"Report": { "Name": "Microsoft Windows As Built Report", "Version": "1.0", "Status": "Released", "ShowCoverPageImage": true, "ShowTableOfContents": true, "ShowHeaderFooter": true, "ShowTableCaptions": true }, "Options": {}, "InfoLevel": { "_comment_": "Please refer to the AsBuiltReport project contributing guide for information about how to define InfoLevels.", "_comment_": "0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Adv Summary, 3 = Detailed, 4 = Adv Detailed, 5 = Comprehensive", "Hardware": 1, "OperatingSystem": 1, "Account": 1, "Networking": 1, "Storage": 1, "HyperV": 1, "IIS": 1, "SMB": 1, "DHCP": 1, "DNS": 1, "FailOverCluster": 1 }, "HealthCheck": { "Networking": { "Firewall": true }, "OperatingSystem": { "Services": true, "Updates": true }, "DNS": { "Aging": true, "DP": true }, "DHCP": { "SumStatusmary": true, "Credential": true, "Statistics": true, "BP": true }, "FailOverCluster": { "Nodes": true, "Network": true, "ClusterSharedVolume": true }, "Storage": { "BP": true }, "SMB": { "BP": true } } } |