function ConvertFrom-AtlassianDateTime { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a DateTime objects. .DESCRIPTION The Convert-AtlassianDateTime cmdlet creates a DateTime object based on specified input. .PARAMETER InputObject Specifies the string to be used to retrieve the DateTime object. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ConvertFrom-AtlassianDateTime -InputObject '2017-02-24T13:26:32.482+01:00' Friday, February 24, 2017 13:26:32 .INPUTS System.String A DateTime object is retrieved using the Uri parameter .OUTPUTS DateTime Returns a DateTime object. .NOTES .LINK #> [CmdletBinding( #SupportsShouldProcess=$true )] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [System.String] $InputObject ) Begin { $DATETIMEPATTERN = $SETTINGS.Atlassian.DateTimeStringPattern } Process { if ($InputObject -match $DATETIMEPATTERN) { try { [datetime]::Parse($InputObject) } catch { throw ('{0} can not be converted to DateTime' -f $InputObject) } } else { throw ('{0} has the wrong format' -f $InputObject) } } End {} } |