=========== MODULE STRUCTURE =========== This module contains the following file structure -- Atempo.Lina.psm1 : Global variables + Loading of functions (Common,Get,Set,New,Remove) -- Atempo.Lina.psd1 : Lina PowerShell Module manifest (description, release notes, icon, author etc) -- help.html : HTML Help file (usually opened using Get-LinaHelp) -- Functions/ : Folder containing all the functions/cmdlets |-- Common.ps1 : Connect/Disconnect and all internal functions |-- Get.ps1 : Get-Lina* / Listing elements |-- New.ps1 : New-Lina* / Creating elements |-- Remove.ps1 : Remove-Lina* / Deleting elements |-- Set.ps1 : Set-Lina* / Modifying elements =========== TODO =========== Update QA Script for Get-LinaUser / UserGroup / Remove-LinaUserGroup New-LinaUserProfile from scratch ? AppVeyor Continuous integration + Docker on premise for testing ? Write-host green/red/orange All LinaUser cmdlet Manage disconnections error Use Invoke-WebRequest instead of RestMethod => uniformize returns inside functions and improve debug like in Miria module Use SecurePassword Clone a strategy ? Creation of Protections ? Managing LinaTenant auto-assignment rules manage list of replications managing all missing objects (paths, rules etc) Ability to pipe commands => should be done everywhere #> # Needed for URLEncode Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web # Can be set to $False from calling script to enforce certificate checking $global:GLOBAL_IGNORE_CERTIFICATES = $True # an be set to $True from calling script to enable verbose logging $global:LINA_DEBUG_MODE=$False # ============ Internal Variables =============== # # Path to the Functions dir containing all functions $global:FUNCTIONS_DIR = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Functions\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) $global:LoggedSession = $null $global:GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER = $null $global:LINA_TRANSLATIONS = $null $global:LINA_VERSION = $null $global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION = $null # Mapping PowerShell Lina Strategies Properties to Lina REST API properties $global:INT_STRATEGIES_MAPPINGS= @{ Name = "Name" ; RPOInMinutes = "ParamSchedule" ; RetentionInDays = "ParamDataAging" ; AlertAfterDays = "ParamAlertTime" ; ThroughputLimitKBps = "ParamThroughputLimit" ; AlwaysEncrypt = "ParamEncryptionActivated" ; WanMode = "ParamWanActivated" ; CompressionAlgo = "ParamCompression" ; ReplicationTargetID = "ParamRepliTargetID"; AllowClientRPO = "ParamAllowClientRPO" ; AllowClientRules = "ParamAllowClientRules" ; AllowClientPause = "ParamAllowClientPause" ; AllowClientBoost = "ParamAllowClientBoost" ; AllowClientNetworkParams = "ParamAllowClientNetworkParams" ; AllowWebAccess = "ParamAllowWebAccess" ; QuotaMaxProtSizeMB = "ParamQuotaMaxProtSize" ; QuotaMaxProtObjs = "ParamQuotaMaxProtObjs" ; QuotaMaxHistSizeMB = "ParamQuotaMaxHistSize" ; QuotaMaxHistObjs = "ParamQuotaMaxHistObjs" ; ReplicationTargets = "RepliTarget" ; TenantID = "DomainID" } # Possible values for User Types (0, 3, 4 may not exist but it's to avoid crashes just in case) $global:INT_USER_TYPES= @{ 1 = "Local"; 2 = "LDAP"; 3 = "LDAP Group"; 4 = "Unknown" } # Checking PowerShell version because Get-LinaUserProfile is using Enum variables and requires PowerShell >= 5 if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) { $global:ROLES1_LIST = [flags()] Enum ROLES1_LIST { ViewAlerts = 0x1 SetAlerts = 0x2 ViewSupport = 0x4 ViewUserProfiles = 0x8 CreateUserProfiles = 0x10 DeleteUserProfiles = 0x20 SetUserProfiles = 0x40 ViewUsers = 0x80 CreateUsers = 0x100 DeleteUsers = 0x200 SetUsers = 0x400 ViewServices = 0x800 SetServices = 0x1000 ViewReplications = 0x2000 CreateReplications = 0x4000 DeleteReplications = 0x8000 SetReplications = 0x10000 AllowCrossResto = 0x200000 AllowWebResto = 0x400000 ViewBMR = 0x800000 SetBMR = 0x1000000 AllowBMRResto = 0x2000000 } $global:ROLES2_LIST = [flags()] Enum ROLES2_LIST { ViewFiles = 0x1 ViewLicense = 0x2 SetLicense = 0x4 ViewSmtp = 0x8 SetSmtp = 0x10 ViewLdap = 0x20 SetLdap = 0x40 ViewTunables = 0x80 SetTunables = 0x100 ViewAdvancedTunables = 0x200 ViewStreams = 0x400 DeleteStreams = 0x800 ViewStatistics = 0x1000 RecomputeStatistics = 0x2000 ViewConfig = 0x4000 SetConfig = 0x8000 # Added Service after Restart to work automatically in Translate RestartService = 0x10000 ViewSnapshot = 0x20000 CreateSnapshot = 0x40000 DeleteSnapshot = 0x80000 } $global:ROLES3_LIST = [flags()] Enum ROLES3_LIST { ViewAlnAgent = 0x1 CreateAlnAgent = 0x2 DeleteAlnAgent = 0x4 SetAlnAgent = 0x8 ViewAlnStrategy = 0x10 CreateAlnStrategy = 0x20 DeleteAlnStrategy = 0x40 SetAlnStrategy = 0x80 ViewAlnProtection = 0x100 CreateAlnProtection = 0x200 DeleteAlnProtection = 0x400 SetAlnProtection = 0x800 ViewAlnProtectionRule = 0x1000 CreateAlnProtectionRule = 0x2000 DeleteAlnProtectionRule = 0x4000 SetAlnProtectionRule = 0x8000 } $global:ROLES4_LIST = [flags()] Enum ROLES4_LIST { ViewAlnProtectionZone = 0x1 CreateAlnProtectionZone = 0x2 DeleteAlnProtectionZone = 0x4 SetAlnProtectionZone = 0x8 ViewAlnFileCategory = 0x10 CreateAlnFileCategory = 0x20 DeleteAlnFileCategory = 0x40 SetAlnFileCategory = 0x80 SetAlnDefaultConfiguration = 0x100 ViewDomains = 0x200 CreateDomains = 0x400 DeleteDomains = 0x800 SetDomains = 0x1000 SetAlnGlobalDefaultConfiguration = 0x2000 } # Calculating max values for each role, used for builtin accounts with negative values $global:ROLES1_MAX=0 [enum]::GetNames([ROLES1_LIST]) | ForEach-Object {$ROLES1_MAX+=$([ROLES1_LIST]::$_.value__)} $global:ROLES2_MAX=0 [enum]::GetNames([ROLES2_LIST]) | ForEach-Object {$ROLES2_MAX+=$([ROLES2_LIST]::$_.value__)} $global:ROLES3_MAX=0 [enum]::GetNames([ROLES3_LIST]) | ForEach-Object {$ROLES3_MAX+=$([ROLES3_LIST]::$_.value__)} $global:ROLES4_MAX=0 [enum]::GetNames([ROLES4_LIST]) | ForEach-Object {$ROLES4_MAX+=$([ROLES4_LIST]::$_.value__)} }else { # Declaring them for PS < 5.0 but won't work. Needs a workaround to avoid using Enum + flags (bitmasks) # Trying to avoid some crashes $global:ROLES2_LIST=@() $global:ROLES3_LIST=@() $global:ROLES4_LIST=@() $global:ROLES1_MAX=0 $global:ROLES2_MAX=0 $global:ROLES3_MAX=0 $global:ROLES4_MAX=0 } # Loading dynamically all scripts containing the functions in Functions/ Foreach($import in @($FUNCTIONS_DIR)) { Try { . $import.fullname } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($import.fullname): $_" } } |