function Add-IscProperty { <# .Synopsis Add a property to the hash table .Description Internal function Add a value to the hash table for use further in the functions .Parameter iscProperties The hash table that we are adding a property to. .Parameter ssisPropertyName The name of the property - we may wish to add a new envrionment name to the list of properties we are passing around .Parameter ssisProperyValue The value ofthe given property ie the name of the new environment name .Example $ssisProperties = Add-IscProperty -iscProperties $ssisProperties -ssisPropertyName "ssisNewEnvironmentName" -ssisPropertyValue $ssisNewEnvironmentName .Notes For working example, see "EditSSISEnvironmentName.ps1" Generally used in a rollback scenario, but seeing as we are not supporting this scenario currently it is not in use in any of the tests. #> param( [Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $iscProperties, [Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)] [string] $ssisPropertyName, [Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)] [string] $ssisPropertyValue) try { Write-Verbose "Adding $ssisPropertyName with value $ssisPropertyValue to iscProperties hashtable..." -Verbose $iscProperties.Add("$ssisPropertyName", "$ssisPropertyValue") } catch { throw $_.Exception } return $iscProperties } |