Function Test-CurrentPermissions { <# .Synopsis Test permissions of current user to verify that htey have the correct permissions to execute deployment. .Description Check that the account running the deployment has the correct permissions to successfully execute a deployment. If an account is sysadmin then this is very straightforward. If account is not sysadmin then we check that the minimal permissions have been granted. Consult the readme for list of permisions, or view the SQLbelow. Currently the check permissions on the proxy is deactivated. This will be added at a later date. .Parameter SqlServer The SQL Instance we are deploying to. .Example Test-CurrentPermissions -SqlServer $SqlSvr #> param( [Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)] [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection] $sqlConnection ) $domain = [Environment]::UserDomainName $uname = [Environment]::UserName [string]$whoAmI = "$domain\$uname" $sqlQuerySysAdmin = "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin') as 'AmISysAdmin';" $sqlCommandSysAdmin = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlQuerySysAdmin, $sqlConnection) $SQLSysAdminPermissions = [String]$sqlCommandSysAdmin.ExecuteScalar() if ($SQLSysAdminPermissions -eq 1) { Write-Verbose "User $whoAmI is sysadmin on instance. No further checks required!" -Verbose return } else { $sqlQueryRole = "SELECT IS_ROLEMEMBER('ssis_admin') AS 'ssis_admin';" $sqlCommandRole = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlQueryRole, $sqlConnection) $SQLIsRoleMember = [String]$sqlCommandRole.ExecuteScalar() Write-Verbose $SQLIsRoleMember -Verbose if ($SQLIsRoleMember -ne 1) { Throw "$WhoAmI is not a member of the ssis_admin role in SSISDB." } } } |