
        $path = "$PSScriptRoot\$PSScriptName.json"
    } else {
        throw "ERROR invalid path:$($path)"

try {
    #$tasks = Get-Content .\auto.json | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
    $config = (Get-Content $path -Raw) | ConvertFrom-Json
    #Write-Host "config:$($config)"
} catch {
    throw $_
$tasksNode = $["tasks"].value
#Write-Host "tasksNode:$($tasksNode)"
$tasks = $
#Write-Host "tasks:$($tasks)"

if ($action -eq 'add' -and $data.IndexOf('=') -gt -1) {
    Write-Host "add task:$data"
    $ds = $data.split('=')
    $config.tasks | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($ds[0])" -Value "$($ds[1])" -PassThru | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $path
} elseif ($action -eq 'del' -or $action -eq 'delete' -and $data) {
    Write-Host "delete task:$data"
    #$config.tasks | Remove-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$data" | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $path
    $config.tasks.remove("$data") | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $path
} else {
    if ($tasks) {
        $taskProperty = $tasks[$action]
        if ($taskProperty) {
            $task = $taskProperty.value
    if ($task) {
        Write-Verbose "task:$task"
        if ($task -like '*$(data)*') {
            Write-Verbose "data:$data"
            $task = $task.replace('$(data)', "$($data)")
            #$task = $task -replace '$(data)', "$($data)"
            #$task = $task -replace '$(data)', "$($data)"
        Write-Verbose "task:$task"
        if ($task -like '.\*') {
            $path = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ($task.Remove(0,2)))
            Write-Host "Invoke:$path" -ForegroundColor White
            Invoke-Expression -Command $path
        } else {
            Write-Host "Invoke:$task" -ForegroundColor White
            Invoke-Expression -Command $task
    } else {
        if ($action -ne 'help' -and $action -ne 'az') {
            Write-Host "Task not found in $PSScriptName.json: $action, to add use: -addTask 'AutoScript'" -ForegroundColor White
        if ($action -eq 'az') {
            Write-Host "RUN:$path"

            @((Split-Path $profile -Parent),$PSScriptRoot,("$currLocation" -ne "$PSScriptRoot" ? $currLocation : ''),(Split-Path $path -Parent)).foreach({
                try {
                    $p = $_
                    if ($p) {
                        #Write-Verbose "checking:$p\*.env*"
                        if (Test-Path $p\*.env*) {
                            Get-ChildItem â€“Path $p\*.env* | Foreach-Object {
                                try {
                                    $f = $_
                                    #Write-Verbose "checking:$($f.FullName)"
                                    $content = (Get-Content $f.FullName)
                                    $content | ForEach-Object {
                                        if (-not ($_ -like '#*') -and  ($_ -like '*=*')) {
                                            $sp = $_.Split('=')
                                            #Write-Host "Set-Env $($sp[0])=$($sp[1])"
                                            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($sp[0], $sp[1])
                                catch {
                                    Write-Error "ERROR Set-Env $p-$f" #-InformationVariable results
                        } else { 
                            #Write-Verbose "skipped:$p no *.env* files found"
                catch {
                    Write-Error "ERROR Set-Env $p" #-InformationVariable results

            if (!$prefix) { $prefix = $env:prefix }
            if (!$prefix) { $prefix = $env:RELEASE_DEFINITIONNAME }
            if (!$prefix) { $prefix = 'az' }

            if (!$envName) { $envName = $env:envName }
            if (!$envName) { $envName = $env:RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTNAME}
            if (!$envName) { $envName = 'test'}
            if (!$location) { $location = $env:location }
            if (!$location) {$location = 'eastus'}

            if (!$armconfig) { $armconfig = 'default'}

            Write-Host "deploying:$($myResourceGroupName)"

            #az group create --name $myResourceGroupName --location $location

            Write-Host "Run tasks:$path"
            $tasks = Get-Content $path | ConvertFrom-Json #$steps = @("nsg","vnet","app","api","falcon-app","falcon-api","db-server","db")
            Write-Host "tasks:$tasks"

            $base = "$PSScriptRoot\tests" #(Get-Location)
            #if (!(Test-Path "$base\templates")) {
            # if (!(Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\templates")) {
            # if (!(Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\tests\az\templates")) {
            # throw "\templates not found"
            # } else { $base = "$PSScriptRoot\tests\az" }
            # } else { $base = $PSScriptRoot}
            #Write-Host "base:$base"
            if (-not (Get-Command -Name 'Install-Scripts')) {Install-Script -Name Install-Scripts -Confirm:$False -Force}
            Install-Scripts @('Set-Tokens') #-Verbose
            #Write-Verbose "Set-Tokens:$base\az\$armconfig $base\$prefix\$myResourceGroupName-$armconfig"
            Set-Tokens "$base\az\$armconfig" "$base\$prefix\$myResourceGroupName-$armconfig" #-Verbose

            #if (!(Get-Module -Name Az)) { Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Confirm:$False -Force }

            if ($tasks.tasks.Length -gt 0) {
                $rsgExists = az group exists -n $myResourceGroupName
                if ($rsgExists -eq 'true') {
                    #if ($Force) { #$AllowClobber) {
                        #az group delete --location $location -n $myResourceGroupName
                        #Write-Host "Deleting:$myResourceGroupName"
                        #az group delete -n $myResourceGroupName
                        #Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $myResourceGroupName -Force
                        $rsgExists = $False
                        #Write-Host "Deleting:$myResourceGroupName-end"
                    #} else {
                    # throw "Resource Group:$myResourceGroupName already exists - must use -Force to overwrite, todo: should be -AllowClobber"
                if ($rsgExists -ne 'true') {
                    #Write-Host "Creating:$myResourceGroupName"
                    az group create --name $myResourceGroupName --location $location
                    #Write-Host "Creating:$myResourceGroupName-end"
            $aztemplates = "az\templates"
            for ($i=0; $i -lt $tasks.tasks.Length; $i++) {
                $task = $tasks.tasks[$i]
                $template = $task
                #if ($task -eq "api") { $template = "app"}
                if (!(Test-Path "$base\$aztemplates\$template-template.json")) {
                    if ($task -match '-app$' -or $task -match '-api$'){ $template = "app"}
                    if (!(Test-Path "$base\$aztemplates\$template-template.json")) {
                        Write-Error "File not found:$base\$aztemplates\$template-template.json"
                #Write-Host "test-path:$($base)/templates/$($armconfig)/$($task)-parameters.json"
                if (!(Test-Path "$base\$prefix\$myResourceGroupName-$armconfig\$task-parameters.json")) {
                    Write-Error "File not found:$base\$prefix\$myResourceGroupName-$armconfig\$task-parameters.json"

                #Write-Host "#az deployment group create --name $($prefix)-$($envName)-$($task) --resource-group $myResourceGroupName --template-file templates/$($template)-template.json --parameters $($config)/$($task)-parameters.json"

                #azdoEnvStatus "inProgress"
                Write-Host "Creating:$prefix-$envName-$task"
                #Write-Host "az deployment group create --name $prefix-$envName-$task --resource-group $myResourceGroupName --template-file $base\$aztemplates\$template-template.json --parameters $base\$prefix\$myResourceGroupName-$armconfig\$task-parameters.json"
                try {
                    az deployment group create --name "$prefix-$envName-$task" --resource-group $myResourceGroupName --template-file "$base\$aztemplates\$template-template.json" --parameters "$base\$prefix\$myResourceGroupName-$armconfig\$task-parameters.json"
                    Write-Error "ERROR creating:$prefix-$envName-$task" -InformationVariable results
                #Write-Host "Creating:$prefix-$envName-$task-end"
                #azdoEnvStatus "succeeded"
    if ($action -eq 'help' -or !$task) {
        Write-Host '########################################' -ForegroundColor White
        Write-Host '# Tasks:' -ForegroundColor White
        #c{ Write-Host "$($$($_.value)" -ForegroundColor White }
        #($ | foreach-object { Write-Host "$($$($_.value)" -ForegroundColor White }
        ($tasks) | foreach-object { Write-Host "$($$($_.value)" -ForegroundColor White }
        foreach($task in $tasks.Keys) {
            Write-Host "# $($task):$($tasks[$task])" -ForegroundColor White
        Write-Host '########################################' -ForegroundColor White
#Set-Location $ogp
