function Get-AbrVbrServiceProvider { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by As Built Report to retrieve Veeam Cloud Service Providers .DESCRIPTION Documents the configuration of Veeam VBR in Word/HTML/Text formats using PScribo. .NOTES Version: 0.8.11 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux Credits: Iain Brighton (@iainbrighton) - PScribo module .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { Write-PScriboMessage "Discovering Veeam VBR Cloud Service Providers information from $System." } process { try { $CloudProviders = Get-VBRCloudProvider | Sort-Object -Property 'DNSName' if (($VbrLicenses | Where-Object { $_.Edition -in @("EnterprisePlus") }) -and $CloudProviders) { Section -Style Heading3 'Service Providers' { Paragraph "The following section provides a summary about configured Veeam Cloud Service Providers." BlankLine try { $OutObj = @() foreach ($CloudProvider in $CloudProviders) { try { Write-PScriboMessage "Discovered $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Service Provider summary information." $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'DNS Name' = $CloudProvider.DNSName 'Cloud Connect Type' = & { if ($CloudProvider.ResourcesEnabled -and $CloudProvider.ReplicationResourcesEnabled) { 'BaaS & DRaaS' } elseif ($CloudProvider.ResourcesEnabled) { 'BaaS' } elseif ($CloudProvider.ReplicationResourcesEnabled) { 'DRaas' } elseif ($CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources) { 'vCD' } else { 'Unknown' } } 'Managed By Provider' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudProvider.IsManagedByProvider } $OutObj += [pscustomobject]$inobj } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } $TableParams = @{ Name = "Service Providers - $VeeamBackupServer" List = $false ColumnWidths = 35, 35, 30 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Table @TableParams if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.ServiceProvider -ge 2) { try { Section -Style Heading4 'Service Providers Configuration' { foreach ($CloudProvider in $CloudProviders) { Section -Style Heading5 $CloudProvider.DNSName { try { Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading6 'General Information' { $OutObj = @() Write-PScriboMessage "Discovered $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Service Provider general information." $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'DNS Name' = $CloudProvider.DNSName 'Ip Address' = $CloudProvider.IpAddress 'Port' = $CloudProvider.Port 'Credentials' = $CloudProvider.Credentials 'Certificate Expiration Date' = $CloudProvider.Certificate.NotAfter 'Managed By Service Provider' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudProvider.IsManagedByProvider 'Description' = $CloudProvider.Description } $OutObj = [pscustomobject]$inobj $TableParams = @{ Name = "General Information - $($CloudProvider.DNSName)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Table @TableParams } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) General Information Table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($CloudProvider.ResourcesEnabled) { try { Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading6 'BaaS Resources' { $OutObj = @() Write-PScriboMessage "Discovered $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Service Provider BaaS Resources information." $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'Resources Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudProvider.ResourcesEnabled 'Repository Name' = $CloudProvider.Resources.RepositoryName 'Wan Acceleration?' = $CloudProvider.Resources | ForEach-Object { "$($_.RepositoryName): $(ConvertTo-TextYN $_.WanAccelerationEnabled)" } 'Per Datastore Allocated Space' = $CloudProvider.Resources | ForEach-Object { "$($_.RepositoryName): $(ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size $_.RepositoryAllocatedSpace)" } 'Total Datastore Allocated Space' = ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size $CloudProvider.Resources.RepositoryAllocatedSpace } $OutObj = [pscustomobject]$inobj $TableParams = @{ Name = "BaaS Resources - $($CloudProvider.DNSName)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Table @TableParams } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) BaaS Resources Table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } if ($CloudProvider.ReplicationResourcesEnabled -and (-Not $CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources)) { try { Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading6 'DRaaS Resources' { $OutObj = @() $CPU = Switch ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.CPU)) { $true { 'Unlimited' } $false { "$([math]::Round($CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.CPU / 1000, 1)) Ghz" } default { '--' } } $Memory = Switch ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.Memory)) { $true { 'Unlimited' } $false { ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size $CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.Memory } default { '--' } } Write-PScriboMessage "Discovered $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Service Provider DRaaS Resources information." $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'Resources Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudProvider.ReplicationResourcesEnabled 'Hardware Plan Name' = $CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.HardwarePlanName 'Allocated CPU Resources' = $CPU 'Allocated Memory Resources' = $Memory 'Repository Name' = $CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.Datastore.Name 'Per Datastore Allocated Space' = $CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.Datastore | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Name): $(ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size $_.DatastoreAllocatedSpace)" } 'Total Datastore Allocated Space' = ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size ($CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.Datastore.DatastoreAllocatedSpace | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum 'Network Count' = $CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.NetworkCount 'Public IP Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.PublicIpEnabled } if ($CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.PublicIpEnabled) { $PublicIP = Switch ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.PublicIp)) { $true { '--' } $false { $CloudProvider.ReplicationResources.PublicIp } default { 'Unknown' } } $inObj.add('Allocated Public IP Address', $PublicIP) } $OutObj = [pscustomobject]$inobj $TableParams = @{ Name = "DRaaS Resources - $($CloudProvider.DNSName)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Table @TableParams } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) DRaaS Resources Table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } if ($CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources) { try { Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading6 'vCD Resources' { $OutObj = @() Write-PScriboMessage "Discovered $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Service Provider vCD Resources information." $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'Resources Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudProvider.ReplicationResourcesEnabled 'Organizationv DC Name' = $CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources.OrganizationvDCName 'Allocated CPU Resources' = $CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources.CPU 'Allocated Memory Resources' = $CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources.Memory 'Storage Policy' = $CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources.StoragePolicy 'Is Wan Accelerator Enabled?' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudProvider.vCDReplicationResources.WanAcceleratorEnabled } $OutObj = [pscustomobject]$inobj $TableParams = @{ Name = "vCD Resources - $($CloudProvider.DNSName)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Table @TableParams } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) vCD Resources Table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } try { $DefaultGatewayConfig = Get-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration -CloudProvider $CloudProvider | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($DefaultGatewayConfig.DefaultGateway | Where-Object {$Null -ne $_}) { Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading6 'Default Gateway Configuration ' { $OutObj = @() foreach ($Gateway in $DefaultGatewayConfig.DefaultGateway) { try { Write-PScriboMessage "Discovered $($Gateway.Name) Service Provider Default Gateway Configuration information." $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'Name' = $Gateway.Name 'IPv4 Address' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.IpAddress 'Network Mask' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.NetworkMask 'IPv6 Address' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.IpAddress 'IPv6 Subnet Address' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.Ipv6SubnetAddress 'IPv6 Prefix Length' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.Ipv6PrefixLength 'Routing Enabled?' = ConvertTo-TextYN $DefaultGatewayConfig.RoutingEnabled } $OutObj = [pscustomobject]$inobj $TableParams = @{ Name = "Default Gateway Configuration - $($Gateway.Name)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Table @TableParams } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Default Gateway Configuration Table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Default Gateway Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } try { $CloudSubUserConfig = Get-VBRCloudSubUser -CloudProvider $CloudProvider | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($CloudSubUserConfig.DefaultGateway) { Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading6 'Cloud SubUser Default Gateway' { $OutObj = @() foreach ($Gateway in $CloudSubUserConfig.DefaultGateway) { try { Write-PScriboMessage "Discovered $($Gateway.Name) Service Provider Cloud SubUser Default Gateway information." $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'Name' = $Gateway.Name 'IPv4 Address' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.IpAddress 'Network Mask' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.NetworkMask 'IPv6 Address' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.IpAddress 'IPv6 Subnet Address' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.Ipv6SubnetAddress 'IPv6 Prefix Length' = ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller -TEXT $Gateway.Ipv6PrefixLength 'Routing Enabled?' = ConvertTo-TextYN $CloudSubUserConfig.RoutingEnabled } $OutObj = [pscustomobject]$inobj $TableParams = @{ Name = "Cloud SubUser Default Gateway - $($Gateway.Name)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Table @TableParams } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Cloud SubUser Cloud SubUser Default Gateway Table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers $($CloudProvider.DNSName) Cloud SubUser Default Gateway Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers Configuration Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Service Providers Document: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } end {} } |