Function Edit-SsisEnvironmentName { <# .Synopsis This executes the stored procedure "rename environment", effectively appending the current SSIS Project LSN to the name. .Description Before we re-write the values stored in an environment, we can effectively take a back up of the current environment by re-naming it. We can used the return name to revert this back to the original name if we need to rollback if a validation has failed .Parameter jsonPsCustomObject Tested json object loaded from Import-Json .Parameter sqlConnection The SQL Connection to SSISDB .Parameter ssisFolderName Optional parameter. We may wish to override the value of what is in the json file. .Parameter ssisEnvironmentName Optional parameter. We may wish to override the value of what is in the json file. .Parameter ssisProjectLsn Retrieved from ISC by using Get-SsisProjectLsn function. .Example $ssisEnvironmentRename = Edit-SsisEnvironmentName -ssisPublishFilePath $thisSsisPublishFilePath -ssisProjectLsn $thisLsn -sqlConnection $ssisdb #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject] $jsonPsCustomObject, [Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)] [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection] $sqlConnection, [Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $false)] [String] $ssisFolderName, [Parameter(Position = 3, mandatory = $false)] [String] $ssisEnvironmentName, [Parameter(Position = 4, mandatory = $true)] [String] $ssisProjectLsn) $ssisJson = $jsonPsCustomObject $ssisProperties = New-IscProperties -jsonObject $ssisJson if ($ssisFolderName) { $ssisProperties = Set-IscProperty -iscProperties $ssisProperties -newSsisFolderName $ssisFolderName } if ($ssisEnvironmentName) { $ssisProperties = Set-IscProperty -iscProperties $ssisProperties -newSsisEnvironmentName $ssisEnvironmentName } $ssisNewEnvironmentName = $ssisProperties.ssisEnvironmentName + "" + $ssisProjectLsn $ssisProperties = Add-IscProperty -iscProperties $ssisProperties -ssisPropertyName "ssisNewEnvironmentName" -ssisPropertyValue $ssisNewEnvironmentName $sqlRenameEnvironment = " IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM CATALOG.environments environment WHERE environment.NAME = @0 AND folder_id = ( SELECT folder.folder_id FROM CATALOG.folders folder WHERE folder.NAME = @1 ) ) BEGIN EXEC CATALOG.rename_environment @1 ,@0 ,@2 END" try { $msg = "Hi! Renaming environment " + $ssisProperties.ssisEnvironmentName + " to " + $ssisProperties.ssisNewEnvironmentName + "..." Write-Verbose $msg -Verbose $sqlCommandRenameEnvironment = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlRenameEnvironment, $sqlConnection) $sqlCommandRenameEnvironment.Parameters.AddWithValue("@0", $ssisProperties.ssisEnvironmentName) | Out-Null $sqlCommandRenameEnvironment.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", $ssisProperties.ssisFolderName) | Out-Null $sqlCommandRenameEnvironment.Parameters.AddWithValue("@2", $ssisProperties.ssisNewEnvironmentName) | Out-Null $sqlCommandRenameEnvironment.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null Write-Verbose "SQL Script Succeeded. Checking environment exists..." -Verbose } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception } try { $sqlCheckSsisEnvironmentExists = " SELECT 'exists' FROM CATALOG.environments environment WHERE environment.NAME = @0 AND folder_id = ( SELECT folder.folder_id FROM CATALOG.folders folder WHERE folder.NAME = @1 )" $sqlCommandVerifyEnvironment = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlCheckSsisEnvironmentExists, $sqlConnection) $sqlCommandVerifyEnvironment.Parameters.AddWithValue("@0", $ssisProperties.ssisNewEnvironmentName) | Out-Null $sqlCommandVerifyEnvironment.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", $ssisProperties.ssisFolderName) | Out-Null $checkSsisEnvironmentExists = [String]$sqlCommandVerifyEnvironment.ExecuteScalar() if ($checkSsisEnvironmentExists -eq "exists") { $msg = "Environment " + $ssisProperties.ssisNewEnvironmentName + " exists and renamed successfully." Write-Verbose $msg -Verbose } else { $msg = "Environment " + $ssisProperties.ssisNewEnvironmentName + " does not exist." Write-Verbose $msg -Verbose $ssisProperties.ssisNewEnvironmentName = $null } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception } Return $ssisProperties.ssisNewEnvironmentName } |