Function Set-EnvironmentVariableProperty { <# .Synopsis Set the given property to a given value .Description Updates a given property to a given value - if data type has been altered then we parameterName will be "Type". If description altered then "description". These are the only two properties that can be altered. .Parameter ssisVar Settings of target variable .Parameter ssisProp Properties of deployment (folder/project/environment) .Parameter PropertyName Either description or type. .Parameter ProeprtyValue new value. .Example Set-EnvironmentVariableProperty -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties -PropertyName "Description" -PropertyValue $ssisVariable.Description Set-EnvironmentVariableProperty -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties -PropertyName "Type" -PropertyValue $ssisVariable.dataType #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection] $sqlConn, [PSCustomObject] $ssisVar, [hashtable] $ssisProp, [String] $PropertyName, [String] $PropertyValue ) $sqlSetSsisVarProp = " [CATALOG].[set_environment_variable_protection] @folder_name = @0, @environment_name = @1, @variable_name = @2, @property_name = @3, @property_value = @4 " try { $sqlCmdVarVProp = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlSetSsisVarProp, $sqlConn) $sqlCmdVarVProp.Parameters.AddWithValue("@0", $ssisProp.ssisFolderName) | Out-Null $sqlCmdVarVProp.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", $ssisProp.ssisEnvironmentName) | Out-Null $sqlCmdVarVProp.Parameters.AddWithValue("@2", $ssisVar.variableName) | Out-Null $sqlCmdVarVProp.Parameters.AddWithValue("@3", $PropertyName) | Out-Null $sqlCmdVarVProp.Parameters.AddWithValue("@4", $PropertyValue) | Out-Null $sqlCmdVarVProp.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Updated property $PropertyName of environment variable $($ssisVar.variableName)." -Verbose } catch { Write-Verbose "Publishing $($ssisVar.variableName) failed." -Verbose Write-Error $_.Exception Throw } } |