function Get-JIRAProject { <# .SYNOPSIS Get one or more JIRAProject objects. .DESCRIPTION The Get-JIRAProject cmdlet gets a specified JIRAProject object or performs a search to get multiple JIRAProject objects. .PARAMETER Key Specifies the key to be used to retrieve the JIRAProject object(s). .PARAMETER Name Specifies the full name or a part of the name used to retrieve the JIRAProject object(s). .PARAMETER All Specifies if you want to retrieve all JIRAProjects available to the specified AtlassianSession. .PARAMETER Session Specifies the AtlassianSession to use to perform this task. If none is specified Get-AtlassianSession is called. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-JIRAProject -Name 'Test' Get all projects that have 'Test' in their name using the already imported AtlassianSession .INPUTS None You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet. .OUTPUTS JIRAProject Returns one or more JIRAProject objects. .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding( #SupportsShouldProcess=$true, HelpURI = "" )] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Key' )] [String] $Key, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name' )] [String] $Name, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All' )] [Switch] $All, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [AtlassianSession] $Session = (Get-AtlassianSession) ) Begin {} Process { if ($Key) { $method = 'GET' $uri = ('{0}/project/{1}' -f $SETTINGS.API.Uri, $Key) $requestResult = Invoke-APIRequest -Method $method -Uri $uri -Session $Session } elseif ($Name) { $method = 'GET' $uri = ('{0}/project/' -f $SETTINGS.API.Uri) $requestResult = Invoke-APIRequest -Method $method -Uri $uri -Session $Session | Where-Object {$_.Name -like ('*{0}*' -f $Name)} } elseif ($All) { $method = 'GET' $uri = ('{0}/project/' -f $SETTINGS.API.Uri) $requestResult = Invoke-APIRequest -Method $method -Uri $uri -Session $Session } if ($requestResult -ne $null) { $output = @() foreach ($obj in $requestResult) { $output += New-JIRAProject -Uri $obj.self } $output } else { throw 'No result for request' } } End {} } |