

# Module de script ou fichier de module binaire associé à ce manifeste
RootModule = 'Atempo.Lina.psm1'

# Numéro de version de ce module.
ModuleVersion = ''

# Éditions PS prises en charge
# CompatiblePSEditions = @()

# ID utilisé pour identifier de manière unique ce module
GUID = '5da89f8d-167f-474e-a458-f65088b449bd'

# Auteur de ce module
Author = 'Atempo'

# Société ou fournisseur de ce module
CompanyName = 'Atempo'

# Déclaration de copyright pour ce module
Copyright = 'Copyright (c) Atempo. All rights reserved.'

# Description de la fonctionnalité fournie par ce module
Description = 'PowerShell module for managing and monitoring Atempo Lina continuous data protection solution'

# Version minimale du moteur Windows PowerShell requise par ce module
PowerShellVersion = '5.0'

# Nom de l'hôte Windows PowerShell requis par ce module
# PowerShellHostName = ''

# Version minimale de l'hôte Windows PowerShell requise par ce module
# PowerShellHostVersion = ''

# Version minimale du Microsoft .NET Framework requise par ce module. Cette configuration requise est valide uniquement pour PowerShell Desktop Edition.
# DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''

# Version minimale de l’environnement CLR (Common Language Runtime) requise par ce module. Cette configuration requise est valide uniquement pour PowerShell Desktop Edition.
# CLRVersion = ''

# Architecture de processeur (None, X86, Amd64) requise par ce module
# ProcessorArchitecture = ''

# Modules qui doivent être importés dans l'environnement global préalablement à l'importation de ce module
# RequiredModules = @()

# Assemblys qui doivent être chargés préalablement à l'importation de ce module
# RequiredAssemblies = @()

# Fichiers de script (.ps1) exécutés dans l’environnement de l’appelant préalablement à l’importation de ce module
# ScriptsToProcess = @()

# Fichiers de types (.ps1xml) à charger lors de l'importation de ce module
# TypesToProcess = @()

# Fichiers de format (.ps1xml) à charger lors de l'importation de ce module
# FormatsToProcess = @()

# Modules à importer en tant que modules imbriqués du module spécifié dans RootModule/ModuleToProcess
# NestedModules = @()

# Fonctions à exporter à partir de ce module. Pour de meilleures performances, n’utilisez pas de caractères génériques et ne supprimez pas l’entrée. Utilisez un tableau vide si vous n’avez aucune fonction à exporter.
FunctionsToExport = @("*-Lina*")
#FunctionsToExport = @("*")
# Applets de commande à exporter à partir de ce module. Pour de meilleures performances, n’utilisez pas de caractères génériques et ne supprimez pas l’entrée. Utilisez un tableau vide si vous n’avez aucune applet de commande à exporter.
CmdletsToExport = @()

# Variables à exporter à partir de ce module
VariablesToExport = '*'

# Alias à exporter à partir de ce module. Pour de meilleures performances, n’utilisez pas de caractères génériques et ne supprimez pas l’entrée. Utilisez un tableau vide si vous n’avez aucun alias à exporter.
AliasesToExport = '*'

# Ressources DSC à exporter depuis ce module
# DscResourcesToExport = @()

# Liste de tous les modules empaquetés avec ce module
# ModuleList = @()

# Liste de tous les fichiers empaquetés avec ce module
# FileList = @()

# Données privées à transmettre au module spécifié dans RootModule/ModuleToProcess. Cela peut également inclure une table de hachage PSData avec des métadonnées de modules supplémentaires utilisées par PowerShell.
PrivateData = @{

    PSData = @{

        # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
        Tags = 'Atempo','Lina','Backup','DevOps', 'DataProtection'

        # A URL to the license for this module.
        LicenseUri = ''

        # A URL to the main website for this project.
        # ProjectUri = ''

        # A URL to an icon representing this module.
        IconUri = ''

######## s

        # ReleaseNotes of this module
        #TODO : New-LinaAgentGroup => création avec
        #test API key in PScredential, améliorer la gestion des déco, full QA
        ReleaseNotes = 
## :
        + Support for Lina 6.1 : some commands will not work (user profiles mostly)
        + Tested against Lina 6.1 GA / 6.0.1 using PowerShell 7.3.6
        + New Get-LinaTag to get list of tags
        + New New-LinaTag to create a tag
        + New -Tags options in Set-LinaAgent to set tags on an agent
        + New Copy-LinaUserGroup to clone existing usergroups
        ! Bugfix : Set-LinaAgent removing Email address when it was not passed
        ! Bugfix : Get-LinaUser user type was not fetched correctly
        /!\ Limitations : New-LinaUserGroup and Set-LinaUserGroup are not yet supported on Lina 6.1+
## :
        + Support for multi-server and connection using API key instead of login/password (Lina 6.x Only)
        + Tested against Lina 6.0 GA / 5.3.6 / 5.3.5 using PowerShell 7.3.2
        + Support connection using API Key on Lina 6 (see doc of Connect-LinaServer)
        + New Get-LinaNode cmdlet when connecting to master server (recommended)
        + New option -ApiKey in Connect-LinaServer
        + New option -Tag to filter agent by Tag (Get-LinaAgent -Tag)
        + New option -NodeName in New-LinaAgent to select node
        + Added a ServerType property for master/node/standalone in Get-LinaGlobalStats
        + Added a NodeName property in Get-LinaAgent
        + Get-LinaAgentGroup now displays Agent Groups with inheritance in Lina 6.0+ (legacy groups are not managed on Lina 6.0+)
        + Better handling of disconnections (error message)
        ! Limitation : New-LinaAgentGroup does not have option to specify Strategy/Protection
        /!\ Support for Lina versions 5.x will be dropped in future release
## :
        + Added BlockStatus in Get-LinaAgent
        + Tested against Lina 5.3 and PowerShell 7.2.4
## :
        + New cmdlet Get-LinaSystemInfos : get system and os informations
        + Added some infos on agent. Alerts : Array with list of alerts (BackupAlert, QuotaAlert, MarkedForDeletion, MarkedForDeletion,Inactive,ObsoleteVersion)
        + Added DiskFullForecastInDays in Get-LinaGlobalStats
## :
        + Tested against Lina 5.2 and PowerShell 7.1.x
        + New Get-LinaWaitingAgent command to get agents waiting to be declared
## :
        ! Fixed major bug with new version management blocking connection
## :
        + Licensing the module using GPLv3
        ! Fixed new versioning scheme when getting version in global stats and when connecting
## :
        + Set-LinaAgent -Email to modify email on agent in Lina 5.2+
## :
        + Tested against Lina 5.1.8 / 5.2.0 Beta on PowerShell 5.1 and 7.0.2
        ! Fixed issues on fresh install with user profiles values not in range
## :
        /!\ This release may not work in PowerShell 5.x. Needs more testing.
        + Connect-LinaServer now supports -Credential (Secure Credentials for connection)
        + New infos in Get-LinaAgent : isLocal, isMarkedforDeletion
        + Tested on Lina 5.1.8 and with PowerShell 7.0.2
## :
        + Tested on Lina 5.1.7 and with PowerShell 7.0.1
## :
        + Added Replication infos in agent listing
        ! Small bugfix on FixEncoding function when text is null
## :
        ! Use TLS v1.2 By default to avoid connection issues and increase security
## :
        ? Removed useless timestamping in queries
        + Tested on PowerShell 7.0
        ! Fixed PSCustomObject Type in PS7.0 (previously type System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject)
## :
        ! Fixed a "405 : Method unauthorized" non-blocking error when connecting to Lina 5.1.6+
## :
        ! Fixed 2 bugs with Lina 5.2 : API version was incorrect => not using correct LinaAgent function + bad translation request
## :
        + Added the view names in Get-LinaAgentGroup
## :
        ! Fixed a bug when there were multiple items to translate in an array : array of null was returned (Thanks to Benoit Marchal for the tip)
## :
        + Added User Management : Get-LinaUser / Set-LinaUser / New-LinaUser / Remove-LinaUser
        + Added User Group Management : Get-LinaUserGroup / / Set-LinaUserGroup / New-LinaUserGroup / Remove-LinaUserGroup
        + Added User Profile Management : Get-LinaUserProfile / New-LinaUserProfile / Remove-LinaUserProfile (No Set- for the moment)
        + Uniformized color returns
## :
        ? PowerShell 5.0 is now required for some commands (UserProfiles) because of the use of Enum types
        + Added the Get-LinaUserProfile / New-LinaUserProfile / Remove-LinaUserProfile
        + Code indentation cleanup + module architecture redesign (functions folder) + comments in PSM1 file
        ! Fixed a potential bug when switching tenant
## :
        ! Fixing others issues with LastSync, LastConnection. Returns will now be the same on versions 5.1+ and 5.1-.
        + Added a new example in Get-LinaAgent to get agent without recent backup easily
## :
        ! LastBackup is now based on LastSync instead of LastCompletedSession (because LastSync corresponds to last completely successful backup)
        ! Fixed empty LastSync and LastSyncTime
## :
        + Added Set-LinaStrategy
        ! Tested on Lina 5.1.3 & 5.2 Beta
        ! Fixed an error when disconnecting
## :
        + QuotaPercent in Get-LinaAgent are now rounded
        ! Strategy could be created in global view, now using default tenant instead if any.
        ! Fixed some encoding issues
        ! Fixed intermittent errors "A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server"
## :
        + Added Get-LinaProtection, Get-LinaProtectionZone, Get-LinaProtectionRule, Get-LinaFileCategory
## :
        + Tested on Lina 5.1
        + Extensive testing with a QA script on both PowerShell on Windows / PowerShell Core in Ubuntu
        + Get-LinaAgent and Get-LinaAgentStats have been merged. it now returns everything about agents and even more infos with Lina 5.1
        + Get-LinaTenant and Get-LinaTenantConfig have been merged. Get-LinaTenantConfig is now deprecated and has been removed.
        + Set-LinaTenant is now able to change DefaultProtections, Default strategy, Default Tenant and AutoCreation of agents
        + Improved Lina version display (Version numbers + Type Stable/Beta)
        + New option -Default for Get-LinaTenant
        ! Renamed Get-LinaCurrentTenant to Get-LinaCurrentTenantID (because it returns only a Tenant ID)
        ! Fixed many encoding issues (display, creations, filters and specific issues to PowerShell Core)
        ! Fixed New-LinaTenant not returning the created tenant
## :
        + Modified Set-LinaAgent :
            New options -StrategyName and -ProtectionName
            all modifications can be done at the same time
        + New properties more human friendly for get-LinaAgentStats (LastBackup,LastSessionStart,LastConnection,LastSync)
        + New property Email for Get-LinaAgentStats
        ! Lots of uniformization :
            Command parameters : removing "name" ( -Tenant -Strategy -Protection)
            Listings (Name then ID on objects), InternalName, Name was previously "Label"
## :
        + Added the New-LinaStrategy and Remove-LinaStrategy
        + Added TenantName and ID to strategy listing
        ! Fixed bug with boolean values wrongly false or true
        + Added SystemCategory (server/desktop, mac/win/linux) display in AgentInfos
## : Improved display of error codes from API (translated to real errors)
## :
    + Added the Get-LinaProtection and Get-LinaTenantConfig (default protection and strategies for tenant)
    + Added Tenant management New-LinaTenant / Set-LinaDefaultTenant (to set it as default) / Remove-LinaTenant
    + Added option to Get-LinaStrategy by ID and Set-LinaCurrentTenant by Name
## :
    + Added the agent group management :
        Get-LinaAgentGroup / New-LinaAgentGroup / Remove-LinaAgentGroup / Set-LinaAgent -GroupName
## :
    + Added ability to move agent between tenants with Set-LinaAgent and to pipe agent to it
    + Agent must now be piped to Set-LinaAgent (parameter Name has been removed)
    + Added a few attributes to GlobalStats (CompressionRatio, DiskSavingGB)
    ! Fixed error on Linux / macOS when using Get-LinaGlobalStats
    ! Removed useless logging / Adding variable LINA_DEBUG_MODE for advanded debug
## : Opening HTML help in default brower. Minor corrections to documentation.
## : Automatic generation of HTML help file. Open it using Get-LinaHelp command
## : Adding detailed help for each function
## :
    + Support translations (for defaults strategies, protections and paths)
    + Adding many informations to objects (strategies, protections, tenants, quotas etc)
## : Bugfixes on Remove-LinaAgent
## : Small bugfix on certificate validation on PowerShell >= 6
    + Remove-LinaAgent accepts multiple agents deletion, pipelining, WhatIf scenarios, Bulk security
    + Help configured on Remove-LinaAgent
    ! Suppress some useless logging to console
    + Getting/Setting current tenant
    ! Fix tenant selection after creation of agent
## : Adding support for pipelining between agent commands
## : Exporting only select functions + minor improvements
## : Initial Release support for Lina 5.0.2 and superior

        # Prerelease string of this module
        # Prerelease = ''

        # Flag to indicate whether the module requires explicit user acceptance for install/update/save
        # RequireLicenseAcceptance = $false

        # External dependent modules of this module
        # ExternalModuleDependencies = @()

    } # End of PSData hashtable

 } # End of PrivateData hashtable

# URI HelpInfo de ce module
# HelpInfoURI = ''

# Le préfixe par défaut des commandes a été exporté à partir de ce module. Remplacez le préfixe par défaut à l’aide d’Import-Module -Prefix.
# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
