function Invoke-AsBuiltReport.Nutanix.PrismElement { <# .SYNOPSIS PowerShell script to document the configuration of Nutanix Prism infrastucture in Word/HTML/XML/Text formats .DESCRIPTION Documents the configuration of Nutanix Prism infrastucture in Word/HTML/XML/Text formats using PScribo. .NOTES Version: 0.1.0 Author: Tim Carman Twitter: @tpcarman Github: tpcarman Credits: Iain Brighton (@iainbrighton) - PScribo module .LINK #> param ( [String[]] $Target, [PSCredential] $Credential, [String]$StylePath ) # Import JSON Configuration for Options and InfoLevel $InfoLevel = $ReportConfig.InfoLevel $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo # If custom style not set, use default style if (!$StylePath) { & "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\AsBuiltReport.Nutanix.PrismElement.Style.ps1" } #region Workaround for SelfSigned Cert an force TLS 1.2 if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type) { $certCallback = @" using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback { public static void Ignore() { if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate ( Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors ) { return true; }; } } } "@ Add-Type $certCallback } [ServerCertificateValidationCallback]::Ignore() [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" #endregion Workaround for SelfSigned Cert an force TLS 1.2 foreach ($Ntnx in $Target) { #region System Connection $username = $Credential.UserName $password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $api_v1 = "https://" + $ntnx + ":9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v1" $api_v2 = "https://" + $ntnx + ":9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0" $auth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($username + ":" + $password )) $Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic $auth" } #endregion System Connection #region API Collections $NtnxAlertsConfig = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/alerts/configuration/') -Headers $Header $NtnxAuthConfig = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/authconfig/') -Headers $Header $NtnxContainers = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/storage_containers/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxDatastores = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/storage_containers/datastores/') -Headers $Header $NtnxCluster = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/cluster/') -Headers $Header $NtnxWitness = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/cluster/metro_witness/') -Headers $Header $NtnxSmtpConfig = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/cluster/smtp/') -Headers $Header $NtnxSnmpConfig = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/snmp/') -Headers $Header $NtnxFtStatus = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/cluster/domain_fault_tolerance_status/') -Headers $Header $NtnxDisks = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/disks/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxHosts = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/hosts/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxNetworks = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/networks/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxStoragePools = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v1 + '/storage_pools/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxVMs = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v1 + '/vms/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxCVMs = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v1 + '/vms/') -Headers $Header).entities | Where-Object { $_.controllerVm } $NtnxNfsWhitelist = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/cluster/nfs_whitelist/') -Headers $Header $NtnxHealthChecks = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/health_checks/') -Headers $Header $NtnxLicense = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v1 + '/license/') -Headers $Header $NtnxProtectionDomains = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/protection_domains/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxPDReplications = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/protection_domains/replications/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxUnprotectedVMs = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/protection_domains/unprotected_vms/') -Headers $Header).entities $NtnxRemoteSites = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v1 + '/remote_sites/') -Headers $Header $NtnxDrSnapshots = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($api_v2 + '/remote_sites/dr_snapshots/') -Headers $Header).entities #endregion API Collections Section -Style Heading1 $ { #region Cluster Section if ($InfoLevel.Cluster -gt 0) { if ($NtnxCluster) { Section -Style Heading2 'Cluster' { #region Hardware Section -Style Heading3 'Hardware' { $NtnxFtDomainStatus = $NtnxFtStatus | Where-Object { $_.domain_type -eq $NtnxCluster.fault_tolerance_domain_type } $ClusterSummary = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Cluster Name' = $NtnxCluster.Name 'Storage Type' = Switch ($NtnxCluster.storage_type) { 'all_flash' { 'All Flash' } 'all_hdd' { 'All HDD' } 'mixed' { 'Hybrid' } } 'Hypervisor Types' = ($NtnxCluster.hypervisor_types).TrimStart('k').Replace('Kvm', 'AHV').Replace('VMware', 'ESXi') -join ', ' 'Number of Nodes' = $NtnxCluster.num_nodes 'Number of Blocks' = ($NtnxCluster.block_serials | Select-Object -Unique).count 'Block Serial(s)' = ($NtnxCluster.block_serials | Sort-Object) -join ', ' 'Fault Tolerance Domain Type' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxCluster.fault_tolerance_domain_type.ToLower())) 'Data Resiliency Status' = if ($NtnxFtDomainStatus.component_fault_tolerance_status.static_configuration.number_of_failures_tolerable -gt 0) { "OK" } else { "Critical" } "Desired Redundancy Factor" = "RF $($NtnxCluster.cluster_redundancy_state.desired_redundancy_factor)" 'Version' = $NtnxCluster.version 'NCC Version' = ($NtnxCluster.ncc_version).TrimStart("ncc-") 'Timezone' = $NtnxCluster.timezone } if ($Healthcheck.Cluster.Timezone) { $ClusterSummary | Where-Object { $_.'Timezone' -ne $Healthcheck.Cluster.Timezone } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Timezone' } if ($Healthcheck.Cluster.DataResiliency) { $ClusterSummary | Where-Object { $_.'Data Resiliency Status' -ne 'OK' } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Data Resiliency Status' } $ClusterSummary | Table -List -Name 'Cluster Summary' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } #endregion Hardware #region Network Section -Style Heading3 'Network' { $Network = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Cluster Virtual IP Address' = $NtnxCluster.cluster_external_ipaddress 'iSCSI Data Services IP Address' = $NtnxCluster.cluster_external_data_services_ipaddress 'External Subnet' = $NtnxCluster.external_subnet 'Internal Subnet' = $NtnxCluster.internal_subnet 'DNS Server(s)' = $NtnxCluster.name_servers -join ', ' 'NTP Server(s)' = ($NtnxCluster.ntp_servers | Sort-Object) -join ', ' } $Network | Table -List -Name 'Network' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } #endregion Network #region Controller VMs Section -Style Heading3 'Controller VMs' { $ControllerVMs = foreach ($NtnxCVM in $NtnxCVMs) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $NtnxCVM.vmName 'Power State' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($NtnxCVM.powerState) 'Host' = $NtnxCVM.hostName 'IP Address' = $NtnxCVM.ipAddresses[0] 'CPUs' = $NtnxCVM.numVCPUs 'Memory' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxCVM.memoryCapacityinBytes) / 1GB, 2)) GB" } } if ($Healthcheck.CVM.PowerState) { $ControllerVMs | Where-Object { $_.'Power State' -ne 'on' } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Power State' } $ControllerVMs | Sort-Object Host | Table -Name 'Controller VMs' } #endregion Controller VMs } } } #endregion Cluster Section #region System Section if ($InfoLevel.System -gt 0) { Section -Style Heading2 'System' { #region Global Filesystem Whitelists if ($NtnxNfsWhitelist) { Section -Style Heading3 'Global Filesystem Whitelists' { $NtnxNfsWhitelists = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Global Filesystem Whitelists' = $NtnxNfsWhitelist -join [Environment]::NewLine } $NtnxNfsWhitelists | Table -List -Name 'Filesystem Whitelists' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } #endregion Global Filesystem Whitelists #region Authentication if ($NtnxAuthConfig) { Section -Style Heading3 'Authentication' { $AuthConfigDirectory = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $ 'Domain' = $NtnxAuthConfig.directory_list.domain 'URL' = $NtnxAuthConfig.directory_list.directory_url 'Directory Type' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxAuthConfig.directory_list.directory_type).ToLower()) 'Connection Type' = $NtnxAuthConfig.directory_list.connection_type 'Group Search Type' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxAuthConfig.directory_list.group_search_type).ToLower()) } $AuthConfigDirectory | Table -List -Name 'Authentication' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } #endregion Authentication #region SMTP if ($NtnxSmtpConfig) { Section -Style Heading3 'SMTP Server' { $SmtpConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Address' = $NtnxSmtpConfig.address 'Port' = $NtnxSmtpConfig.port 'Username' = Switch ($NtnxSmtpConfig.username) { $null { "None" } default { $NtnxSmtpConfig.username } } 'Password' = Switch ($NtnxSmtpConfig.password) { $null { "None" } default { $NtnxSmtpConfig.password } } 'Secure Mode' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxSmtpConfig.secure_mode).ToLower()) 'From Email Address' = $NtnxSmtpConfig.from_email_address } $SmtpConfig | Table -List -Name 'SMTP Server' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } #endregion SMTP #region Alerts Configuration if ($NtnxAlertConfig) { Section -Style Heading3 'Alert Email Configuration' { $AlertConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Email Every Alert' = Switch ($NtnxAlertsConfig.enable) { $true { 'yes' } $false { 'no' } } 'Email Daily Alert' = Switch ($NtnxAlertsConfig.enable_email_digest) { $true { 'yes' } $false { 'no' } } 'Nutanix Support Email' = $NtnxAlertsConfig.default_nutanix_email 'Additional Email Recipients' = $NtnxAlertsConfig.email_contact_list -join ', ' } $AlertConfig | Table -List -Name 'Alert Email Configuration' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } #endregion Alerts Configuration #region SNMP Configuration if ($NtnxSnmpConfig) { Section -Style Heading3 'SNMP Configuration' { $SnmpConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Enabled' = $NtnxSnmpConfig.enabled 'Transports' = $NtnxSnmpConfig.snmp_transports -join ',' 'Users' = $NtnxSnmpConfig.snmp_users -join ',' 'Traps' = $NtnxSnmpConfig.snmp_traps -join ',' } $SnmpConfig | Table -List -Name 'SNMP Configuration' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } #endregion SNMP Configuration #region Syslog Configuration if ($NtnxSyslogConfig) { Section -Style Heading3 'Syslog Configuration' { # ToDo: Syslog Configuration } } #endregion Syslog Configuration #region Licensing if ($NtnxLicense) { Section -Style Heading3 'Licensing' { $Licensing = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Cluster' = $ 'License' = $NtnxLicense.category } if ($Healthcheck.System.License) { $Licensing | Where-Object { $_.'License' -ne $Healthcheck.System.License } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'License' } $Licensing | Table -Name 'Licensing' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 if ($InfoLevel.System -gt 2) { BlankLine #region Licensing Features Section -Style Heading4 'Features' { $NtnxLicenseAllowanceMap = $NtnxLicense.allowanceMap foreach ($NtnxLicenseType in $NtnxLicenseAllowanceMap[0].PSObject.Properties) { Set-Variable -Name ('__{0}' -f $NtnxLicenseType.Name) -Value ($NtnxLicenseAllowanceMap | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $($NtnxLicenseType.Name)) } $NtnxLicenseValues = Get-Variable -Name '__*' $LicensingFeatures = foreach ($NtnxLicenseValue in $NtnxLicenseValues.value) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Feature' = $NtnxLicenseValue.displayname 'Permitted' = Switch ($NtnxLicenseValue.allowancesType) { 'BOOLEAN' { Switch ($NtnxLicenseValue.BoolValue.BoolValue) { $true { 'Yes' } $false { 'No' } } } 'INTEGER_LIST' { ($NtnxLicenseValue.intValues).intValue } } } } $LicensingFeatures | Sort-Object 'Feature' | Table -Name 'Licensing Features' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } #endregion Licensing Features } } } #endregion Licensing } } #endregion System Section #region Hosts Section if (($InfoLevel.Hosts -gt 0) -and ($NtnxHosts)) { Section -Style Heading2 'Hosts' { #region Host Hardware Summary if ($InfoLevel.Hosts -eq 1) { Section -Style Heading3 'Hardware Summary' { $NtnxHostSummary = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Hosts' = ($NtnxHosts | Where-Object { $_.Serial | Select-Object -Unique }).Count 'Blocks' = ($NtnxHosts | Where-Object { $_.Block_Serial | Select-Object -Unique }).Count 'Total CPU GHz' = [math]::Round(($NtnxHosts | Measure-Object -Property 'cpu_capacity_in_hz' -Sum).Sum / 1000000000, 1) 'Total Memory GiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxHosts | Measure-Object -Property 'memory_capacity_in_bytes' -Sum).Sum / 1073741824, 2) #ToDo: Total # Disks (SSD/HDD) #ToDo: # of Network Switches } $NtnxHostSummary | Table -Name 'Hardware Summary' -ColumnWidths 25, 25, 25, 25 } } #endregion Host Hardware Summary #region Host Hardware Detailed if ($InfoLevel.Hosts -ge 2) { #region NtnxHost ForEach Loop foreach ($NtnxHost in $NtnxHosts) { #region Host Information Section -Style Heading3 $NtnxHost.Name { #region Host Hardware Section -Style Heading4 'Hardware' { $NtnxHostConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Host Name' = $ 'Host Type' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxHost.host_type).ToLower()) 'Node Serial' = $NtnxHost.serial 'Block Serial' = $NtnxHost.block_serial 'Block Model' = $NtnxHost.block_model_name #'BMC Version' = $NtnxHost.bmc_version #'BIOS Version' = $NtnxHost.bios_version 'Storage Capacity' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxHost.usage_stats.'storage.capacity_bytes') / 1099511627776, 2)) TiB" 'Memory' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxHost.memory_capacity_in_bytes) / 1073741824, 2)) GiB" 'CPU Capacity' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxHost.cpu_capacity_in_hz) / 1000000000, 1)) GHz" 'CPU Model' = $NtnxHost.cpu_model 'No. of CPU Cores' = $NtnxHost.num_cpu_cores 'No. of Sockets' = $NtnxHost.num_cpu_sockets #ToDo: 'No. of Disks' #ToDo: 'No. of NICs' 'No. of VMs' = $NtnxHost.num_vms 'Oplog Disk %' = "$($NtnxHost.oplog_disk_pct) %" 'Oplog Disk Size' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxHost.oplog_disk_size) / 1073741824, 1)) GiB" 'Monitored' = $NtnxHost.monitored 'Hypervisor' = $NtnxHost.hypervisor_full_name #ToDo: 'Datastores' } $NtnxHostConfig | Table -List -Name 'Host Hardware Specifications' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } #endregion Host Hardware #region Host Network Section -Style Heading4 'Network' { $NtnxHostNetworks = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Hypervisor IP Address' = $NtnxHost.hypervisor_address 'CVM IP Address' = $NtnxHost.service_vmexternal_ip 'IPMI IP Address' = $NtnxHost.ipmi_address } $NtnxHostNetworks | Table -Name 'Host Network Specifications' } #endregion Host Network #region Host Disks if ($NtnxDisks) { Section -Style Heading5 'Disks' { $NtnxDisks = $NtnxDisks | Where-Object { $_.cvm_ip_address -eq $NtnxHost.service_vmexternal_ip } | Sort-Object 'Location' $NtnxHostDisks = foreach ($NtnxDisk in $NtnxDisks) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Location' = $NtnxDisk.location 'Disk ID' = (($ -split ('::'))[1] 'Serial Number' = $NtnxDisk.disk_hardware_config.serial_number 'Vendor' = $NtnxDisk.disk_hardware_config.vendor 'Model' = $NtnxDisk.disk_hardware_config.model 'Firmware' = $NtnxDisk.disk_hardware_config.current_firmware_version 'Storage Tier' = $NtnxDisk.storage_tier_name 'Host Name' = $ 'Hypervisor' = $NtnxDisk.host_name 'Used (Physical)' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxDisk.usage_stats.'storage.usage_bytes') / 1073741824, 2)) GiB" 'Capacity (Logical)' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxDisk.disk_size) / 1099511627776, 2)) TiB" 'Self Encryption Drive' = Switch ($NtnxDisk.self_encrypting_drive) { $true { 'Present' } $false { 'Not Present' } } 'Status' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxDisk.disk_status).ToLower()) 'Mode' = Switch ($ { $true { 'Online' } $false { 'Offline' } } } } if ($Healthcheck.Hardware.DiskStatus) { $NtnxHostDisks | Where-Object { $_.'Status' -ne 'normal' } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Status' } if ($Healthcheck.Hardware.DiskMode) { $NtnxHostDisks | Where-Object { $_.'Mode' -ne 'Online' } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Mode' } if ($InfoLevel.Hosts -gt 2) { foreach ($NtnxHostDisk in $NtnxHostDisks) { Section -Style Heading5 "Disk $($NtnxHostDisk.Location)" { $NtnxHostDisk | Table -List -Name "Host Disk $($NtnxHostDisk.Location) Specifications" -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } } else { $NtnxHostDisks | Table -Name 'Host Disk Specifications' -Columns 'Location', 'Disk ID', 'Serial Number', 'Firmware', 'Storage Tier', 'Capacity (Logical)', 'Status', 'Mode' } } } #endregion Host Disks <# #region Host Datastores if (($NtnxDatastores) -and ($NtnxCluster.hypervisor_types -eq 'kVMware')) { Section -Style Heading4 'Datastores' { $NtnxDatastores = $NtnxDatastores | Where-Object { $_.host_uuid -eq $NtnxHost.uuid } $NtnxHostDatastores = foreach ($NtnxHostDatastore in $NtnxDatastores) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Datastore' = $NtnxHostDatastore.datastore_name 'Container' = $NtnxHostDatastore.storage_container_name 'Free Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxHostDatastore.free_space) / 1099511627776, 2) 'Used Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round((($NtnxHostDatastore.capacity) - ($NtnxHostDatastore.free_space)) / 1099511627776, 2) 'Maximum Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxHostDatastore.capacity) / 1099511627776, 2) 'VMs' = ($NtnxHostDatastore.vm_names).Count } } $NtnxHostDatastores | Sort-Object 'Datastore' | Table -Name 'Host Datastores' } } #endregion Host Datastores #> } #endregion Host Information } #endregion NtnxHost ForEach Loop } #endregion Host Hardware Detailed } } #endregion Hosts Section #region Storage Section if ($InfoLevel.Storage -gt 0) { Section -Style Heading2 'Storage' { #region Storage Pools if ($NtnxStoragePools) { Section -Style Heading3 'Storage Pools' { $StoragePools = foreach ($NtnxStoragePool in $NtnxStoragePools) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Storage Pool' = $ 'Disks' = ($NtnxStoragePool.disks).count 'Free Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round((($NtnxStoragePool.capacity) - ($NtnxStoragePool.usageStats.'storage.disk_physical_usage_bytes')) / 1099511627776, 2) 'Used Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxStoragePool.usageStats.'storage.disk_physical_usage_bytes') / 1099511627776, 2) 'Maximum Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxStoragePool.capacity) / 1099511627776, 2) } } $StoragePools | Sort-Object 'Storage Pool' | Table -Name 'Storage Pools' } } #endregion Storage Pools #region Containers if ($NtnxContainers) { Section -Style Heading3 'Containers' { $Containers = foreach ($NtnxContainer in ($NtnxContainers | Sort-Object Name)) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Container' = $ 'Replication Factor' = "RF $($NtnxContainer.replication_factor)" #ToDo: 'Protection Domain' #ToDo: 'Datastore' 'Compression' = Switch ($NtnxContainer.compression_enabled) { $true { 'On' } $false { 'Off' } } 'Compression Delay' = Switch ($NtnxContainer.compression_delay_in_secs) { $null { '' } default { "$(($NtnxContainer.compression_delay_in_secs)*60) mins" } } 'Cache Deduplication' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($NtnxContainer.finger_print_on_write) 'Capacity Deduplication' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxContainer.on_disk_dedup).ToLower()) 'Erasure Coding' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($NtnxContainer.erasure_code) 'Free Capacity (Logical) TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxContainer.usage_stats.'storage.user_unreserved_free_bytes') / 1099511627776, 2) 'Used Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(((($NtnxContainer.usage_stats.'storage.user_capacity_bytes') - ($NtnxContainer.usage_stats.'storage.reserved_capacity_bytes')) - ($NtnxContainer.usage_stats.'storage.user_unreserved_free_bytes')) / 1099511627776, 2) 'Maximum Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round((($NtnxContainer.usage_stats.'storage.user_capacity_bytes') - ($NtnxContainer.usage_stats.'storage.reserved_capacity_bytes')) / 1099511627776, 2) #ToDo: 'Reserved Capacity' 'Advertised Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxContainer.advertised_capacity) / 1099511627776, 2) #ToDo: 'Data Reduction Ratio' #ToDo: 'Data Reduction Savings' #ToDo: 'Effective Free' #ToDo: 'Overall Efficiency' 'Filesystem Whitelists Inherited' = $NtnxContainer.nfs_whitelist_inherited 'Filesystem Whitelists' = $NtnxContainer.nfs_whitelist -join ', ' } } if ($Healthcheck.Storage.Compression) { $Containers | Where-Object { $_.'Compression' -ne 'on' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Compression' } if ($Healthcheck.Storage.CacheDedupe) { $Containers | Where-Object { $_.'Cache Deduplication' -ne 'on' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Cache Deduplication' } if ($Healthcheck.Storage.CapacityDedupe) { $Containers | Where-Object { $_.'Capacity Deduplication' -ne 'on' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Capacity Deduplication' } if ($Healthcheck.Storage.ErasureCoding) { $Containers | Where-Object { $_.'Erasure Coding' -ne 'on' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Erasure Coding' } if ($InfoLevel.Storage -gt 2) { foreach ($container in $Containers) { Section -Style Heading4 "$($Container.Container)" { $Container | Table -List -Name 'Containers' -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } } else { $Containers | Table -Name 'Containers' -Columns 'Container' , 'Replication Factor', 'Compression', 'Cache Deduplication', 'Capacity Deduplication', 'Erasure Coding', 'Free Capacity (Logical) TiB', 'Used Capacity TiB', 'Maximum Capacity TiB' } } } #endregion Containers <# #region Datastores if (($NtnxDatastores) -and ($NtnxCluster.hypervisor_types -eq 'kVMware')) { Section -Style Heading3 'Datastores' { $Datastores = foreach ($NtnxDatastore in $NtnxDatastores) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Datastore' = $NtnxDatastore.datastore_name 'Container' = $NtnxDatastore.storage_container_name 'Free Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxDatastore.free_space) / 1099511627776, 2) 'Used Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round((($NtnxDatastore.capacity) - ($NtnxDatastore.free_space)) / 1099511627776, 2) 'Maximum Capacity TiB' = [math]::Round(($NtnxDatastore.capacity) / 1099511627776, 2) 'VMs' = ($NtnxDatastore.vm_names).Count } } $Datastores | Sort-Object 'Datastore' | Table -Name 'NFS Datastores' } } #endregion Datastores #> } } #endregion Storage Section #region Virtual Machines Section if (($InfoLevel.VM -gt 0) -and ($NtnxVMs)) { # Excludes CVMs and VMs not running on a container $NtnxVirtualMachines = $NtnxVMs | Where-Object { ($_.controllervm -eq $false) -and ($_.runningOnNdfs -eq $true) } | Sort-Object vmName Section -Style Heading2 'Virtual Machines' { $NtnxVMConfigs = foreach ($NtnxVM in $NtnxVirtualMachines) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'VM' = $NtnxVM.vmName 'Power State' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($NtnxVM.powerState) 'Operating System' = $NtnxVM.guestOperatingSystem 'IP Addresses' = $NtnxVM.ipAddresses -join ', ' 'vCPUs' = $NtnxVM.numVCpus 'Memory' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxVM.memoryCapacityInBytes) / 1GB, 0)) GB" 'NICs' = $NtnxVM.numNetworkAdapters 'Disk Capacity' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxVM.diskCapacityinBytes) / 1GB, 2)) GB" 'Host' = $NtnxVM.hostName } } if ($Healthcheck.VM.PowerState) { $NtnxVMConfigs | Where-Object { $_.'Power State' -eq 'off' } | Set-Style -Style Warning -Property 'Power State' } if ($InfoLevel.VM -gt 2) { foreach ($NtnxVMConfig in $NtnxVMConfigs) { Section -Style Heading3 "$($NtnxVMConfig.VM)" { $NtnxVMConfig | Table -List -Name "$($NtnxVMConfig.VM)" -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } } else { $NtnxVMConfigs | Table -Name 'Virtual Machines' -Columns 'VM', 'Power State', 'vCPUs', 'Memory', 'Disk Capacity' } } } #endregion Virtual Machines Section #region Data Protection Section if (($InfoLevel.DataProtection -gt 0) -and ($NtnxProtectionDomains -or $NtnxRemoteSites)) { Section -Style Heading2 'Data Protection' { #region Protection Domains if ($NtnxProtectionDomains) { Section -Style Heading3 'Protection Domains' { $ProtectionDomains = foreach ($NtnxProtectionDomain in $NtnxProtectionDomains) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $ 'Active' = $ 'Remote Site(s)' = $NtnxProtectionDomain.replication_links.remote_site_name 'Pending Replications' = $NtnxProtectionDomain.pending_replication_count 'Ongoing Replications' = $NtnxProtectionDomain.ongoing_replication_count 'Written Bytes' = $NtnxProtectionDomain.total_user_written_bytes } } $ProtectionDomains | Sort-Object 'Name' | Table -Name 'Protection Domains' } } #endregion Protection Domains #region Protection Domain Replication if (($InfoLevel.DataProtection -eq 3) -and ($NtnxPDReplications)) { Section -Style Heading3 'Protection Domain Replication' { $ProtectionDomainReplications = foreach ($NtnxPDReplication in $NtnxPDReplications) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $NtnxPDReplication.protection_domain_name 'Remote Sites' = $NtnxPDReplication.remote_site_name -join ', ' 'Snapshot ID' = $NtnxPDReplication.snapshot_id 'Data Completed' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxPDReplication.completed_bytes) / 1099511627776, 2)) TiB" '% Complete' = $NtnxPDReplication.completed_percentage 'Minutes to Complete' = [math]::Round(($NtnxPDReplication.replication_time_to_complete_secs) / 60, 2) } } $ProtectionDomainReplications | Sort-Object 'Name' | Table -Name 'Protection Domain Replication' } } #endregion Protection Domain Replication #region Protection Domain Snapshots if (($InfoLevel.DataProtection -eq 3) -and ($NtnxDrSnapshots)) { Section -Style Heading3 'Protection Domain Snapshots' { $ProtectionDomainSnapshots = foreach ($NtnxDrSnapshot in $NtnxDrSnapshots) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Protection Domain' = $NtnxDrSnapshot.protection_domain_name 'State' = ($NtnxDrSnapshot.state).ToLower() 'Snapshot ID' = $NtnxDrSnapshot.snapshot_id 'Consistency Groups' = $NtnxDrSnapshot.consistency_groups -join ', ' 'Remote Site(s)' = $NtnxDrSnapshot.remote_site_names -join ', ' 'Size in Bytes' = $NtnxDrSnapshot.size_in_bytes } } $ProtectionDomainSnapshots | Sort-Object 'Protection Domain' | Table -Name 'Protection Domain Snapshots' } } #endregion Protection Domain Snapshots #region Unprotected VMs $NtnxUnprotectedVMs = $NtnxVMs | Where-Object { ($_.controllervm -eq $false) -and ($_.runningOnNdfs -eq $false) } if ($NtnxUnprotectedVMs) { Section -Style Heading3 'Unprotected VMs' { $UnprotectedVMs = foreach ($NtnxUnprotectedVM in $NtnxUnprotectedVMs) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'VM Name' = $NtnxUnprotectedVM.vmName 'Power State' = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($NtnxUnprotectedVM.powerState) 'Operating System' = $NtnxUnprotectedVM.guestOperatingSystem 'CPUs' = $NtnxUnprotectedVM.numVCPUs 'NICs' = $NtnxUnprotectedVM.numNetworkAdapters 'Disk Capacity' = "$([math]::Round(($NtnxUnprotectedVM.diskCapacityinBytes) / 1GB, 2)) GB" 'Host' = $NtnxUnprotectedVM.hostName } } $UnprotectedVMs | Sort-Object 'VM Name' | Table -Name 'Unprotected VMs' } } #endregion Unprotected VMs #region Remote Sites if ($NtnxRemoteSites) { Section -Style Heading3 'Remote Sites' { $RemoteSites = foreach ($NtnxRemoteSite in $NtnxRemoteSites) { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $ 'Capabilities' = ($TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($NtnxRemoteSite.capabilities).ToLower()) | Sort-Object) -join ', ' 'Remote Addresses' = "$(($NtnxRemoteSite.remoteIpPorts | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name):2020" 'Metro Ready' = Switch ($NtnxRemoteSite.metroReady) { $true { 'Yes' } $false { 'No' } } 'Use SSH Tunnel' = Switch ($NtnxRemoteSite.sshEnabled) { $true { 'Yes' } $false { 'No' } } 'Compress On Wire' = Switch ($NtnxRemoteSite.compressionEnabled) { $true { 'On' } $false { 'Off' } } 'Enable Proxy' = Switch ($NtnxRemoteSite.proxyEnabled) { $true { 'On' } $false { 'Off' } } 'Bandwidth Throttling' = Switch ($NtnxRemoteSite.bandwidthPolicyEnabled) { $true { 'On' } $false { 'Off' } } } } $RemoteSites | Sort-Object 'Name' | Table -Name 'Remote Sites' -List -ColumnWidths 50, 50 } } #endregion Remote Sites } } #endregion Data Protection Section } } } |