function Get-LinaGlobalStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the global stats and configuration of the current Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the global stats and configuration of the current Lina server such as the server version deduplication ratio, volume stored etc .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS LinaStats Object .EXAMPLE Get-LinaGlobalStats Retrieve global infos of current Lina Server .EXAMPLE $lina_version = (Get-LinaGlobalStats).ALNVersion Get current installed version of Lina sofware. #> Write-Verbose "Getting global stats" $request = CallAPI -Path "/info.xml" $stats = ([xml]$request).infolist if ($stats.aln_version -like "* DEV") { $LinaVersion = [version]($stats.aln_version -replace " DEV", "") $LinaVersionType = "Beta" } else { $LinaVersion = [version]$stats.aln_version $LinaVersionType = "Stable" } $LinaStats = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaStats' LinaVersion = $LinaVersion LinaVersionType = $LinaVersionType PercentDiskUse = $stats.disk_use DedupRatio = $stats.dedup_ratio CompressionRatio = $stats.cpr_ratio DiskAvailableGB = [math]::Round(($stats.disk_avail) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2) DiskSavingGB = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_protected - $stats.vol_stored) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 1) VolumeProtectedGB = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_protected) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 1) VolumeRestoredGB = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_restored) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 1) VolumeStoredGB = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_stored) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 1) VolumeProtectedMB = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_protected) / (1024 * 1024)) VolumeRestoredMB = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_restored) / (1024 * 1024)) VolumeStoredMB = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_stored) / (1024 * 1024)) } Return $LinaStats } function Get-LinaAgent { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the agents on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the agents on a Lina server. Returns a set of agents that correspond to the filter criteria provided .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaAgent Objects .PARAMETER Name Name of the agent(s) to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *DESKTOP* .PARAMETER ID ID of the agent to retrieve. For example : 134. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST" Retrieves the agent named "TEST" and display its properties. .EXAMPLE $agents_desktop = Get-LinaAgent -Name "*DESKTOP*" Retrieves all the agents with DESKTOP inside their names. The list returned can be passed to other functions. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgent | Where {$_.LastSyncTime -le ((Get-Date).AddDays(-14)) } | Select Name,Email,LastBackup,LastSyncTime | ft Retrieves all the agents without backups since last 14 days. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST" | Remove-LinaAgent Will get the agent named TEST then pass it to the next command for deletion. #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName", Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of agents" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $Tenants = Get-LinaTenant $LinaItems = @() if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -le 50 ) { $agentstats = Get-LinaAgentStats # Using API 5.0 (XML and dissociated agent and AgentStats) $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_clients.xml?timestamp=$timestamp&type=agent" $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.ClientArray.Client foreach ($Item in $Items) { <# Filtering on ID or Name (only if provided) #> $Name_encoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes($Item.Name)) if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR $Name_encoded -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID)) { $current_agentstat = $agentstats | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.ID } $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaAgent' Name = $Name_encoded ID = $Item.ID Tenant = $Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name AgentGroup = Translate($Item.AttachementArray.Attachement.Group.Name) Strategy = Translate($Item.ServiceProfile.Name) Protection = Translate($Item.DataProfile.Name) ComputerName = $current_agentstat.ComputerName System = $current_agentstat.System SystemCategory = TranslateSystemCategories($current_agentstat.SystemCategory) AgentVersion = $current_agentstat.AgentVersion LastLogon = $current_agentstat.LastLogon Email = $current_agentstat.Email CdpType = $current_agentstat.CdpType Alert = $current_agentstat.Alert # LastBackup = LastSync. LastCompleted session update even when there are some errors LastBackup = $current_agentstat.LastBackup LastSessionStart = $current_agentstat.LastSessionStart LastSessionComplete = $current_agentstat.LastSessionComplete LastConnection = $current_agentstat.LastConnection LastSync = $current_agentstat.LastSync LastStartedSession = $current_agentstat.LastStartedSession LastCompletedSession = $current_agentstat.LastCompletedSession LastConnectionTime = $current_agentstat.LastConnectionTime LastSyncTime = $current_agentstat.LastSyncTime TenantID = $Item.DomainID AgentGroupID = $Item.AttachementArray.Attachement.Group.ID StrategyID = $Item.ServiceProfile.ID ProtectionID = $Item.DataProfile.ID StrategyInternalName = $Item.ServiceProfile.Name ProtectionInternalName = $Item.DataProfile.Name } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } } else { # Using API 5.1+ (JSON containing agent and agentStats) $request = CallAPI -Path "/stats_clients.json?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = $request.ClientArray foreach ($Item in $Items) { #$Name_encoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes($Item.AdminInfos.Name)) $Name_encoded = FixEncoding($Item.AdminInfos.Name) <# Filtering on ID or Name (only if provided) #> if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.AdminInfos.Name -like "$Name" -OR $Name_encoded -like "$Name" -OR $Item.AdminInfos.ID -eq $ID)) { # Avoid divisions by zero if ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxProtSize -gt 0) { $MaxProtSize = (($Item.ServerInfos.Backup.ProtSize) / ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxProtSize)) * 100 } else { $MaxProtSize = $null } if ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxHistSize -gt 0) { $MaxHistSize = (($Item.ServerInfos.Backup.HistSize) / ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxHistSize)) * 100 } else { $MaxHistSize = $null } if ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxProtObjs -gt 0) { $MaxProtObjs = (($Item.ServerInfos.Backup.ProtObjs) / ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxProtObjs)) * 100 } else { $MaxProtObjs = $null } if ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxHistObjs -gt 0) { $MaxHistObjs = (($Item.ServerInfos.Backup.HistObjs) / ($Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxHistObjs)) * 100 } else { $MaxHistObjs = $null } $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Name_encoded ID = $Item.AdminInfos.ID Tenant = $Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.AdminInfos.DomainID } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name AgentGroup = Translate $Item.AdminInfos.AttachementArray.Group.Name 0 #Param 0 means encoding is already OK (UTF-8 because of JSON) Strategy = Translate $Item.AdminInfos.ServiceProfile.Name 0 #Param 0 means encoding is already OK (UTF-8 because of JSON) Protection = Translate $Item.AdminInfos.DataProfile.Name 0 #Param 0 means encoding is already OK (UTF-8 because of JSON) ComputerName = $Item.AgentInfos.ComputerName System = $Item.AgentInfos.System SystemCategory = TranslateSystemCategories($Item.AgentInfos.SystemCategory) AgentVersion = $Item.AgentInfos.AgentVersion LastLogon = $Item.AgentInfos.LastLogon Email = $Item.AgentInfos.Email CdpType = $Item.AgentInfos.CdpType Alert = $Item.ServerInfos.Alerts.Alert ProtectedSizeMB = [math]::Round(($Item.ServerInfos.Backup.ProtSize) / (1024 * 1024)) HistorySizeMB = [math]::Round(($Item.ServerInfos.Backup.HistSize) / (1024 * 1024)) ProtectedObjects = $Item.ServerInfos.Backup.ProtObjs HistoryObjects = $Item.ServerInfos.Backup.HistObjs QuotaMaxProtSize = $Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxProtSize QuotaMaxHistSize = $Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxHistSize QuotaMaxProtObjs = $Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxProtObjs QuotaMaxHistObjs = $Item.AdminInfos.Quotas.MaxHistObjs QuotaPercentUsedProtSize = [math]::Round($MaxProtSize) QuotaPercentUsedHistSize = [math]::Round($MaxHistSize) QuotaPercentUsedProtObjs = [math]::Round($MaxProtObjs) QuotaPercentUsedHistObjs = [math]::Round($MaxHistObjs) # LastBackup = LastSync. LastCompleted session update even when there are some errors LastBackup = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.SyncTime) LastSessionStart = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.LastStartedSession) LastSessionComplete = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.LastCompletedSession) LastConnection = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.LastConnectionTime) LastSync = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.SyncTime) LastStartedSession = LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.LastStartedSession LastCompletedSession = LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.LastCompletedSession LastConnectionTime = LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.LastConnectionTime LastSyncTime = LinaToLocalTime $Item.NetworkInfos.SyncTime TenantID = $Item.AdminInfos.DomainID AgentGroupID = $Item.AdminInfos.AttachementArray.Group.ID StrategyID = $Item.AdminInfos.ServiceProfile.ID ProtectionID = $Item.AdminInfos.DataProfile.ID StrategyInternalName = $Item.AdminInfos.ServiceProfile.Name ProtectionInternalName = $Item.AdminInfos.DataProfile.Name } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No agent found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function Get-LinaStrategy { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the strategies on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the strategies on a Lina server. Returns a set of strategies that correspond to the filter criteria provided. If TenantID = 0, it is a global strategy across tenants. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaStrategy Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the strategy to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *STRAT* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the strategy to retrieve. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaStrategy Retrieves all the strategies. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaStrategy -Name "*STRAT*" Retrieves all the strategies with STRAT inside their names. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaStrategy -Name "*STRAT*" | Select-Object -Property Name,RPOInMinutes Displays the list of strategies and their configured RPO in minutes. #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of strategies" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_serviceprofiles.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.ServiceProfileArray.ServiceProfile $Tenants = LinaTenantShort $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { $translated_name = Translate($Item.Name) if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID -OR $translated_name -like "$Name") ) { if ([int]$Item.RepliTarget.ID -eq 0) { $replitarget = "None" } else { $replitarget = $Item.RepliTarget.Name } $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaStrategy' Name = $translated_name ID = $Item.ID Tenant = ($Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID }).Name RPOInMinutes = ($Item.ParamSchedule / 60) RetentionInDays = $Item.ParamDataAging AlertAfterDays = ($Item.ParamAlertTime / (24 * 3600)) ThroughputLimitKBps = $Item.ParamThroughputLimit ReplicationTarget = $replitarget AlwaysEncrypt = ![bool][int]$Item.ParamEncryptionActivated WanMode = [bool][int]$Item.ParamWanActivated CompressionAlgo = $Item.ParamCompression AllowClientRPO = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientRPO AllowClientRules = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientRules AllowClientPause = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientPause AllowClientBoost = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientBoost AllowClientNetworkParams = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientNetworkParams AllowWebAccess = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowWebAccess QuotaMaxProtSizeMB = [math]::Round(($Item.ParamQuotaMaxProtSize) / (1024 * 1024)) QuotaMaxProtObjs = $Item.ParamQuotaMaxProtObjs QuotaMaxHistSizeMB = [math]::Round(($Item.ParamQuotaMaxHistSize) / (1024 * 1024)) QuotaMaxHistObjs = $Item.ParamQuotaMaxHistObjs ReplicationTargetID = $Item.RepliTarget.ID TenantID = $Item.DomainID InternalName = $Item.Name } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No strategy found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function Get-LinaProtection { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the protection policies on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the protection policies on a Lina server. Returns a set of protections that correspond to the filter criteria provided. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaProtection Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the protection to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *PROT* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the protection to retrieve. .PARAMETER ProtectionZone Optional : Filter by Protection zone name used in subrules. No wildcard allowed. .PARAMETER ProtectionRule Optional : Filter by Protection rule name used in subrules. No wildcard allowed. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtection Retrieves all the protections. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtection -Name "*PROT*" Retrieves all the protection with PROT inside their names. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtection -ID 15 Retrieves the protection with ID 15 .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtection -ProtectionZone "The entire computer" Retrieves the protection with a subrule containing the protection zone named "MyProtection" .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtection -ProtectionRule "Protect all objects" Retrieves the protection with a subrule containing the protection rule named "MyProtection" #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByProtRule")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ProtectionRule, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByProtZone")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ProtectionZone ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of protection policies" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_dataprofiles.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.DataProfileArray.DataProfile $Tenants = LinaTenantShort $protection_rules = Get-LinaProtectionRule $protection_zones = Get-LinaProtectionZone $LinaItems = @() if ($ProtectionRule) { $protection_rule_id_filter = ($protection_rules | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ProtectionRule }).ID if (!$protection_rule_id_filter) { Write-Host "No protection rule found with name $ProtectionRule. Please provide the exact name" return } } else { $protection_rule_id_filter = -1 } if ($ProtectionZone) { $protection_zone_id_filter = ($protection_zones | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ProtectionZone }).ID if (!$protection_zone_id_filter) { Write-Host "No protection zone found with name $ProtectionZone. Please provide the exact name" return } } else { $protection_zone_id_filter = -1 } foreach ($Item in $Items) { if ((!$Name -AND !$ID -AND !$ProtectionRule -AND !$ProtectionZone ) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID -OR (Translate($Item.Name)) -like "$Name" -OR $Item.RuleArray.RulePredef.FilterRuleID -contains $protection_rule_id_filter -OR $Item.RuleArray.RulePredef.PredefinedPathID -contains $protection_zone_id_filter) ) { $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaProtection' Name = Translate($Item.Name) ID = $Item.ID Tenant = ($Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID }).Name OS = $Item.OS BareMetalRestore = [bool][int]$Item.BMR BuiltIn = [bool]($null -eq $Item.CustomRef) TenantID = $Item.DomainID InternalName = $Item.Name } $i = 1 foreach ($subrule in $Item.RuleArray.RulePredef) { $subrule_protection = $protection_rules | where-object { $_.ID -eq $subrule.FilterRuleID } $subrule_path = $protection_zones | where-object { $_.ID -eq $subrule.PredefinedPathID } $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Rule#$i" -value ($subrule_path.Name + " ( " + $subrule_path.Path + " ) >> " + $subrule_protection.Name) $i++ } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No protection found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function Get-LinaProtectionZone { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the protection zones on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the protection zones on a Lina server. Returns a set of protection zones that correspond to the filter criteria provided. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaProtectionZone Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the protection zone to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *Mac* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the protection zone to retrieve. .PARAMETER Path Optional : Return protection containing this exact path. Wildcards character (*) will be considered only as stars. .PARAMETER MatchingPath Optional : Return protection matching this path. Wilcards are allowed. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtectionZone Retrieves all the protection zones. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtectionZone -Name "*Mac*" Retrieves all the protection zones with Mac inside their names. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtectionZone -Path "\*\Users\*\" Retrieves the protection zones matching this exact path. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtectionZone -MatchingPath "\*\Users\*\" Retrieves all the protection zones matching this path (stars are considered as wildcards) #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPath")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByMatchingPath")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$MatchingPath ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of protection zones" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_predefinedpaths.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.PredefinedPathArray.PredefinedPath $Tenants = LinaTenantShort $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { if ((!$Name -AND !$ID -AND !$Path -AND !$MatchingPath) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID -OR (Translate($Item.Name)) -like "$Name" -OR $Item.Path -eq "$Path" -OR $Item.Path -like "$MatchingPath" ) ) { $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaProtectionZone' Name = Translate($Item.Name) ID = $Item.ID Tenant = ($Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID }).Name OS = $Item.OS Path = $Item.Path BuiltIn = [bool]($null -eq $Item.CustomRef) TenantID = $Item.DomainID } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No protection zone found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function Get-LinaFileCategory { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the file categories on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the file categories on a Lina server. Returns a set of file categories that correspond to the filter criteria provided. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaFileCategory Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the file category to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *FILECAT* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the file category to retrieve. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaFileCategory Retrieves all the file categories. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtection -Name "*Text*" Retrieves all the file categories with Text inside their names. #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of file categories" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_filetypes.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.FileTypeArray.FileType $Tenants = LinaTenantShort $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID -OR (Translate($Item.Name)) -like "$Name" ) ) { $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaFileCategory' Name = Translate($Item.Name) ID = $Item.ID Tenant = ($Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID }).Name FileExtensions = $Item.ExtArray.Ext BuiltIn = [bool]($null -eq $Item.CustomRef) TenantID = $Item.DomainID } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No file category found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function TranslateBehaviors ($to_translate) { switch ( $to_translate ) { "INCL" { $result = "Include / No Agent modification allowed" } "EXCL" { $result = "Exclude / No Agent modification allowed" } "ADVINCL" { $result = "Include / Allow agents modifications" } "ADVEXCL" { $result = "Exclude / Allow agents modifications" } } return $result } function Get-LinaProtectionRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the protection rules on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the protection rules on a Lina server. Returns a set of file categories that correspond to the filter criteria provided. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaProtectionRules Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the protection rule to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *FILECAT* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the protection rule to retrieve. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtectionRule Retrieves all the protection rules. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaProtectionRule -Name "*Office*" Retrieves all the protection rules with Office inside their names. #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of protection rules" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_filters.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.FilterRuleArray.FilterRule $Tenants = LinaTenantShort $FileCategories = Get-LinaFileCategory $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID -OR (Translate($Item.Name)) -like "$Name" ) ) { $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaProtectionRule' Name = Translate($Item.Name) ID = $Item.ID Tenant = ($Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID }).Name DefaultBehavior = TranslateBehaviors($Item.DefaultBehavior) BuiltIn = [bool]($null -eq $Item.CustomRef) TenantID = $Item.DomainID } $i = 1 foreach ($subrule in $Item.SubRuleArray.SubRule) { $filecat_name = ($FileCategories | where-object { $_.ID -eq $subrule.FileType.ID }).Name $rule_behavior = TranslateBehaviors($subrule.Behavior) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Rule#$i" -value ($rule_behavior + ' : ' + $filecat_name) $i++ } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No protection rule found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function TranslatePermissions($permissions, $perm_category) { $perms_filtered = $permissions | Where-Object { $_ -like "*$perm_category" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "$perm_category", "" } $short_perms = "" ForEach ($perm in $perms_filtered) { $short_perms += $perm + "," } # Trimming last character , $short_perms = $short_perms -replace ",$" Switch ($perm_category) { { 'UserProfiles', 'Users', 'Replications', 'AlnAgent', 'AlnStrategy', 'AlnProtection', 'AlnProtectionRule', 'AlnProtectionZone', 'AlnFileCategory', 'Domains' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "View,Create,Delete,Set") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } { 'Alerts', 'Services', 'BMR', 'License', 'Smtp', 'Ldap', 'Config' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "View,Set") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } { 'Support', 'Files', 'Smtp', 'Ldap', 'Config' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "View") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } { 'Snapshot' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "View,Create,Delete") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } { 'Tunables' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "View,Set,ViewAdvanced") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } { 'Statistics' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "View,Recompute") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } { 'AlnDefaultConfiguration', 'AlnGlobalDefaultConfiguration' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "Set") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } { 'Service' -contains $_ } { if ($short_perms -eq "Restart") { Return "Full" } else { Return $short_perms } } Default { Return $short_perms } } if ($short_perms -like "*View,Create,Delete,Set*" -OR $short_perms -like "*ViewAll,Create,Delete,Set*") { Return "ALL" } Return $short_perms } function Get-LinaUserProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the user profiles .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the user profiles. By default only show Lina permissions (corresponds to Lina tab in Web interface). Use the -ShowAllPermissions to also displays Users tab and Server Tab permissions. "Full" means that the user have all the possible permissions in the category. Note : Requires PowerShell 5.0 or greater. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaUserProfile Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the user profile to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *UserProfile* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the user profile to retrieve. .PARAMETER Tenant Optional : Tenant of the user profile to retrieve. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaUserProfile Retrieves all the user profiles and shows only Lina permissions .EXAMPLE Get-LinaUserProfile -ShowAllPermissions Retrieves all the user profiles and shows all permissions Lina + Users + Server .EXAMPLE Get-LinaUserProfile -Name "MyProfile" Retrieves MyProfile Lina permissions .EXAMPLE Get-LinaUserProfile -Tenant "MyTenant" | Where {$_.BuiltIn -eq $False -AND $_.Name -ne "Default"} Retrieves all custom profiles from Tenant MyTenant #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Tenant, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [Switch]$ShowAllPermissions ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of user profiles" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) { Write-Host "ERROR : This cmdlet requires PowerShell 5.0 or greater in order to work" Return } $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/list_profile.json?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = $request.profiles $Tenants = LinaTenantShort $LinaItems = @() # Filter on Tenant if ($Tenant) { $domain = $Tenants | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Tenant } $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name } foreach ($Item in $Items) { # Fixing name of default Administrator Profile if ($ -eq "Admin" -AND $Item.custom -eq $False) { $translated_name = FixEncoding(Translate "USER_PROFILE_NAME_ADMIN") } else { # Only one item is builtin, all others are custom $translated_name = FixEncoding($ } # Filtering specific accounts SuperAdmin and Guest if ((!$Name -AND !$ID -AND $ -notin ("SuperAdmin", "Guest")) -OR ( $ -like "$Name" -OR $ -eq $ID -OR $translated_name -like "$Name") ) { # When Roles are negatives, means we have to use highest value less this one (+1 but i don't know why ..) # Negative values are used by default profiles only if ($Item.roles1 -lt 0) { $roles1_value = $ROLES1_MAX + $Item.roles1 + 1 } else { $roles1_value = $Item.roles1 } if ($Item.roles2 -lt 0) { $roles2_value = $ROLES2_MAX + $Item.roles2 + 1 } else { $roles2_value = $Item.roles2 } if ($Item.roles3 -lt 0) { $roles3_value = $ROLES3_MAX + $Item.roles3 + 1 } else { $roles3_value = $Item.roles3 } if ($Item.roles4 -lt 0) { $roles4_value = $ROLES4_MAX + $Item.roles4 + 1 } else { $roles4_value = $Item.roles4 } $roles1_list = [ROLES1_LIST]$roles1_value -split ", " $roles2_list = [ROLES2_LIST]$roles2_value -split ", " $roles3_list = [ROLES3_LIST]$roles3_value -split ", " $roles4_list = [ROLES4_LIST]$roles4_value -split ", " $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaUserProfile' Name = $translated_name ID = $ Tenant = ($Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.domain_id }).Name # Because is not in use in the Web interface #Comment = $Item.comment Lina_Agents = TranslatePermissions $roles3_list "AlnAgent" Lina_Strategies = TranslatePermissions $roles3_list "AlnStrategy" Lina_Protections = TranslatePermissions $roles3_list "AlnProtection" Lina_ProtectionRules = TranslatePermissions $roles3_list "AlnProtectionRule" Lina_ProtectionZones = TranslatePermissions $roles4_list "AlnProtectionZone" Lina_FileCategories = TranslatePermissions $roles4_list "AlnFileCategory" Lina_Preferences = TranslatePermissions $roles4_list "AlnDefaultConfiguration" Lina_GlobalDefaultSettings = TranslatePermissions $roles4_list "AlnGlobalDefaultConfiguration" # Lina_CrossRestore = TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "CrossResto" # Lina_BMRRestore = TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "BMRResto" } if ($ShowAllPermissions) { $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Users_Users" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "Users" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Users_UserProfiles" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "UserProfiles" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Users_SMTP" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Smtp" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Users_LDAP" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Ldap" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Replications" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "Replications" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Snapshot" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Snapshot" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Configuration" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Config" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Alerts" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "Alerts" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Services" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "Services" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_License" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "License" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Maintenance" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles1_list "Support" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Files" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Files" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_FineTuning" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Tunables" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_Statistics" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Statistics" ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "Server_ServiceRestart" -value ( TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Service" ) #Streams = TranslatePermissions $roles2_list "Streams" } $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "BuiltIn" -value ( [bool](!$Item.custom) ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "UUID" -value ( $Item.uuid ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "InternalRoles1" -value ( $roles1_value ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "InternalRoles2" -value ( $roles2_value ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "InternalRoles3" -value ( $roles3_value ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "InternalRoles4" -value ( $roles4_value ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "TenantID" -value ( $Item.domain_id ) $CurrentLinaItem | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "InternalName" -value ( $ ) # Filtering User profiles by tenant when tenant is provided if (!$Tenant -OR $CurrentLinaItem.TenantID -eq $domain_id) { $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No user profile found." return $null } Return $LinaItems } function Get-LinaTenant { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the tenants (entities) on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the tenants (entities) on a Lina server. Returns a set of tenants that correspond to the filter criteria provided. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaTenant Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the tenant to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *Tenant* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the tenant to retrieve. .PARAMETER Default Get the default tenant if any .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant Retrieve all tenants .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant -Name "BaasCustomer1" Retrieve Tenant named BaasCustomer1 .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant -ID 2 Retrieve Tenant with ID 2 .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant -Default Retrieve the default tenant (if any) #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "Default")] [switch]$Default ) $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/check_session.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $current_tenant_id = [int](([xml]$request).session.effective_domain_id) if ($current_tenant_id -gt 1) { Write-Host "WARNING : to list tenants you should be logged as superadmin and be in the global view (using Set-LinaCurrentTenant -All). Current tenant ID is : $current_tenant_id" return "" } Write-Verbose "Getting list of tenants" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/list_domain.json?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = $ $request2 = CallAPI -Path "/lst_globals.xml?domain_id=0" $prefs_global = ([xml]$request2).HNConfig.Globals $prefs_tenants = ([xml]$request2).HNConfig.Globals.DomainGlobalsArray.DomainGlobals $cache_strategies = Get-LinaStrategy $cache_protections = Get-LinaProtection $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { $name_encoded = FixEncoding($ if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR $ -like "$Name" -OR $name_encoded -like "$Name" -OR $ -eq $ID ) { if ($prefs_tenants.DomainID -contains [int]$ { $DefaultStrategyID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).WinDefaultServiceProfileID $WindowsDefaultProtectionID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).WinDefaultDataProfileID $MacDefaultProtectionID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).MacDefaultDataProfileID $LinuxDefaultProtectionID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).LinuxDefaultDataProfileID } else { $DefaultStrategyID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).WinDefaultServiceProfileID $WindowsDefaultProtectionID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).WinDefaultDataProfileID $MacDefaultProtectionID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).MacDefaultDataProfileID $LinuxDefaultProtectionID = ($prefs_tenants | where-object { $_.DomainID -eq [int]$ }).LinuxDefaultDataProfileID } # These ones are always shared across tenants $AutoCreateClients = [bool][int]$prefs_global.AutoCreateClients $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaTenant' Name = $name_encoded ID = $ # Had to reencode to UTF-8 because of a bug or maybe to bad return type Comment = FixEncoding($Item.comment) IsDefault = [bool][int]$Item.def_domain AutoCreateClients = $AutoCreateClients WindowsDefaultProtection = ($cache_protections | Where-Object { $WindowsDefaultProtectionID -eq $_.ID }).Name MacDefaultProtection = ($cache_protections | Where-Object { $MacDefaultProtectionID -eq $_.ID }).Name LinuxDefaultProtection = ($cache_protections | Where-Object { $LinuxDefaultProtectionID -eq $_.ID }).Name DefaultStrategy = ($cache_strategies | Where-Object { $DefaultStrategyID -eq $_.ID }).Name # Need to check if this one is always global or not # WebRestoreEnabled = $tenant_config.WebRestoreEnabled WindowsDefaultProtectionID = $WindowsDefaultProtectionID MacDefaultProtectionID = $MacDefaultProtectionID LinuxDefaultProtectionID = $LinuxDefaultProtectionID DefaultStrategyID = $DefaultStrategyID UUID = $Item.uuid } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No tenant found." Return $null } if ($Default) { Return ($LinaItems | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault }) } else { Return $LinaItems } } function LinaTenantShort { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the tenants (entities) on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the tenants (entities) on a Lina server. Returns a set of tenants that correspond to the filter criteria provided. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaTenant Objects .PARAMETER Name Optional : Name of the tenant to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *Tenant* .PARAMETER ID Optional : ID of the tenant to retrieve. .PARAMETER Default Get the default tenant if any .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant Retrieve all tenants .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant -Name "BaasCustomer1" Retrieve Tenant named BaasCustomer1 .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant -ID 2 Retrieve Tenant with ID 2 .EXAMPLE Get-LinaTenant -Default Retrieve the default tenant (if any) #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(-1, 2147483647)] [int]$ID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "Default")] [switch]$Default ) Write-Verbose "Getting list of tenants (short)" $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/list_domain.json?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = $ $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { $name_encoded = FixEncoding($ if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR $ -like "$Name" -OR $name_encoded -like "$Name" -OR $ -eq $ID ) { $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaTenant' Name = FixEncoding($ ID = $ # Had to reencode to UTF-8 because of a bug or maybe to bad return type Comment = FixEncoding($Item.comment) IsDefault = [bool][int]$Item.def_domain UUID = $Item.uuid } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No tenant found." Return $Null } if ($Default) { Return ($LinaItems | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault }) } else { Return $LinaItems } } function Get-LinaAgentStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the agents statistics and advanced information on a Lina server. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the agents statistics and advanced information on a Lina server. Statistics are only available for agent that have been online at least one time. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaAgentStats Objects .PARAMETER Name Name of the agent(s) to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *DESKTOP* .PARAMETER ID ID of the agent to retrieve. For example : 134. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentStats Retrieve all agent stats .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentStats | where {$_.LastLogon -like "*mike*"} Retrieve agent info on agents where mike is logged in. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentStats | where {$_.LastCompletedSession -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)} Retrieve agent info on agents with no completed backups in last 7 days #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [pscustomobject]$lina_agent, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID ) if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -ge 51) { Write-Host "WARNING : Get-LinaAgentStats is deprecated with Lina 5.1, use Get-LinaAgent instead. Commands have been merged" return } Write-Verbose "Getting agents Statistics (only available if has been online)" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/stats_clients.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = ([xml]$request).Stats.ClientArray.Client $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { <# Filtering on ID or Name (only if provided) #> if ((!$Name -AND !$ID -AND !$lina_agent) -OR ($Item.AdminName -like "$Name" -OR $Item.AdminID -eq $ID -OR $lina_agent.ID -eq $Item.AdminID ) ) { $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaAgentStats' Name = $Item.AdminName ID = $Item.AdminID ComputerName = $Item.ComputerName System = $Item.System SystemCategory = TranslateSystemCategories($Item.SystemCategory) AgentVersion = $Item.AgentVersion Strategy = Translate($Item.AdminServiceProfileName) Protection = Translate($Item.AdminDataProfileName) LastLogon = $Item.LastLogon Email = $Item.Email CdpType = $Item.CdpType Alert = $Item.Alert LastBackup = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.SyncTime) LastSessionStart = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastStartedSession) LastSessionComplete = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastCompletedSession) LastConnection = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastConnectionTime) LastSync = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.SyncTime) LastStartedSession = LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastStartedSession LastCompletedSession = LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastCompletedSession LastConnectionTime = LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastConnectionTime LastSyncTime = LinaToLocalTime $Item.SyncTime StrategyInternalName = $Item.AdminServiceProfileName ProtectionInternalName = $Item.AdminDataProfileName } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "No agent statistics found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function Get-LinaAgentGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the agent groups .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the agent groups (Main view of agents) .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Array of LinaAgentGroup Objects .PARAMETER Name Name of the Group to retrieve. Wilcards are allowed. For example : *UNCATEGOR* .PARAMETER ID ID of the group retrieve. For example : 4. .PARAMETER Tenant Name of the Tenant hosting the groups Can also be used in conjunction with -Name to filter by name AND Tenant. Can be useful if multiple groups have the same name in multiple tenants. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentGroup Retrieve all agent groups .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentGroup -ID 131 Retrieve agent group by it ID. Will return a unique object. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Group1" Retrieve agent group by its Name. Wilcards are allowed. Warning : result may not be unique even without using wildcards. Group names may not be unique across tenants. .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentGroup -Tenant "MyTenant" Retrieve agent groups of the Tenant MyTenant .EXAMPLE Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Group1" -Tenant "BaasCustomer1" Filter agent group by name and by Tenant MyTenant. If not using wildcards in name, return will be unique. #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByNothing')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "ByNameAndTenant")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "ByNothing")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByID")] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int]$ID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "ByTenant")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "ByNameAndTenant")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "ByNothing")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Tenant ) if ($Tenant) { $TenantID = (LinaTenantShort -Name $Tenant).ID Write-Verbose "Getting agent groups for Tenant $Tenant (ID $TenantID)" } else { Write-Verbose "Getting agent groups" } $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_hierarchies.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.HierarchyArray.Hierarchy.GroupArray.Group $Tenants = LinaTenantShort $LinaItems = @() foreach ($Item in $Items) { # PreFiltering By Tenant (Groups in tenant 0 are for all Tenants, example : Unsorted agents) if (!$TenantID -OR $Item.DomainID -eq $TenantID -OR $Item.DomainID -eq 0 ) { <# Filtering on ID or Name (only if provided) #> $name_translation = Translate($Item.Name) if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $name_translation -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID) ) { $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinaAgentGroup' Name = $name_translation ID = $Item.ID Tenant = $Tenants | where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name NbAgents = $Item.NbRefs InternalName = $Item.Name TenantID = $Item.DomainID } $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem } } } if ($LinaItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No agent group found." Return $Null } Return $LinaItems } function Get-LinaCurrentTenantID { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the current tenant .DESCRIPTION Get the current tenant. If current tenant is the Global View (no tenant selected), it will return -1. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Current tenant ID .EXAMPLE $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID Get the current tenant ID. #> Write-Verbose "Getting current tenant" $timestamp = LinaTimestamp $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/check_session.xml?timestamp=$timestamp" $current_tenant_id = [int](([xml]$request).session.effective_domain_id) if ($current_tenant_id -eq -1 -OR $current_tenant_id -eq 1) { # Notes on tenant numbers : -1 and 0 => Global View, 1 = Root (first level tenant invisible/ contains superadmin and guest). >1 : Second level tenants Write-Host "No current tenant selected (ID = -1 or 1). Global view on all tenants." Return -1 } elseif ($current_tenant_id -gt 1) { $current_tenant = LinaTenantShort -ID $current_tenant_id $current_tenant_name = $current_tenant.Name Write-Host "Current tenant is $current_tenant_name (ID $current_tenant_id)" Return $current_tenant_id } else { TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "get current tenant" Return $null } } |