function Get-AbrVB365ObjectRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by As Built Report to retrieve Veeam VB365 Object Repository .DESCRIPTION Documents the configuration of Veeam VB365 in Word/HTML/Text formats using PScribo. .NOTES Version: 0.3.2 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux Credits: Iain Brighton (@iainbrighton) - PScribo module .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { Write-PScriboMessage "Repository InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Repository)." } process { try { $script:ObjectRepositories = Get-VBOObjectStorageRepository | Sort-Object -Property Name if (($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Repository -gt 0) -and ($ObjectRepositories)) { Write-PScriboMessage "Collecting Veeam VB365 Object Repository." Section -Style Heading2 'Object Repositories' { $ObjectRepositoryInfo = @() foreach ($ObjectRepository in $ObjectRepositories) { $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'Name' = $ObjectRepository.Name 'Type' = $ObjectRepository.Type 'Folder' = $ObjectRepository.Folder 'Enable Size Limit' = ConvertTo-TextYN $ObjectRepository.EnableSizeLimit 'Size Limit' = "$($ObjectRepository.SizeLimit) GB" 'Used Space' = ConvertTo-FileSizeString $ObjectRepository.UsedSpace 'Free Space' = ConvertTo-FileSizeString $ObjectRepository.FreeSpace 'Is Long Term' = ConvertTo-TextYN $ObjectRepository.IsLongTerm 'Is Secondary' = ConvertTo-TextYN $ObjectRepository.IsSecondary 'Use Archiver Appliance' = ConvertTo-TextYN $ObjectRepository.UseArchiverAppliance 'Immutability Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $ObjectRepository.EnableImmutability 'Description' = $ObjectRepository.Description } $ObjectRepositoryInfo += [PSCustomObject]$InObj } if ($InfoLevel.Infrastructure.Repository -ge 2) { Paragraph "The following sections detail the configuration of the object repository within $VeeamBackupServer backup server." foreach ($ObjectRepository in $ObjectRepositoryInfo) { if ($HealthCheck.Infrastructure.Repository) { $ObjectRepository | Where-Object { $_.'Is Outdated' -eq 'Yes' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Is Outdated' $ObjectRepository | Where-Object { $_.'Immutability Enabled' -eq 'No' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Immutability Enabled' } Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading4 "$($ObjectRepository.Name)" { $TableParams = @{ Name = "Object Repository - $($ObjectRepository.Name)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $ObjectRepository | Table @TableParams if (($HealthCheck.Infrastructure.Repository) -and ($ObjectRepository | Where-Object { $_.'Immutability Enabled' -eq 'No' })) { Paragraph "Health Check:" -Bold -Underline BlankLine Paragraph { Text "Best Practice:" -Bold Text "Veeam recommend to implement Immutability where it is supported. It,s done for increased security: immutability protects your data from loss as a result of attacks, malware activity or any other injurious actions." } BlankLine } } } } else { if ($HealthCheck.Infrastructure.Repository) { $ObjectRepositoryInfo | Where-Object { $_.'Immutability Enabled' -eq 'No' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Immutability Enabled' } Paragraph "The following table summarizes the configuration of the object repository within within the $VeeamBackupServer backup server." BlankLine $TableParams = @{ Name = "Object Repositories - $VeeamBackupServer" List = $false Columns = 'Name', 'Type', 'Used Space', 'Free Space', 'Immutability Enabled' ColumnWidths = 28, 27, 15, 15, 15 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $ObjectRepositoryInfo | Table @TableParams if (($HealthCheck.Infrastructure.Repository) -and ($ObjectRepositoryInfo | Where-Object { $_.'Immutability Enabled' -eq 'No' })) { Paragraph "Health Check:" -Bold -Underline BlankLine Paragraph { Text "Best Practice:" -Bold Text "Veeam recommend to implement Immutability where it is supported. It,s done for increased security: immutability protects your data from loss as a result of attacks, malware activity or any other injurious actions." } BlankLine } } } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "Object Repository Section: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } end {} } |