function Get-AbrOntapNodesHW { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by As Built Report to retrieve NetApp ONTAP system nodes hardware information from the Cluster Management Network .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Version: 0.6.3 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .EXAMPLE .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { Write-PscriboMessage "Collecting ONTAP Node Hardware information." } process { try { $NodeHW = Get-NcNodeInfo -Controller $Array if ($NodeHW) { $Outobj = @() foreach ($NodeHWs in $NodeHW) { try { $NodeInfo = Get-NcNode -Node $NodeHWs.SystemName -Controller $Array $Inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Name' = $NodeHWs.SystemName 'System Type' = $NodeHWs.SystemMachineType 'CPU Count' = $NodeHWs.NumberOfProcessors 'Total Memory' = "$($NodeHWs.MemorySize / 1024)GB" 'Vendor' = $NodeHWs.VendorId 'AFF/FAS' = $NodeHWs.ProdType 'All Flash Optimized' = ConvertTo-TextYN $NodeInfo.IsAllFlashOptimized 'Epsilon' = ConvertTo-TextYN $NodeInfo.IsEpsilonNode 'System Healthy' = Switch ($NodeInfo.IsNodeHealthy) { "True" {"Healthy"} "False" {"UnHealthy"} default {$NodeInfo.IsNodeHealthy} } 'Failed Fan Count' = $NodeInfo.EnvFailedFanCount 'Failed Fan Error' = $NodeInfo.EnvFailedFanMessage 'Failed PowerSupply Count' = $NodeInfo.EnvFailedPowerSupplyCount 'Failed PowerSupply Error' = $NodeInfo.EnvFailedPowerSupplyMessage 'Over Temperature' = Switch ($NodeInfo.EnvOverTemperature) { "True" {"High Temperature"} "False" {"Normal Temperature"} default {$NodeInfo.EnvOverTemperature} } 'NVRAM Battery Healthy' = $NodeInfo.NvramBatteryStatus } $Outobj = [PSCustomObject]$Inobj if ($Healthcheck.Node.HW) { $Outobj | Where-Object { $_.'System Healthy' -like 'UnHealthy' } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'System Healthy' $Outobj | Where-Object { $_.'Failed Fan Count' -gt 0 } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Failed Fan Count' $Outobj | Where-Object { $_.'Failed PowerSupply Count' -gt 0 } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Failed PowerSupply Count' $Outobj | Where-Object { $_.'Over Temperature' -like 'High Temperature' } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'Over Temperature' $Outobj | Where-Object { $_.'NVRAM Battery Healthy' -notlike 'battery_ok' } | Set-Style -Style Critical -Property 'NVRAM Battery Healthy' } $TableParams = @{ Name = "Node Hardware - $($NodeHWs.SystemName)" List = $true ColumnWidths = 40, 60 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $Outobj | Table @TableParams } catch { Write-PscriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } } } } catch { Write-PscriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } } end {} } |