.VERSION 0.0.4 .GUID 3edb5b95-412a-4569-8daf-f898592afd89 .AUTHOR corvus-dotnet core team .COMPANYNAME Endjin Limited .COPYRIGHT (c) endjin. All rights reserved. .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Ensures that the specfied module is available. .DESCRIPTION Checks the presence of the specfied module version, installing it if necessary. .PARAMETER Name The module name. .PARAMETER Version The module version. .PARAMETER AdditionalArgs Any additional 'Install-Module' arguments required by the module (e.g. -AcceptLicense) .PARAMETER DoNotInstall Suppresses the auto-install behaviour .PARAMETER Scope Sets the installation scope of the module. .PARAMETER PSRepository Sets the PowerShell repository used as the source (e.g. PSGallery) .OUTPUTS Returns the 'PSModuleInfo' object for the asserted module - this can be used by the caller to easily import the module. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Version = "Latest", [Parameter()] [hashtable] $AdditionalArgs, [Parameter()] [switch] $DoNotInstall, [Parameter()] [string] $Scope = "CurrentUser", [Parameter()] [string] $PSRepository = "PSGallery" ) $existingLoaded = Get-Module $Name $existingInstalled = Get-Module -ListAvailable $Name # TODO: a version unconstrained check if ($null -ne $existingLoaded -and $existingLoaded.Version -eq $Version) { return $existingLoaded } elseif ($existingLoaded) { Write-Verbose ("Unloading incorrect version of module {0} - (actual={1}, required={2})" -f $Name, $existingLoaded.Version, $Version) $existingLoaded | Remove-Module -Verbose:$false } if ($DoNotInstall) { throw "The required module {0} v{1} is not available and was not installed due to DoNotInstall=true" } if ($null -eq $existingInstalled -or ($Version -notin $existingInstalled.Version)) { Write-Verbose ("Installing required module: {0} v{1}" -f $Name, $Version) $installArgs= @{ Name = $Name Scope = $Scope Force = $true RequiredVersion = $Version Repository = $PSRepository } if ($AdditionalArgs) { $installArgs += $AdditionalArgs } Install-Module @installArgs } $assertedModule = Get-Module -ListAvailable $Name | Where-Object { $_.Version -eq $Version } if (!$assertedModule) { throw "The module {0} v{1} was unexpectedly not available" } return $assertedModule |