function Invoke-AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR { <# .SYNOPSIS PowerShell script to document the configuration of Veeam VBR in Word/HTML/Text formats .DESCRIPTION Documents the configuration of Veeam VBR in Word/HTML/Text formats using PScribo. .NOTES Version: 0.8.11 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux Credits: Iain Brighton (@iainbrighton) - PScribo module .LINK #> # Do not remove or add to these parameters param ( [String[]] $Target, [PSCredential] $Credential ) #Requires -Version 5.1 #Requires -PSEdition Desktop #Requires -RunAsAdministrator if ($psISE) { Write-Error -Message "You cannot run this script inside the PowerShell ISE. Please execute it from the PowerShell Command Window." break } Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "Please refer to the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR github website for more detailed information about this project." Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "Do not forget to update your report configuration file after each new version release." Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "Documentation:" Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "Issues or bug reporting:" Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "This project is community maintained and has no sponsorship from Veeam, its employees or any of its affiliates." # Check the current AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR module Try { $InstalledVersion = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Version if ($InstalledVersion) { Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR $($InstalledVersion.ToString()) is currently installed." $LatestVersion = Find-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version if ($InstalledVersion -lt $LatestVersion) { Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR $($LatestVersion.ToString()) is available." Write-PScriboMessage -Plugin "Module" -IsWarning "Run 'Update-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR -Force' to install the latest version." } } } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } # Import Report Configuration $script:Report = $ReportConfig.Report $script:InfoLevel = $ReportConfig.InfoLevel $script:Options = $ReportConfig.Options # Set Custom styles for Veeam theme template if ($Options.ReportStyle -eq "Veeam") { & "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR.Style.ps1" $Legend = { Text 'Enabled \' -Color 81BC50 -Bold Text ' Disabled' -Color dddf62 -Bold } } else { # Set Custom styles for Default AsBuiltReport template Style -Name 'ON' -Size 8 -BackgroundColor '4c7995' -Color 4c7995 Style -Name 'OFF' -Size 8 -BackgroundColor 'ADDBDB' -Color ADDBDB $Legend = { Text 'Enabled \' -Color 4c7995 -Bold Text ' Disabled' -Color ADDBDB -Bold } } # Set default theme styles if (-Not $Options.DiagramTheme) { $DiagramTheme = 'White' } else { $DiagramTheme = $Options.DiagramTheme } # Used to set values to TitleCase where required $script:TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo #region foreach loop foreach ($System in $Target) { if (Select-String -InputObject $System -Pattern "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") { throw "Please use the FQDN instead of an IP address to connect to the Backup Server: $System" } Get-AbrVbrRequiredModule -Name 'Veeam.Backup.PowerShell' -Version '12' Get-AbrVbrServerConnection $VeeamBackupServer = ((Get-VBRServerSession).Server).ToString().ToUpper().Split(".")[0] $script:VbrLicenses = Get-VBRInstalledLicense Section -Style Heading1 $($VeeamBackupServer) { Paragraph "The following section provides an overview of the implemented components of Veeam Backup & Replication." BlankLine #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Backup Infrastructure Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.PSObject.Properties.Value -ne 0) { Section -Style Heading2 'Backup Infrastructure' { Paragraph "The following section details configuration information about the Backup Server: $($VeeamBackupServer)" BlankLine if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.BackupServer -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrInfrastructureSummary Get-AbrVbrSecurityCompliance Get-AbrVbrBackupServerInfo Get-AbrVbrEnterpriseManagerInfo } Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure Licenses InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Licenses)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Licenses -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrInstalledLicense } Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure Settings InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Settings)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Settings -ge 1) { Section -Style Heading3 'General Options' { Paragraph "The following section details Veaam Backup & Replication general setting. General settings are applied to all jobs, backup infrastructure components and other objects managed by the backup server." BlankLine Get-AbrVbrConfigurationBackupSetting Get-AbrVbrEmailNotificationSetting if ($VbrVersion -ge 12.1) { Get-AbrVbrEventForwarding } Get-AbrVbrGlobalNotificationSetting Get-AbrVbrHistorySetting Get-AbrVbrIOControlSetting Get-AbrVbrBackupServerCertificate Get-AbrVbrNetworkTrafficRule if ($VbrVersion -ge 12.1) { Get-AbrVbrMalwareDetectionOption Get-AbrVbrGlobalExclusion } } } Get-AbrVbrUserRoleAssignment Get-AbrVbrCredential if ($VbrVersion -ge 12.1) { Get-AbrVbrKMSInfo } Get-AbrVbrLocation Get-AbrVbrManagedServer Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure Backup Proxy InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Proxy)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Proxy -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrBackupProxy } Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure WAN Accelerator InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.WANAccel)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.WANAccel -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrWANAccelerator if ($Options.EnableDiagrams -and ((Get-VBRWANAccelerator).count -gt 0)) { Try { Try { $Graph = New-VeeamDiagram -Target $System -Credential $Credential -Format base64 -Direction top-to-bottom -DiagramType "Backup-to-WanAccelerator" -DiagramTheme $DiagramTheme } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Wan Accelerator Diagram: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($Graph) { If ((Get-DiaImagePercent -GraphObj $Graph).Width -gt 1500) { $ImagePrty = 15 } else { $ImagePrty = 50 } Section -Style Heading3 "Wan Accelerator Diagram." { Image -Base64 $Graph -Text "Wan Accelerator Diagram" -Percent $ImagePrty -Align Center Paragraph "Image preview: Opens the image in a new tab to view it at full resolution." -Tabs 2 } BlankLine } } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Wan Accelerator Diagram Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure Service Provider InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.ServiceProvider)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.ServiceProvider -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrServiceProvider } Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure Backup Repository InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.BR)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.BR -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrBackupRepository Get-AbrVbrObjectRepository if ($Options.EnableDiagrams) { Try { Try { $Graph = New-VeeamDiagram -Target $System -Credential $Credential -Format base64 -Direction top-to-bottom -DiagramType "Backup-to-Repository" -DiagramTheme $DiagramTheme } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Backup Repository Diagram: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($Graph) { If ((Get-DiaImagePercent -GraphObj $Graph).Width -gt 1500) { $ImagePrty = 15 } else { $ImagePrty = 50 } Section -Style Heading3 "Backup Repository Diagram" { Image -Base64 $Graph -Text "Backup Repository Diagram" -Percent $ImagePrty -Align Center Paragraph "Image preview: Opens the image in a new tab to view it at full resolution." -Tabs 2 } BlankLine } } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Backup Repository Diagram Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure ScaleOut Backup Repository InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.SOBR)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.SOBR -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrScaleOutRepository if ($Options.EnableDiagrams -and (Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut)) { Try { Try { $Graph = New-VeeamDiagram -Target $System -Credential $Credential -Format base64 -Direction top-to-bottom -DiagramType "Backup-to-Sobr" -DiagramTheme $DiagramTheme } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "ScaleOut Backup Repository Diagram: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($Graph) { If ((Get-DiaImagePercent -GraphObj $Graph).Width -gt 1500) { $ImagePrty = 15 } else { $ImagePrty = 50 } Section -Style Heading3 "ScaleOut Backup Repository Diagram." { Image -Base64 $Graph -Text "ScaleOut Backup Repository Diagram" -Percent $ImagePrty -Align Center Paragraph "Image preview: Opens the image in a new tab to view it at full resolution." -Tabs 2 } BlankLine } } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "ScaleOut Backup Repository Diagram Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } Write-PScriboMessage "Infrastructure SureBackup InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.SureBackup)." if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.SureBackup -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrSureBackup } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tape Infrastructure Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.Tape.PSObject.Properties.Value -ne 0) { if ((Get-VBRTapeServer).count -gt 0) { Section -Style Heading2 'Tape Infrastructure' { Paragraph "The following section details Tape Infrastructure configuration information" BlankLine Get-AbrVbrTapeInfraSummary Write-PScriboMessage "Tape Server InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Tape.Server)." if ($InfoLevel.Tape.Server -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrTapeServer } Write-PScriboMessage "Tape Library InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Tape.Library)." if ($InfoLevel.Tape.Library -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrTapeLibrary } Write-PScriboMessage "Tape MediaPool InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Tape.MediaPool)." if ($InfoLevel.Tape.MediaPool -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrTapeMediaPool } Write-PScriboMessage "Tape Vault InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Tape.Vault)." if ($InfoLevel.Tape.Vault -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrTapeVault } Write-PScriboMessage "Tape NDMP InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Tape.NDMP)." if ($InfoLevel.Tape.NDMP -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrNDMPInfo } if ($Options.EnableDiagrams -and ((Get-VBRTapeServer).count -gt 0) -and ((Get-VBRTapeLibrary).count -gt 0)) { Try { Try { $Graph = New-VeeamDiagram -Target $System -Credential $Credential -Format base64 -Direction top-to-bottom -DiagramType "Backup-to-Tape" -DiagramTheme $DiagramTheme } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Tape Infrastructure Diagram: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($Graph) { If ((Get-DiaImagePercent -GraphObj $Graph).Width -gt 1500) { $ImagePrty = 15 } else { $ImagePrty = 50 } Section -Style Heading3 "Tape Infrastructure Diagram." { Image -Base64 $Graph -Text "Tape Infrastructure Diagram" -Percent $ImagePrty -Align Center Paragraph "Image preview: Opens the image in a new tab to view it at full resolution." -Tabs 2 } BlankLine } } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Tape Infrastructure Diagram Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Inventory Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.Inventory.PSObject.Properties.Value -ne 0) { if ((Get-VBRServer).count -gt 0) { Section -Style Heading2 'Inventory' { Paragraph "The following section provides inventory information about the Virtual Infrastructure managed by Veeam Server $(((Get-VBRServerSession).Server))." BlankLine Get-AbrVbrInventorySummary Write-PScriboMessage "Virtual Inventory InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Inventory.VI)." if ($InfoLevel.Inventory.VI -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrVirtualInfrastructure } Write-PScriboMessage "Physical Inventory InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Inventory.PHY)." if ($InfoLevel.Inventory.PHY -ge 1) { $InventObjs = try { Get-VBRProtectionGroup | Sort-Object -Property Name } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Physical Infrastructure Summary Cmdlet Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } Get-AbrVbrPhysicalInfrastructure if ($Options.EnableDiagrams -and $InventObjs) { Try { Try { $Graph = New-VeeamDiagram -Target $System -Credential $Credential -Format base64 -Direction top-to-bottom -DiagramType "Backup-to-ProtectedGroup" -DiagramTheme $DiagramTheme } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Physical Infrastructure Diagram: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($Graph) { If ((Get-DiaImagePercent -GraphObj $Graph).Width -gt 1500) { $ImagePrty = 15 } else { $ImagePrty = 50 } Section -Style Heading3 "Physical Infrastructure Diagram." { Image -Base64 $Graph -Text "Physical Infrastructure Diagram" -Percent $ImagePrty -Align Center Paragraph "Image preview: Opens the image in a new tab to view it at full resolution." -Tabs 2 } BlankLine } } Catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Physical Infrastructure Diagram Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } Write-PScriboMessage "File Shares Inventory InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Inventory.FileShare)." if ($InfoLevel.Inventory.FileShare -ge 1) { if ($VbrVersion -lt 12.1) { Get-AbrVbrFileSharesInfo } else { Get-AbrVbrUnstructuredDataInfo } } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Storage Infrastructure Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.Storage.PSObject.Properties.Value -ne 0) { if ((Get-NetAppHost).count -gt 0) { Section -Style Heading2 'Storage Infrastructure' { Paragraph "The following section provides information about the storage infrastructure managed by Veeam Server $(((Get-VBRServerSession).Server))." BlankLine Get-AbrVbrStorageInfraSummary Write-PScriboMessage "NetApp Ontap InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Storage.Ontap)." if ($InfoLevel.Storage.Ontap -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrStorageOntap } Write-PScriboMessage "Dell Isilon InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Storage.Isilon)." if ($InfoLevel.Storage.Isilon -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrStorageIsilon } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Replication Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.Replication.PSObject.Properties.Value -ne 0) { if ((Get-VBRReplica).count -gt 0 -or ((Get-VBRFailoverPlan).count -gt 0)) { Section -Style Heading2 'Replication' { Paragraph "The following section provides information about the replications managed by Veeam Server $(((Get-VBRServerSession).Server))." BlankLine Get-AbrVbrReplInfraSummary Write-PScriboMessage "Replica InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Replication.Replica)." if ($InfoLevel.Replication.Replica -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrReplReplica } Write-PScriboMessage "Failover Plan InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Replication.FailoverPlan)." if ($InfoLevel.Replication.FailoverPlan -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrReplFailoverPlan } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Cloud Connect Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.PSObject.Properties.Value -ne 0) { if ($VbrLicenses | Where-Object { $_.CloudConnect -ne "Disabled" -and $_.Status -ne "Expired" }) { if ((Get-VBRCloudGateway).count -gt 0 -or ((Get-VBRCloudTenant).count -gt 0)) { Section -Style Heading2 'Cloud Connect' { Paragraph "The following section provides information about Cloud Connect components from server $(((Get-VBRServerSession).Server))." BlankLine Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectSummary Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectStatus Write-PScriboMessage "Cloud Certificate InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.Certificate)." if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.Certificate -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectCert } Write-PScriboMessage "Cloud Public IP InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.PublicIP)." if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.PublicIP -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectPublicIP } Write-PScriboMessage "Cloud Gateway InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.CloudGateway)." if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.CloudGateway -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectCG } Write-PScriboMessage "Gateway Pools InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.GatewayPools)." if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.GatewayPools -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectGP } Write-PScriboMessage "Tenants InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.Tenants)." if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.Tenants -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectTenant } Write-PScriboMessage "Backup Storage InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.BackupStorage)." if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.BackupStorage -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectBS } Write-PScriboMessage "Backup Storage InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.ReplicaResources)." if ($InfoLevel.CloudConnect.ReplicaResources -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrCloudConnectRR } } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Backup Jobs Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.PSObject.Properties.Value -ne 0) { if (((Get-VBRJob -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).count -gt 0) -or ((Get-VBRTapeJob).count -gt 0) -or ((Get-VBRSureBackupJob).count -gt 0)) { Section -Style Heading2 'Jobs Summary' { Paragraph "The following section provides information about the configured jobs in Veeam Server: $(((Get-VBRServerSession).Server))." BlankLine Write-PScriboMessage "Backup Jobs InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Jobs.Backup)." if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.Backup -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrBackupjob Get-AbrVbrBackupjobVMware Get-AbrVbrBackupjobHyperV } Write-PScriboMessage "Replication Jobs InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Jobs.Replication)." if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.Replication -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrRepljob Get-AbrVbrRepljobVMware Get-AbrVbrRepljobHyperV } Write-PScriboMessage "Tape Jobs InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Jobs.Tape)." if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.Tape -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrTapejob Get-AbrVbrBackupToTape Get-AbrVbrFileToTape } Write-PScriboMessage "SureBackup Jobs InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Jobs.SureBackup)." if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.SureBackup -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrSureBackupjob Get-AbrVbrSureBackupjobconf } Write-PScriboMessage "Agent Jobs InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Jobs.Agent)." if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.Agent -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrAgentBackupjob Get-AbrVbrAgentBackupjobConf } Write-PScriboMessage "File Share Jobs InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Jobs.FileShare)." if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.FileShare -ge 1) { Get-AbrVbrFileShareBackupjob Get-AbrVbrFileShareBackupjobConf } Write-PScriboMessage "Backup Copy Jobs InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Jobs.BackupCopy)." if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.BackupCopy -ge 1 -and ($VbrVersion -ge 12)) { Get-AbrVbrBackupCopyjob Get-AbrVbrBackupCopyjobConf } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Backup Restore Points Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ($InfoLevel.Jobs.Restores -gt 0) { if (((Get-VBRBackup -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).count -gt 0) -or ((Get-VBRTapeJob).count -gt 0) -or ((Get-VBRSureBackupJob).count -gt 0)) { Section -Style Heading2 'Backups Summary' { Paragraph "The following section provides information about the jobs restore points in Veeam Server: $(((Get-VBRServerSession).Server))." BlankLine Get-AbrVbrBackupsRPSummary Get-AbrVbrBackupJobsRP Get-AbrVbrTapeBackupJobsRP } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Backup Infrastructure Diagram Section # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if (-Not $Options.ExportDiagramsFormat) { $DiagramFormat = 'png' } else { $DiagramFormat = $Options.ExportDiagramsFormat } $DiagramParams = @{ 'OutputFolderPath' = (Get-Location).Path 'Credential' = $Credential 'Target' = $System 'Direction' = 'top-to-bottom' 'DiagramType' = 'Backup-Infrastructure' 'WaterMarkText' = $Options.DiagramWaterMark 'WaterMarkColor' = 'DarkGreen' 'DiagramTheme' = $DiagramTheme } if ($Options.EnableDiagramDebug) { $DiagramParams.Add('EnableEdgeDebug', $True) $DiagramParams.Add('EnableSubGraphDebug', $True) } if ($Options.EnableDiagramSignature) { $DiagramParams.Add('Signature', $True) $DiagramParams.Add('AuthorName', $Options.SignatureAuthorName) $DiagramParams.Add('CompanyName', $Options.SignatureCompanyName) } try { foreach ($Format in $DiagramFormat) { $Graph = New-VeeamDiagram @DiagramParams -Format $Format -Filename "AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR.$($Format)" if ($Graph) { Write-Information "Saved 'AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR.$($Format)' diagram to '$((Get-Location).Path)\'." -InformationAction Continue } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Unable to export the Infrastructure Diagram: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } if ((Get-VBRServerSession).Server) { Write-PScriboMessage "Disconecting section from $((Get-VBRServerSession).Server)" # Disconnect-VBRServer } } #endregion foreach loop } |