Param( [Switch]$Debug = $false, [Switch]$Console = $False, [Switch]$UseExcel = $True, [Switch]$IncludeAdmins = $False, [Switch]$LongReport = $False ) <#============================================================================== File Name : Audit-Local-Admins.ps1 Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie : Description : Queries the local admins group on all domain computers and emails a report on findings. : Notes : Normal operation is with no command line options. Basic log is written to C:\Scripts : Optional argument: -Debug $true (defaults to false. Changes runtime options, email recipient, sets UseExcel to false) : -Console $true (displays runtime info on console) : -UseExcel $false (defaults to $true. Creates an Excel spreadsheet and stores the last 10. Attaches to outgoing email by default.) : -IncludeAdmins $true (defaults to $false. Will include entries on the administrators array in the final report) : -LongReport $true (defaults to $false. Will include ALL systems. Short report only adds a system to the output if anomalies are found) : Warnings : None : Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved. : SCRIPT PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF : ANY KIND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROVIDED. : Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources including but : not limited to the following: : N/A : Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie Version History : v1.00 - 09-16-13 - Original Change History : v1.10 - 04-19-15 - Edited to allow color coding of HTML output, only keep 10 XLSX files. : v1.20 - 02-02-16 - Fixed lock up after closing Excel. : v1.30 - 03-10-16 - Corrected spreadsheet attachment error. Added admin ignore option : v2.00 - 02-02-18 - Major rewrite for PS 5.1. Added external config file to genericize script. : Altered report output formatting. : v2.10 - 03-15-18 - Tweaked for upload to PS Gallery. : #===============================================================================#> <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 2.10 .GUID 77f578dc-4887-44b2-b981-783aba19755d .AUTHOR Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT .DESCRIPTION Queries the local admins group on all domain computers and emails a report on findings.. #> #requires -version 5.1 Clear-Host If ($Debug){$Script:Debug = $True} If ($Console){$Script:Console = $True} If ($UseExcel){$Script:UseExcel = $True} If ($IncludeAdmins){$Script:IncludeAdmins = $True} If ($Debug){$Script:UseExcel = $False} If ($LongReport){$Script:LongReport = $True} $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" #--[ Functions ]------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function LoadModules { If (!(Get-module ActiveDirectory)){Import-Module ActiveDirectory} } Function LoadConfig { #--[ Read and load configuration file ]----------------------------------------- If (!(Test-Path $Script:ConfigFile)){ #--[ Error out if configuration file doesn't exist ]-- $Script:EmailBody = "---------------------------------------------`n" $Script:EmailBody += "--[ MISSING CONFIG FILE. Script aborted. ]--`n" $Script:EmailBody += "---------------------------------------------" #SendEmail #--[ No email without the settings file. Preset the options if you like ]-- Write-Host $EmailBody -ForegroundColor Red break }Else{ [xml]$Script:Configuration = Get-Content $Script:ConfigFile $Script:DebugTarget = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.DebugTarget $Script:ExclusionList = ($Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Exclusions).Split(",") $Script:ValidAdmins = ($Script:Configuration.Settings.General.ValidAdmins).Split(",") $Script:ReportName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.ReportName $Script:Domain = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Domain $Script:DebugEmail = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Debug $Script:eMailTo = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.To $Script:eMailFrom = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.From $Script:eMailHTML = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.HTML $Script:eMailSubject = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Subject $Script:SmtpServer = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.SmtpServer $Script:UserName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username $Script:EncryptedPW = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password $Script:Base64String = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Key $ByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64String) $Script:Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, ($EncryptedPW | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $ByteArray) $Script:Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } } Function SendEmail { $email = $null If ($Script:Debug){$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"} $eMailBody = "Local Administrator Report." If ($Script:Debug){ $eMailRecipient = $Script:DebugEmail #--[ Debug destination email address }Else{ $eMailRecipient = $Script:eMailRecipient #--[ Destination email address } $emailFrom = $Script:eMailFrom #--[ Sender address. $email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $email.From = $Script:eMailFrom $email.IsBodyHtml = $Script:eMailHTML $email.To.Add($Script:eMailTo) $email.Subject = $Script:eMailSubject If ($Script:UseExcel){ $email.Attachments.Add($Script:FileName) } $email.Body = $Script:ReportBody $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Script:SmtpServer) $smtp.Send($email) If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`n--[ Email sent ]--" -ForegroundColor Green} } Function GetTargets { $Script:TargetList = "" If ($Script:Debug){ $Script:TargetList = @(Get-ADComputer -Credential $Credential -Filter "Name -Like '*$Script:DebugTarget*'" -ErrorAction 0 | Select Name | Sort Name) Write-Host "-- DEBUG MODE --" -ForegroundColor red }Else{ $Script:TargetList = @(Get-ADComputer -Credential $Credential -Filter * | select name | sort name) } $Script:Count = $Script:TargetList.count } #==[ Main Body ]================================================================ $Script:ReportBody = "" $HtmlData = "" $DayOfWeek = (get-date).DayOfWeek $StartTime = [datetime]::Now # $Domain = (Get-ADDomain).DNSroot #--[ Alternate ]-- $Computer = $Env:ComputerName $Script:Message = "" $ScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).split(".")[0] $Script:LogFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$ScriptName-{0:MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss}.html" -f (Get-Date) $Script:ConfigFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$ScriptName.xml" LoadConfig LoadModules GetTargets #--[ Add header to html log file ]-- $Script:ReportBody = @() $Script:ReportBody += ' <style type="text/css"> table.myTable { border:5px solid black;border-collapse:collapse; } table.myTable td { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background: #E6E6E6 } table.myTable th { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background: #B4B4AB } table.bottomBorder { border-collapse:collapse; } table.bottomBorder td, table.bottomBorder th { border-bottom:1px dotted black;padding:5px; } </style>' $Script:ReportBody += '<table class="myTable">' $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td colspan=4><center><h1>-- '+$Script:ReportName+' Report --</h1></center></td></tr>' If ($Script:ShortReport ){ $Script:ReportBody += "<tr><td colspan=4><center>The following report displays members of the local administrators group for servers and/or PCs that don't belong.</center></td></tr>" }Else{ $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td colspan=4><center>The following report displays all members of the local administrators group for every server and PC in the domain.</center></td></tr>' } #--[ Excel Non-Interactive Fix ]------------------------------------------------ #--[ Excel will crash when run non-interactively via a scheduled task if these folders don't exist. Folder permissions may cause this to fail. Creation may fail due to permission issues. ]-- Try{ If (!(Test-path -Path "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop")){New-Item -Type Directory -Name "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop" -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" -Force} If (!(Test-path -Path "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop")){New-Item -Type Directory -Name "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop" -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" -Force} }Catch{} #--[ Detect Excel, use it and send attachment if found, otherwise only create HTML ]-- $Script:NoExcel = $False if (!(get-itemproperty hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\* | select displayname | where {$_.displayname -like "*Office*"} -ne "")){ $Script:UseExcel = $False $Script:NoExcel = $True $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td colspan=4><center>NOTICE: Excel was not located on the system running this report. No spreadsheet will be included.</center></td></tr>' } If ($Script:UseExcel){ $Row = 0 $Col = 1 #--[ Create a new Excel object ]-- $Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application If ($Script:Console -or $Script:Debug){ $Excel.visible = $True $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $true $Excel.ScreenUpdating = $true $Excel.UserControl = $true $Excel.Interactive = $true }Else{ $Excel.visible = $False $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false $Excel.ScreenUpdating = $false $Excel.UserControl = $false $Excel.Interactive = $false } $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Add() $WorkSheet = $Workbook.WorkSheets.Item(1) #--[ Write Worksheet title ]-- $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,1) = "Local Administrator Audit Report - $DateTime" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,1).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,1).font.underline = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,1).font.size = 18 #--[ Write worksheet column headers ]-- $Row ++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "TARGET:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 # $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).Borders.Item(10).LineStyle = 1 #--[ optional formatting ]-- # $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).Borders.Item(10).Weight = 4 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "STATUS:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 # $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).Borders.Item(10).LineStyle = 1 # $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).Borders.Item(10).Weight = 4 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "USER:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 # $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).Borders.Item(10).LineStyle = 1 # $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).Borders.Item(10).Weight = 4 $WorkSheet.application.activewindow.splitcolumn = 0 $WorkSheet.application.activewindow.splitrow = 1 $WorkSheet.application.activewindow.freezepanes = $true $Resize = $WorkSheet.UsedRange [void]$Resize.EntireColumn.AutoFit() } $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><th>Target System</th><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Location</th><th>Account Type</th></tr>' $Row ++ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`nTotal Target Systems = $Count" -ForegroundColor Cyan } $Remaining = $Count ForEach ($Target in $TargetList){ $AddRow = $False $HtmlData = "" $list = "" $user = "" $Col = 1 $Target = $ $ExcludeFlag = $false #If ($Remaining -le 0){$Remaining = 0} If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`nTarget System = $Target ("($Remaining-1)" Remaining )" -ForegroundColor Cyan } $Script:ExclusionList | foreach{ if ($Target -match $_){$ExcludeFlag = $true} } $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = $Target $Col ++ If ($ExcludeFlag){ #--[ Bypass these systems ]-- if ($Script:Console){Write-Host " BYPASSING "$Target -ForegroundColor Magenta} $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = "BYPASSED";$Col ++ If ($Script:Debug){ $HtmlData += '<tr><td><font color=darkcyan><strong>' + $Target.ToUpper() + '</strong></td><td colspan=3><font color=darkred>Target BYPASSED</font> <font color=#a0a0a0>( Target '+($Count-($Remaining-1)) +' of '+$Count+' Targets Total, '+($Remaining-1)+' Remaining. )</font></td></tr>' }Else{ $HtmlData += '<tr><td><font color=darkcyan><strong>' + $Target.ToUpper() + '</strong></td><td colspan=3><font color=darkred>Target BYPASSED</font></td></tr>' } }Else{ if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Target -count 1 -BufferSize 16 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = "OK";$Col ++ If ($Script:Debug){ $HtmlData += '<tr><td><font color=darkcyan><strong>' + $Target.ToUpper() + '</strong></td><td colspan=3>Connection: <font color=darkgreen>OK</font> <font color=#a0a0a0>( Target '+($Count-($Remaining-1)) +' of '+$Count+' Targets Total, '+($Remaining-1)+' Remaining. )</font></td></tr>' }Else{ $HtmlData += '<tr><td><font color=darkcyan><strong>' + $Target.ToUpper() + '</strong></td><td colspan=3>Connection: <font color=darkgreen>OK</font></td></tr>' } #--[ Start of User Processing ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--[ Get list of users in local admin group with WMI ]-- #$UserList = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target -Class win32_groupuser -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" -Credential $Script:Credential | WHERE {$_.groupcomponent -match 'administrators' } | foreach {[WMI]$_.partcomponent } $UserList = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators"} -ComputerName $Target -Credential $Credential ForEach ($User in $UserList){ $UserName = $User.Name.Split("\")[1] $UserLocation = $User.Name.Split("\")[0] $UserClass = $user.ObjectClass #.ToLower() $SearchDomain = "*"+$Script:Domain.Split(".")[0]+"*" If($UserLocation -eq $Target){ $UserSource = $Target }Else{ $UserSource = "ActiveDirectory" } $SearchDomain If ($Script:IncludeAdmins){ If ($Script:ValidAdmins -Contains $UserName){ $AddRow = $True $HtmlData += '<tr><td> </td><td><font color=darkgreen>' + $UserName + '</td><td><font color=darkgreen>' + $UserSource + '</td>' }Else{ $AddRow = $True $HtmlData += '<tr><td> </td><td><font color=darkred>' + $UserName + '</td><td><font color=darkred>' + $UserSource + '</td>' } If ($UserLocation -like $SearchDomain){ $HtmlData += '<td><font color=darkblue>Domain '+$UserClass+'</td></tr>' }Else{ $HtmlData += '<td><font color=#ff8000>Local '+$UserClass+'</td></tr>' } if ($Script:Console){Write-Host " Found: "$User.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow } $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = $User.Name $Col ++ }Else{ If ($Script:ValidAdmins -Contains $UserName){ if ($Script:Console){Write-Host " Ignored: "$User.Name -ForegroundColor Gray } }Else{ $AddRow = $True $HtmlData += '<tr><td> </td><td><font color=darkred>' + $UserName + '</td><td><font color=darkred>' + $UserSource + '</td>' If ($UserLocation -like $SearchDomain){ $HtmlData += '<td><font color=darkblue>Domain '+$UserClass+'</td></tr>' }Else{ $HtmlData += '<td><font color=#ff8000>Local '+$UserClass+'</td></td></tr>' } if ($Script:Console){Write-Host " Found: "$User.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow } $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = $User.Name $Col ++ } } } #--[ End of User Processing ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ }Else{ if ($Script:Console){Write-Host " System is not reachable online..." -ForegroundColor Red } $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = "OFFLINE" $HtmlData += '<tr><td><font color=darkcyan><strong>' + $Target + '</td><td colspan=3>Connection:<font color=darkred> FAILED</font> <font color=#909090>( Target '+($Count-($Remaining-1)) +' of '+$Count+' Targets Total, '+($Remaining-1)+' Remaining. )</font></td></tr>' } If ($AddRow -or $Script:LongReport){ $Script:ReportBody += $HtmlData } $Remaining -- } $Row ++ $Resize = $WorkSheet.UsedRange [void]$Resize.EntireColumn.AutoFit() } $Script:ReportBody += '</table>' $Script:ReportBody += '<br><font color=#909090>Script "'+$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name+'" executed from "'+$env:computername+'".<br>' $Resize = $WorkSheet.UsedRange [Void]$Resize.EntireColumn.AutoFit() [string]$DateTime = Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss [string]$Script:FileName = "$PSScriptRoot\LocalAdminUserAudit_$DateTime.xlsx" If ($UseExcel){ Try{ $Workbook.SaveAs($Script:FileName) $Workbook.Saved = $true $Workbook.Close() $Excel.Quit() $Excel = $Null if ($Script:Debug){Write-host "`nExcel Closed and Saved...`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan} }Catch{ if ($Script:Debug){Write-host "`nThere was a problem closing and/or Saving the Excel spreadsheet...`n" -ForegroundColor Red} } } #--[ Removing any older Excel files. Retaining ten most recent. ]-- ###Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.xlsx" | Where-Object { -not $_.PsIsContainer } | Sort-Object -Descending -Property LastTimeWrite | Select-Object -Skip 10 | Remove-Item If (!$Script:Debug){Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\" | Where-Object { -not $_.PsIsContainer -and $ -like "*.xlsx" } | Sort-Object -Descending -Property LastTimeWrite | Select-Object -Skip 10 | Remove-Item } $Script:ReportBody += '</table><br>' $x = 0 If ($Script:NoExcel){ $Script:ReportBody += '<br>NOTICE: Spreadsheet not included because Excel was not found on the system running this script. Install Excel to include the spreadsheet.<br>' } $Script:ReportBody += 'The following list contains all users/groups that are ignored by this report unless the "includeadmins" option is expressly selected.' $Script:ReportBody += '<br>These are considered "known" accounts and are expected to be found. All others are anomalous:<br>' if ($Script:Debug){Write-host "Ignored Admin Accounts:" } While ($x -lt $Script:ValidAdmins.Count ){ if ($Script:Debug){Write-host "-- "$Script:ValidAdmins[$x] } $Script:ReportBody += " - "+$Script:ValidAdmins[$x]+"<br>" $x++ } $Script:ReportBody += '<br>Color scheme:<br> - Green User = Expected<br> - Red User = Investigate' $Script:ReportBody += '<br> - Gray User = Ignored<br> - Orange Type = Local Resource<br> - Blue Type = Domain Resource' If ($Debug){ $Script:ReportBody += '<br><br>Script runtime options:' If ($Debug){$Script:ReportBody += '<br> - Debug option ENABLED'} If ($Console){$Script:ReportBody += '<br> - Console option ENABLED'} If (!$Script:UseExcel){$Script:ReportBody += '<br> - Excel option DISABLED'} If ($IncludeAdmins){$Script:ReportBody += '<br> - IncludeAdmins option ENABLED'} If ($Script:LongReport){$Script:ReportBody += '<br> - LongReport option ENABLED'} $Script:ReportBody += '<br>' } SendEmail [gc]::Collect() [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() if ($Script:Debug){Write-host "`nCompleted..." } <#--[ XML Config File Example ]------------------------------------------------------------------------- <!-- Settings & Configuration File --> <Settings> <General> <ReportName>Local Administrator Audit</ReportName> <DebugTarget>testpc</DebugTarget> <!-- Partial names OK to include a group --> <ValidAdmins>Local_Admin_Grp-1,Local_Admin_Grp-2,localadmin,administrator</ValidAdmins> <Exclusions>pc27,pc01</Exclusions> <Domain></Domain> </General> <Email> <From></From> <To></To> <Debug></Debug> <Subject>Local Administrator Audit</Subject> <HTML>$true</HTML> <SmtpServer></SmtpServer> </Email> <Credentials> <UserName>domain\serviceaccount</UserName> <Password>766743f0423413AegMAYQBhAGEAYQBhAGQANQBkADQAZQAzAGYANAAyADUGIATgiAwADYAZAA3AGUAZgGADQAYwBkADYAZQBmAGQAOAA0ADEANgBiAAYQA2AGQAZAA2B2AHYAZQAxAGIATgBaADAEcAaAB1AFEAPQA9AHwAYwAzADQANgADAANwAGQAZgA3ADIAYQABkAGYAZAA=</Password> <Key>kdhICvLO+eJ76/AWnHbXN0IObEyjuTie8mE=</Key> </Credentials> </Settings> #> |