function Get-AbrEdgeServiceSetting { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by As Built Report to retrieve VMware UAG Horizon Edge Service Settings. .DESCRIPTION Documents the configuration of VMware UAG in Word/HTML/Text formats using PScribo. .NOTES Version: 1.1.0 Author: Chris Hildebrandt, @childebrandt42 Twitter: @asbuiltreport Github: AsBuiltReport Credits: Iain Brighton (@iainbrighton) - PScribo module .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { Write-PScriboMessage "Edge Services InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.UAG.EdgeServices)." Write-PScriboMessage "Collecting UAG Horizon Settings information." } process { if ($InfoLevel.UAG.EdgeServices -ge 1) { try { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') { $EdgeServiceSettings = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Method Get -ContentType application/json -Uri "https://$($UAGServer):9443/rest/v1/config/edgeservice" -Credential $Credential } else { $EdgeServiceSettings = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -ContentType application/json -Uri "https://$($UAGServer):9443/rest/v1/config/edgeservice" -Credential $Credential } if ($EdgeServiceSettings.edgeServiceSettingsList.enabled -like 'true') { Paragraph "The following section will provide details on Edge Service Settings on the UAG - $($($UAGServer).split('.')[0].ToUpper())." BlankLine $OutObj = @() foreach ($EdgeServiceSetting in $EdgeServiceSettings.edgeServiceSettingsList) { if ($EdgeServiceSetting.identifier -eq 'VIEW') { Section -Style Heading4 "Horizon Settings" { if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates) { $trustedCertificatesData = $ -join "`n" } else { $trustedCertificatesData = $null } if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries) { $hostEntriesData = $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries -join "`n" } else { $hostEntriesData = $null } if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.customExecutableList) { $clientCustomExecutablesData = $EdgeServiceSetting.customExecutableList -join "`n" } else { $clientCustomExecutablesData = $null } $securityHeaders = $EdgeServiceSetting.securityHeaders | Out-String try { $inObj = [ordered] @{ "Enable Horizon" = $EdgeServiceSetting.enabled 'Connection Server URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyDestinationUrl 'Minimum SHA Hash Size' = $EdgeServiceSetting.minSHAHashSize 'Connection Server URL Thumbprint' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyDestinationUrlThumbprints 'Honor Connection Server Redirect' = $EdgeServiceSetting.hostRedirectionEnabled 'Connection Server IP Mode' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyDestinationIPSupport 'Client Encryption Mode' = $EdgeServiceSetting.clientEncryptionMode 'Auth Methods' = $EdgeServiceSetting.authMethods 'Identity Provider' = $EdgeServiceSetting.idpEntityID 'SAML Audiences' = $($EdgeServiceSetting.allowedAudiences -join "`n") 'SAML Unauthenticated Username Attribute' = $EdgeServiceSetting.samlUnauthUsernameAttribute 'Default Unauthenticated Username' = $EdgeServiceSetting.defaultUnauthUsername 'Health Check URI Path' = $EdgeServiceSetting.healthCheckUrl 'Re-Write Origin Header' = $EdgeServiceSetting.rewriteOriginHeader 'Enable PCOIP' = $EdgeServiceSetting.pcoipEnabled 'Disable PCOIP Legacy Certificate' = $EdgeServiceSetting.pcoipDisableLegacyCertificate # Only if using PCOIP 'PCOIP External URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyDestinationIPSupport #Only if using PCOIP 'Enable Blast' = $EdgeServiceSetting.blastEnabled 'Blast External URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.blastExternalUrl # Only if using Blast 'Enable UDP Tunnel Server' = $EdgeServiceSetting.udpTunnelServerEnabled 'Blast Proxy Certificate' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyBlastPemCert # Only if using Blast 'Blast Allowed Host Header Values' = $EdgeServiceSetting.blastAllowedHostHeaderValues # Only if using Blast 'Enable Tunnel' = $EdgeServiceSetting.tunnelEnabled 'Tunnel External URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.tunnelExternalUrl # Only if using Tunnel 'Tunnel Proxy Certificate' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyTunnelPemCert # Only if using Tunnel 'Endpoint Compliance Check Provider' = $EdgeServiceSetting.devicePolicyServiceProvider 'Proxy Pattern' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyPattern 'Enable Proxy Pattern Canonical Match' = $EdgeServiceSetting.canonicalizationEnabled 'SAM SP' = $EdgeServiceSetting.samlSP 'User Name Label for RADIUS' = $EdgeServiceSetting.radiusUsernameLabel # Only Radius 'Passcode Label for RADIUS' = $EdgeServiceSetting.radiusPasscodeLabel # Only Radius 'Logout On Certificate Removal' = $EdgeServiceSetting.logoutOnCertRemoval # Only if Using X509 'Match Windows User Name' = $EdgeServiceSetting.matchWindowsUserName 'Gateway Location' = $EdgeServiceSetting.gatewayLocation 'Enable Windows SSO' = $EdgeServiceSetting.matchWindowsUserName 'RADIUS Class Attributes' = $EdgeServiceSetting.radiusClassAttributeList # Only Radius 'Disclaimer Text' = $EdgeServiceSetting.disclaimerText 'Show Connection Server Pre-Login Message' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyDestinationPreLoginMessageEnabled 'Trusted Certificates' = $trustedCertificatesData 'Response Security Headers' = "$securityHeaders" 'Client Custom Executables' = $clientCustomExecutablesData 'Host Port Redirect Mappings' = $EdgeServiceSetting.redirectHostMappingList 'Host Entries' = $hostEntriesData 'Disable HTML Access' = $EdgeServiceSetting.disableHtmlAccess } $OutObj = [pscustomobject](ConvertTo-HashToYN $inObj) } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } $TableParams += @{ Name = "Horizon Settings Summary - $($($UAGServer).split('.')[0].ToUpper())" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Sort-Object -Property Name | Table @TableParams } } if ($EdgeServiceSetting.identifier -eq 'WEB_REVERSE_PROXY') { Section -Style Heading4 "Reverse Proxy Settings" { foreach ($ProxySetting in ($EdgeServiceSetting | Where-Object { $_.identifier -eq 'WEB_REVERSE_PROXY' })) { if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates) { $trustedCertificatesDataProxy = $ -join "`n" } else { $trustedCertificatesDataProxy = $null } if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries) { $hostEntriesDataProxy = $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries -join "`n" } else { $hostEntriesDataProxy = $null } Section -Style Heading4 "Reverse Proxy Settings - $($EdgeServiceSetting.instanceId)" { $securityHeaders = $EdgeServiceSetting.securityHeaders | Out-String try { $inObj = [ordered] @{ 'Enable Reverse Proxy Settings' = $EdgeServiceSetting.enabled 'Instance ID' = $EdgeServiceSetting.instanceId 'Proxy Destination URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyDestinationUrl 'Proxy Destination URL Thumbprints' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyDestinationUrlThumbprints #'Auth Method' = $EdgeServiceSetting.authMethods 'Health Check URI Path' = $EdgeServiceSetting.healthCheckUrl 'SAML SP' = $EdgeServiceSetting.samlSP 'External URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.externalUrl 'Proxy Pattern' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyPattern 'Enable Proxy Pattern Canonical Match' = $EdgeServiceSetting.canonicalizationEnabled 'Unsecure Pattern' = $EdgeServiceSetting.unSecurePattern 'Auth Cookie' = $EdgeServiceSetting.authCookie 'Login Redirect URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.loginRedirectURL 'Proxy Host Pattern' = $EdgeServiceSetting.proxyHostPattern 'Trusted Certificates' = $trustedCertificatesDataProxy 'Response Security Headers' = "$securityHeaders" 'Host Entries' = $hostEntriesDataProxy 'Enable Identity Bridging' = $EdgeServiceSetting 'Authentication Type' = $EdgeServiceSetting.wrpAuthConsumeType #'Identity Provider' = $EdgeServiceSetting #'KeyTab' = $EdgeServiceSetting 'Target Service Principal Name' = $EdgeServiceSetting.targetSPN 'User Header Name' = $EdgeServiceSetting.userNameHeader #'SAML Attributes' = $EdgeServiceSetting #'SAML Audiences' = $EdgeServiceSetting } $OutObj = [pscustomobject](ConvertTo-HashToYN $inObj) } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } $TableParams += @{ Name = "Reverse Proxy Settings - $($EdgeServiceSetting.instanceId)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Sort-Object -Property Name | Table @TableParams } } } } if ($EdgeServiceSetting.identifier -eq 'TUNNEL_GATEWAY') { Section -Style Heading4 "Tunnel Settings" { if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates) { $trustedCertificates = $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates -join "`n" } else { $trustedCertificates = $null } if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries) { $hostEntriesDataTunnel = $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries -join "`n" } else { $hostEntriesDataTunnel = $null } try { $inObj = [ordered] @{ "Enable Tunnel Proxy" = $EdgeServiceSetting.enabled 'API Server URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.apiServerUrl 'API Server Username' = $EdgeServiceSetting.apiServerUsername 'Tunnel Server Hostname' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchServerHostname 'Organization Group ID' = $EdgeServiceSetting.organizationGroupCode 'Tunnel Configuration ID' = $EdgeServiceSetting.tunnelConfigurationId 'Lock Configuration' = $EdgeServiceSetting.disableAutoConfigUpdate 'Outbound Proxy Host' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyHost 'Outbound Proxy Port' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyPort 'Outbound Proxy Username' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyUsername 'Enable NTLM Authentication' = $EdgeServiceSetting.ntlmAuthentication 'Trusted Certificates' = $trustedCertificates 'Host Entries' = $hostEntriesDataTunnel } $OutObj = [pscustomobject](ConvertTo-HashToYN $inObj) } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } $TableParams += @{ Name = "Tunnel Settings - $($($UAGServer).split('.')[0].ToUpper())" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Sort-Object -Property Name | Table @TableParams } } if ($EdgeServiceSetting.identifier -eq 'SEG') { Section -Style Heading4 "Secure Email Gateway" { if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates) { $trustedCertificates = $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates -join "`n" } else { $trustedCertificates = $null } if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries) { $hostEntriesDataSEG = $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries -join "`n" } else { $hostEntriesDataSEG = $null } try { $inObj = [ordered] @{ "Enable Tunnel Proxy" = $EdgeServiceSetting.enabled 'API Server URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.apiServerUrl 'API Server Username' = $EdgeServiceSetting.apiServerUsername 'Secure Email Gateway Hostname' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchServerHostname 'Memory Config GUID' = $EdgeServiceSetting.memConfigurationId 'Outbound Proxy Host' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyHost 'Outbound Proxy Port' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyPort 'Outbound Proxy Username' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyUsername 'Trusted Certificates' = $trustedCertificates 'Host Entries' = $hostEntriesDataSEG 'Reinitialize Gateway Process' = $EdgeServiceSetting.reinitializeGatewayProcess 'NTLM Authentication' = $EdgeServiceSetting.ntlmAuthentication 'AirWatch Components Installed' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchComponentsInstalled 'AirWatch Agent Start Up Mode' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchAgentStartUpMode 'Service Port' = $EdgeServiceSetting.servicePort 'Service Install Status' = $EdgeServiceSetting.serviceInstallStatus 'Service Installation Message' = $EdgeServiceSetting.serviceInstallationMessage } $OutObj = [pscustomobject](ConvertTo-HashToYN $inObj) } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } $TableParams += @{ Name = "Secure Email Gateway - $($($UAGServer).split('.')[0].ToUpper())" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Sort-Object -Property Name | Table @TableParams } } if ($EdgeServiceSetting.identifier -eq 'CONTENT_GATEWAY') { Section -Style Heading4 "Content Gateway" { if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates) { $trustedCertificates = $EdgeServiceSetting.trustedCertificates -join "`n" } else { $trustedCertificates = $null } if ($null -ne $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries) { $hostEntriesDataCG = $EdgeServiceSetting.hostEntries -join "`n" } else { $hostEntriesDataCG = $null } try { $inObj = [ordered] @{ "Enable Content Gateway Proxy" = $EdgeServiceSetting.enabled 'API Server URL' = $EdgeServiceSetting.apiServerUrl 'API Server Username' = $EdgeServiceSetting.apiServerUsername 'Content Gateway Hostname' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchServerHostname 'Content Gateway Configuration GUID' = $EdgeServiceSetting.cgConfigurationId 'Outbound Proxy Host' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyHost 'Outbound Proxy Port' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyPort 'Outbound Proxy Username' = $EdgeServiceSetting.outboundProxyUsername 'Trusted Certificates' = $trustedCertificates 'Host Entries' = $hostEntriesDataCG 'NTLM Authentication' = $EdgeServiceSetting.ntlmAuthentication 'AirWatch Outbound Proxy' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchOutboundProxy 'AirWatch Components Installed' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchComponentsInstalled 'AirWatch Agent Start Up Mode' = $EdgeServiceSetting.airwatchAgentStartUpMode 'Service Install Status' = $EdgeServiceSetting.serviceInstallStatus } $OutObj = [pscustomobject](ConvertTo-HashToYN $inObj) } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } $TableParams += @{ Name = "Content Gateway - $($($UAGServer).split('.')[0].ToUpper())" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $OutObj | Sort-Object -Property Name | Table @TableParams } } } } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } } } end {} } |