
function Get-AbrADDCRoleFeature {
    Used by As Built Report to retrieve Microsoft AD Domain Controller Role & Features information.
        Version: 0.6.3
        Author: Jonathan Colon
        Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr
        Github: rebelinux

    param (
        [Parameter (
            Position = 0,

    begin {
        Write-PscriboMessage "Discovering Active Directory DC Role & Features information of $DC."

    process {
        Write-PscriboMessage "Collecting AD Domain Controller Role & Features information for domain $Domain"
        try {
            $DCPssSession = New-PSSession $DC -Credential $Credential -Authentication $Options.PSDefaultAuthentication
            if ($DCPssSession) {
                Write-PscriboMessage "Discovered Active Directory DC Role & Features information of $DC."
                Section -Style Heading6 "$($DC.ToString().ToUpper().Split(".")[0])" {
                    Paragraph "The following section provides a summary of the Domain Controller Role & Features information."
                    $OutObj = @()
                    $Features = Invoke-Command -Session $DCPssSession -ScriptBlock {Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.installed -eq "True" -and $_.FeatureType -eq 'Role'}}
                    Remove-PSSession -Session $DCPssSession
                    foreach ($Feature in $Features) {
                        try {
                            Write-PscriboMessage "Collecting DC Roles: $($Feature.DisplayName) on $DC."
                            $inObj = [ordered] @{
                                'Name' = $Feature.DisplayName
                                'Parent' = $Feature.FeatureType
                                'InstallState' = $Feature.Description
                            $OutObj += [pscustomobject]$inobj
                        catch {
                            Write-PscriboMessage -IsWarning "$($_.Exception.Message) (Roles Item)"

                    $TableParams = @{
                        Name = "Roles - $($DC.ToString().split('.')[0].ToUpper())"
                        List = $false
                        ColumnWidths = 20, 10, 70
                    if ($Report.ShowTableCaptions) {
                        $TableParams['Caption'] = "- $($TableParams.Name)"
                    $OutObj | Table @TableParams
        catch {
            Write-PscriboMessage -IsWarning "$($_.Exception.Message) (Role Section)"

    end {}
