
using module .\Atlassian.Bitbucket.Authentication.psm1

        Gets all environments in the specified repsitory.
        Gets all environments in the specified repsitory.
        C:\PS> Get-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment -RepoSlug 'Repo'
        Gets all environments in the Repo `Repo`.
        Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.
    .PARAMETER RepoSlug
        Name of the repo in Bitbucket.

function Get-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment {
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.')]
        [string]$Team = (Get-BitbucketSelectedTeam),
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$true,
                    HelpMessage='The repository slug.')]

    Process {
        $endpoint = "repositories/$Team/$RepoSlug/environments/"
        return Invoke-BitbucketAPI -Path $endpoint -Paginated

        Creates a new environment in the specified repsitory.
        Creates a new environment in the specified repsitory.
        C:\PS> New-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment -RepoSlug 'Repo' -Environment 'QA' -Type 'Test'
        Creates a new environment called QA on the repo with a type of Test.
        Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.
    .PARAMETER RepoSlug
        Name of the repo in Bitbucket.
    .PARAMETER Environment
        Name of the environment.
        Name of the environment type. ['Test', 'Staging','Production']
        Rank of the environment.

function New-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Low')]
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.')]
        [string]$Team = (Get-BitbucketSelectedTeam),
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$true,
                    HelpMessage='The repository slug.')]
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the environment.')]
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the environment type.')]
        [ValidateSet('Test', 'Staging','Production')]
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Rank of the environment.')]
        [string]$Rank = 0

    Process {
        $endpoint = "repositories/$Team/$RepoSlug/environments/"
        $body = [ordered]@{
            type = 'deployment_environment'
            name = $Environment
            rank = $Rank
            environment_type = @{
                type = 'deployment_environment_type'
                name = $Type
            lock = [ordered]@{
                type = 'deployment_environment_lock_open'
                name = 'OPEN'
            restrictions = [ordered]@{
                type = 'deployment_restrictions_configuration'
                admin_only = $false
            hidden = $true
            environment_lock_enabled = $true
        } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Environment in $RepoSlug", 'create')){
            return Invoke-BitbucketAPI -Path $endpoint -Method Post -Body $body

        Deletes an environment in the specified repsitory.
        Deletes an environment in the specified repsitory.
        C:\PS> Remove-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment -RepoSlug 'Repo' -Environment 'QA'
        Deletes the environment called QA on the Repo.
        Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.
    .PARAMETER RepoSlug
        Name of the repo in Bitbucket.
    .PARAMETER Environment
        Name of the environment.

function Remove-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='High')]
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.')]
        [string]$Team = (Get-BitbucketSelectedTeam),
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$true,
                    HelpMessage='The repository slug.')]
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the environment.')]

    Process {
        $_environments = Get-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment -Team $Team -RepoSlug $RepoSlug
        $_uuid = ($_environments | Where-Object {$ -eq $Environment}).uuid

            $endpoint = "repositories/$Team/$RepoSlug/environments/$_uuid"
            if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Environment in $RepoSlug", 'delete')){
                return Invoke-BitbucketAPI -Path $endpoint -Method Delete