function Get-AbrWinHyperVSummary { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by As Built Report to retrieve Windows Server Hyper-V Summary information. .DESCRIPTION Documents the configuration of Microsoft Windows Server in Word/HTML/Text formats using PScribo. .NOTES Version: 0.5.2 Author: Andrew Ramsay Editor: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @asbuiltreport Github: AsBuiltReport Credits: Iain Brighton (@iainbrighton) - PScribo module .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { Write-PScriboMessage "Hyper-V InfoLevel set at $($InfoLevel.HyperV)." Write-PScriboMessage "Collecting Hyper-V Summary information." } process { if ($InfoLevel.HyperV -ge 1) { try { $script:VmHost = Invoke-Command -Session $TempPssSession { Get-VMHost } if ($VmHost) { $VmHostReport = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Logical Processor Count' = $VmHost.LogicalProcessorCount 'Memory Capacity' = "$([Math]::Round($VmHost.MemoryCapacity / 1gb)) GB" 'VM Default Path' = $VmHost.VirtualMachinePath 'VM Disk Default Path' = $VmHost.VirtualHardDiskPath 'Supported VM Versions' = $VmHost.SupportedVmVersions -Join "," 'Numa Spannning Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $VmHost.NumaSpanningEnabled 'Iov Support' = ConvertTo-TextYN $VmHost.IovSupport 'VM Migrations Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $VmHost.VirtualMachineMigrationEnabled 'Allow any network for Migrations' = ConvertTo-TextYN $VmHost.UseAnyNetworkForMigration 'VM Migration Authentication Type' = $VmHost.VirtualMachineMigrationAuthenticationType 'Max Concurrent Storage Migrations' = $VmHost.MaximumStorageMigrations 'Max Concurrent VM Migrations' = $VmHost.MaximumStorageMigrations } $TableParams = @{ Name = "Hyper-V Host Settings" List = $true ColumnWidths = 50, 50 } if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) { $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)" } $VmHostReport | Table @TableParams } } catch { Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning $_.Exception.Message } } } end {} } |