function Assert-All { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] $Actual, [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [scriptblock]$FilterScript, [String]$CustomMessage ) $Expected = $FilterScript $Actual = Collect-Input -ParameterInput $Actual -PipelineInput $local:Input # we are jumping between modules so I need to explicitly pass the _ variable # simply using '&' won't work # see: $actualFiltered = $Actual | foreach { # powershell v4 code where we have InvokeWithContext available # $underscore = Get-Variable _ # $pass = $FilterScript.InvokeWithContext($null, $underscore, $null) # polyfill for PowerShell v2 $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Set("_", $_) $pass = & $FilterScript if (-not $pass) { $_ } } if ($actualFiltered) { $data = @{ actualFiltered = $actualFiltered actualFilteredCount = @($actualFiltered).Count } $Message = Get-AssertionMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Data $data -CustomMessage $CustomMessage -DefaultMessage "Expected all items in collection '<actual>' to pass filter '<expected>', but <actualFilteredCount> of them '<actualFiltered>' did not pass the filter." throw [Assertions.AssertionException]$Message } $Actual } |