function Get-AssemblyMetaKey { [CmdletBinding()] param( $key, [ValidateSet("cs","json","csproj")] $type = "cs" ) switch($type) { "json" { if ($key -eq $null) { return } $r = switch($key) { { $_ -in @("InformationalVersion","AssemblyInformationalVersion") } { "version"; break; } "Description" { "description"; break; } default { $null; break; } } return $r } "cs" { if ($key -eq $null) { return "Assembly.*" } $key = "$("$($key[0])".ToUpper()[0])" + $key.Substring(1) if ($key.StartsWith("Assembly")) { return $key } else { return "Assembly$key" } } "csproj" { $r = switch($key) { { $_ -in @("InformationalVersion","AssemblyInformationalVersion") } { "VersionPrefix-VersionSuffix","Version"; break; } { $_ -in @("Version","AssemblyVersion") } { "VersionPrefix","Version"; break; } { $_ -in @("FileVersion")} { $null; break; } default { $key; break; } } return $r } } } function Get-AssemblyMetaFile { [CmdletBinding()] param($path = ".") if ($path.EndsWith(".cs") -or $path.EndsWith("project.json") -or $path.EndsWith(".csproj")) { return $path } if (test-path $path) { $i = get-item $path if (!($i.psiscontainer)) { $path = split-path -parent $path $i = get-item $path } if ($i.psiscontainer) { $files = @() if (test-path "$path/project.json") { $files += @("$path/project.json")} if (test-path "$path/AssemblyVersionInfo.cs") { $files += @("$path/AssemblyVersionInfo.cs") } if (test-path "$path/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs") { $files += @("$path/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs") } if (test-path "$path/AssemblyInfo.cs") { $files += @("$path/AssemblyInfo.cs") } if (test-path "$path/GeneratedAssemblyInfo.cs") { $files += @("$path/GeneratedAssemblyInfo.cs") } $dir = split-path -leaf $path if ((test-path $path/$dir.csproj)) { $files +=@("$path/$dir.csproj") } else { $files += get-childitem $path -File -Filter "*.csproj" | % { "$path/$($_.Name)" } } if ($files.length -gt 0) { return $files } } if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne "Ignore") { throw "AssemblyInfo not found in '$($i.fullname)'" } else { return $null } } else { throw "Path not found: '$path'" } } function Get-AssemblyMeta { [CmdletBinding()] param ($key, $assemblyinfo = ".", [switch][bool] $table) $originalKey = $key $assemblyinfos = get-assemblymetafile $assemblyinfo if ($key -eq $null) { $table = $true } $value = @() foreach($assemblyinfo in $assemblyinfos) { write-verbose "cheking file '$assemblyinfo' for assembly info" if ($assemblyinfo.endswith("project.json")) { $key = get-assemblymetakey $originalKey -type "json" write-verbose "looking for key '$key' in '$assemblyinfo'" if ($key -eq $null) { continue } try { import-module newtonsoft.json $json = get-content $assemblyinfo | out-string | convertfrom-jsonnewtonsoft } catch { write-error "failed to parse json from file '$assemblyinfo'" throw $_ } foreach($k in @($key)) { if ($json.$k -ne $null) { if ($table) { $value += @(new-object -type pscustomobject -property @{ key = $k; value = $json.$k; file = $assemblyinfo; fileKey = $k }) continue } else { return $json.$k } } } } elseif ($assemblyinfo.endswith(".csproj")) { $key = get-assemblymetakey $originalKey -type "csproj" write-verbose "looking for key '$key' in '$assemblyinfo'" if ($key -eq $null) { continue } if (!(test-path $assemblyinfo)) { throw "assembly meta file '$assemblyinfo' not found" } try { $xml = [xml](get-content $assemblyinfo) } catch { write-error "failed to parse xml from file '$assemblyinfo'" throw $_ } foreach($k in @($key)) { $separator = "-" $splits = $k.Split($separator) $values = @() foreach($s in $splits) { foreach($g in $xml.Project.PropertyGroup) { if ($g[$s] -ne $null) { $values += $g[$s].InnerText break } } } if ($values.count -eq $splits.count) { $val = [string]::Join($separator, $values) if ($table) { $value += @(new-object -type pscustomobject -property @{ key = $k; value = $val; file = $assemblyinfo; fileKey = $k }) continue } else { return $val } } } } else { $key = get-assemblymetakey $originalKey write-verbose "looking for key '$key' in '$assemblyinfo'" $content = get-content $assemblyinfo $value += @($content | % { $regex = "\[assembly: (?<fileKey>(System\.Reflection\.){0,1}(?<key>$($key))(Attribute){0,1})\(""(?<value>.*)""\)\]" if ($_ -match $regex -and !($_.trim().startswith("//"))) { if ($table) { return new-object -type pscustomobject -property @{ key = $matches["key"]; value = $matches["value"]; file = $assemblyinfo; fileKey=$matches["fileKey"] } } else { return $matches["value"] } } }) } } return $value } function Set-AssemblyMeta { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ($key, $value, $assemblyinfo = ".") $originalKey = $key $current = get-assemblymeta $key $assemblyinfo -table $assemblyinfos = @(get-assemblymetafile $assemblyinfo) if ($current -ne $null) { $json = $assemblyinfos | ? {$_.endswith("project.json") } $assemblyinfos = @($current.File) + @($json) } $jsonSet = $false $csSet = $false foreach($assemblyinfo in $assemblyinfos) { if ($assemblyinfo.endswith("project.json")) { #only set value in one of json files if ($current -eq $null -and $jsonSet) { continue } $key = get-assemblymetakey $originalKey -type "json" if ($key -eq $null) { write-host "don't know a matching project.json key for '$originalKey'" continue } import-module newtonsoft.json $json = get-content $assemblyinfo | out-string | convertfrom-jsonnewtonsoft $json.$key = $value $jsonSet = $true write-verbose "setting json value '$key' to '$value' in $assemblyinfo" #ipmo publishmap #$json = convertto-hashtable $json -recurse $json | convertto-jsonnewtonsoft | out-file $assemblyinfo -encoding utf8 } elseif ($assemblyinfo.endswith(".csproj")) { $key = get-assemblymetakey $originalKey -type "csproj" write-verbose "looking for key '$key' in '$assemblyinfo'" if ($key -eq $null) { continue } if (!(test-path $assemblyinfo)) { throw "assembly meta file '$assemblyinfo' not found" } try { $xml = [xml](get-content $assemblyinfo) } catch { write-error "failed to parse xml from file '$assemblyinfo'" throw $_ } $k = @($key) | select -first 1 function set-xmlproperty($xml, $key, $value) { $node = $null $s = $key foreach($g in $xml.Project.PropertyGroup) { if ($g[$s] -ne $null) { $node = $g[$s] break } } if ($node -eq $null) { $node = $xml.CreateElement($s) $xml.Project.PropertyGroup.AppendChild($node) #throw "missing node '$key'. adding xml nodes is not implemented yet" } write-verbose "setting xml property '$s'='$value'" $node.InnerText = $value } $separator = "-" if ($k.Contains($separator)) { $idx = $value.IndexOf($separator) $keys = $k.split($separator) $values = @($value) if ($idx -ge 0) { $values = @($value.substring(0, $idx), $value.substring($idx+1)) } else { # throw "expected value '$value' to match key '$key' ($($keys.length) parts)" } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $keys.length; $i++) { if ($i -lt $values.count) { $val = $values[$i] } else { $val = "" } set-xmlproperty $xml $keys[$i] $val } } else { set-xmlproperty $xml $k $value } $xml.Save((get-item $assemblyinfo).FullName) } elseif ($assemblyinfo.endswith(".cs")) { #only set value in one of cs files if ($current -eq $null -and $csSet) { continue } $key = get-assemblymetakey $originalKey if ($current -ne $null) { $ck = $current | ? { $_.file -eq $assemblyinfo } if ($ck -ne $null) { $key = $ck.filekey } } # [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] $content = get-content $assemblyinfo $found = $false $content = $content | % { $newval = $_ $regex = "\[assembly: ($($key))\(""(.*)""\)\]" if ($_ -notmatch $regex) { $regex = "\[assembly: (System\.Reflection\.$($key))\(""(.*)""\)\]" } if ($_ -match $regex) { $newval = $newval -replace $regex,"[assembly: `${1}(""$($value)"")]" $found = $true write-verbose "replacing: $_ => $newval" $csSet = $true } $newval } if (!$found -and $current -eq $null) { $content += "[assembly: System.Reflection.$key(""$($value)"")]" $csSet = $true } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("save output file '$assemblyinfo'")) { $content | out-file $assemblyinfo -Encoding utf8 } } else { throw "don't know how to update $assemblyinfo" } } } function Update-AssemblyVersion { [CmdletBinding()] param($version, $path = ".") $ver = $version $v = get-assemblymeta "Version" $path if ([string]::isnullorempty($v) -or $v -eq "" -or $version -ne $null) { set-assemblymeta "Version" ((split-packageversion $ver)["version"]) $path } $v = get-assemblymeta "FileVersion" $path if ([string]::isnullorempty($v) -or $v -eq "" -or $version -ne $null) { set-assemblymeta "FileVersion" ((split-packageversion $ver)["version"]) $path } $v = get-assemblymeta "InformationalVersion" $path if ([string]::isnullorempty($v) -or $v -eq "" -or $version -ne $null) { set-assemblymeta "InformationalVersion" $ver $path } } function split-packageVersion($version) { $m = $version -match "(?<version>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)+(?<suffix>-.*){0,1}$" return $matches } |