function Get-AbrOntapNode { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by As Built Report to retrieve NetApp ONTAP System Nodes information from the Cluster Management Network .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Version: 0.6.7 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .EXAMPLE .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { Write-PScriboMessage "Collecting ONTAP node information." } process { try { $NodeSum = Get-NcNode -Controller $Array if ($NodeSum) { $NodeSummary = foreach ($Nodes in $NodeSum) { try { [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = $Nodes.Node 'Model' = $Nodes.NodeModel 'Id' = $Nodes.NodeSystemId 'Serial' = $Nodes.NodeSerialNumber 'Uptime' = $Nodes.NodeUptimeTS } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } } $TableParams = @{ Name = "Nodes - $($ClusterInfo.ClusterName)" List = $false ColumnWidths = 27, 27, 17, 17, 12 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $NodeSummary | Table @TableParams } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } } end {} } |