# I am using this file to play with the verbose output, # this might become a source of examples for assert, don't want to delete it # so I commit it. Get-Module Assert | remove-module ; Import-module .\Assert.psd1 # messages: # (in the result use $(Format-Nicely $variable) for the $Expected and $Actual messages so we can see what was actually there and detect errors better)) # expectation -> v "`$Expected is `$null, so we are expecting `$null." # v -Difference "`$Actual is not equivalent to `$null, because it has a value of type $(Format-Nicely $Actual.GetType())." # v -Equivalence "`$Actual is equivalent to `$null, because it is `$null." & (Get-Module Assert) { function c ($a, $e) { Compare-Equivalent -Actual $a -Expected $e -Verbose "`n" } function mm ($string) { m "- $string" } function m ($string) { Write-Host -fore Cyan $string} m ("-*"*40) #mm "nulls" #c -a 1 -e $null #c -a $null -e $null #mm "values" #mm "bools" #m "fixing bool for expected" #c -a $false -e 'False' #c -a $true -e 'False' #m "fixing bool for actual" #c -a 'False' -e $false #c -a 'False' -e $true #m compare scriptblocks by content # c -a {} -e {} # c -a { "hello" } -e { "hello" } # c -a { } -e {} # c -a { "hello"} -e { "hello" } # m "normal boolean comparison" # c -a $true -e $true # c -a $false -e $false # c -a $true -e $false # c -a $false -e $true # c -a "" -e $true # c -a 1 -e $true # c -a 0 -e $true # c -a {} -e "" # c -a "" -e {} m compare objects $expected = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = 'Jakub' Age = 28 KnowsPowerShell = $true Languages = 'Czech', 'English' } $actual = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = 'Jkb' KnowsPowerShell = 0 Languages = 'Czech', 'English', 'German' } c -a $actual -e $expected # m hashtables # c -a @{} -e @{} # c -a @() -e @{} # c -a @{Name="Jakub"} -e @{} # c -a @{} -e @{Name="Jakub"} # c -a @{Name="Jakub"} -e @{Name="Jakub"} # m collections # c -a 1 -e @() # c -a @() -e @() # c -a @(1) -e @() # c -a @(1,1) -e @(1,2) } |