function Connect-Armor { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the Armor API and establishes a session. .DESCRIPTION Connects to the Armor RESTful API and supplies credentials to the method. The Armor API then returns a unique, temporary authorization code, which is then converted into a token to represent the user's credentials for subsequent calls. Last, the account context is set. If an account ID is not specified, one is automatically selected from the list of authorized account IDs. Returns the session details which are stored in the variable: $Global:ArmorSession. .INPUTS None- this function does not accept pipeline inputs. .NOTES - Troy Lindsay - Twitter: @troylindsay42 - GitHub: tlindsay42 .EXAMPLE Connect-Armor Prompts for the username and password, and then attempts to log into the Armor API. .EXAMPLE Connect-Armor -Credential $pscredential Attempts to log into the Armor API with the credentials stored in the $pscredential object. .EXAMPLE Connect-Armor -Credential $pscredential -AccountID 12345 Attempts to log into the Armor API with the credentials stored in the $pscredential object, and sets the account context to '12345'. .EXAMPLE Connect-Armor -Credential $pscredential -ApiVersion 'v1.0' Attempts to log into the Armor API with the credentials stored in the $pscredential object and sets the specified API version as the default for the session, which is stored in $Global:ArmorSession.ApiVersion. .EXAMPLE Connect-Armor -Credential $pscredential -Server 'localhost' -Port 8443 Attempts to log into a local test/dev Armor API instance listening on port 8443/tcp with the credentials stored in the $pscredential object. .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK!/Authentication/TenantOAuth_AuthorizeAsync .LINK!/Authentication/TenantOAuth_TokenAsync .LINK!/Authentication/Me_GetMeAsync #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType( [ArmorSession] )] param ( <# Your Armor API username and password. If not supplied as a parameter, you will be prompted for your credentials. #> [Parameter( Position = 0 )] [ValidateNotNull()] [PSCredential] $Credential = ( Get-Credential ), <# Specifies the Armor account ID to use for all subsequent requests. The permitted range is 1-65535. #> [Parameter( Position = 1 )] [ValidateRange( 1, 65535 )] [UInt16] $AccountID = 0, # Specifies the Armor API server IP address or FQDN. [Parameter( Position = 2 )] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $Server = '', <# Specifies the Armor API server listening TCP port. The permitted range is: 1-65535. #> [Parameter( Position = 3 )] [ValidateRange( 1, 65535 )] [UInt16] $Port = 443, <# Specifies the API version for this request. The specified value is also set as the default API version for the session as a parameter of the session variable: '$Global:ArmorSession.ApiVersion'. The API version can be specified when any other public cmdlets are called or the value of '$Global:ArmorSession.ApiVersion' can be updated afterward to set a different default API version for the session. #> [Parameter( Position = 4 )] [ValidateSet( 'v1.0' )] [String] $ApiVersion = 'v1.0' ) begin { $function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Write-Verbose -Message "Beginning: '${function}'." } # End of begin process { [ArmorSession] $return = $null Write-Verbose -Message 'Storing all session details in $Global:ArmorSession.' [ArmorSession] $Global:ArmorSession = [ArmorSession]::New( $Server, $Port, $ApiVersion ) $resources = Get-ArmorApiData -FunctionName $function -ApiVersion $Global:ArmorSession.ApiVersion $uri = New-ArmorApiUri -Endpoints $resources.Endpoints switch ( $Global:ArmorSession.ApiVersion ) { 'v1.0' { $body = @{ $resources.Body.UserName = $Credential.UserName $resources.Body.Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction 'Stop' } } $splat = @{ 'Uri' = $uri 'Method' = $resources.Method 'Body' = $body 'SuccessCode' = $resources.SuccessCode 'Description' = $resources.Description } $results = Submit-ArmorApiRequest @splat # Destroy variables with passwords since they are no longer needed $body = '' Remove-Variable -Name 'Credential' Remove-Variable -Name 'body' # If we find a temporary authorization code and a success message, we know the request was successful if ( $results.Code.Length -gt 0 -and $results.Success -eq 'true' ) { Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully acquired temporary authorization code: '$( $results.Code )'" $token = New-ArmorApiToken -Code $results.Code -GrantType 'authorization_code' } else { throw 'Failed to obtain temporary authorization code.' } # Final throw for when all versions of the API have failed if ( $token -eq $null ) { throw 'Unable to acquire authorization token. Check $Error for details or use the -Verbose parameter.' } $Global:ArmorSession.Authorize( $token.Access_Token, $token.Expires_In ) Get-ArmorIdentity -ErrorAction 'Stop' | Out-Null if ( $AccountID -eq 0 ) { $AccountID = $Global:ArmorSession.Accounts.ID | Select-Object -First 1 } Write-Verbose -Message "Setting the Armor account context ID to: '${AccountID}'." Set-ArmorAccountContext -ID $AccountID -ErrorAction 'Stop' | Out-Null $return = $Global:ArmorSession $return } # End of process end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending: '${function}'." } # End of end } # End of function |