function Get-ArmorVM { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet retrieves the virtual machines in your Armor account. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet retrieves details about the virtual machines in the Armor Anywhere or Armor Complete account in context. Returns a set of virtual machines that correspond to the filter criteria provided by the cmdlet parameters. .INPUTS UInt16 Guid String PSCustomObject .NOTES Troy Lindsay Twitter: @troylindsay42 GitHub: tlindsay42 .EXAMPLE Get-ArmorVM Description ----------- Returns all VMs in the Armor account that currently has context. .EXAMPLE Get-ArmorVM -Name ARMO25VML01-gen4 Description ----------- Returns the specified VM in the Armor account that currently has context. .EXAMPLE Get-ArmorVM -Name *-gen4 Description ----------- Returns all VMs in the Armor account that currently has context that have a name that ends with '-gen4'. .EXAMPLE Get-ArmorVM -Name *hacked* Description ----------- Returns null. .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK!/Infrastructure/Vm_GetVmList .LINK!/Infrastructure/Vm_GetVmDetail #> [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'ID' )] [OutputType( [ArmorVM[]] )] [OutputType( [ArmorVM] )] param ( <# Specifies the IDs of the virtual machines that you want to retrieve. #> [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ID', Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateRange( 1, 65535 )] [UInt16] $ID = 0, <# Specifies the Armor Anywhere Core Agent instance IDs of the virtual machines that you want to retrieve. #> [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'CoreInstanceID', Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateScript( { $_ -ne '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' } )] [Guid] $CoreInstanceID, <# Specifies the names of the virtual machines that you want to retrieve. Wildcard matches are supported. #> [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Name', Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [AllowEmptyString()] [String] $Name, <# Specifies the API version for this request. #> [Parameter( Position = 1 )] [ValidateSet( 'v1.0' )] [String] $ApiVersion = $Global:ArmorSession.ApiVersion ) begin { $function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Write-Verbose -Message "Beginning: '${function}'." Test-ArmorSession } # End of begin process { [ArmorVM[]] $return = $null $resources = Get-ArmorApiData -FunctionName $function -ApiVersion $ApiVersion if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID' -and $ID -gt 0 ) { $uri = New-ArmorApiUri -Endpoints $resources.Endpoints[1] -IDs $ID } elseif ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CoreInstanceID' ) { $uri = New-ArmorApiUri -Endpoints $resources.Endpoints[2] -IDs $CoreInstanceID } else { $uri = New-ArmorApiUri -Endpoints $resources.Endpoints } $keys = ( $resources.Query | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' ).Name $parameters = ( Get-Command -Name $function ).Parameters.Values $uri = New-ArmorApiUriQuery -Keys $keys -Parameters $parameters -Uri $uri $splat = @{ 'Uri' = $uri 'Method' = $resources.Method 'SuccessCode' = $resources.SuccessCode 'Description' = $resources.Description } $results = Submit-ArmorApiRequest @splat $filters = $resources.Filter | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' $results = Select-ArmorApiResult -Results $results -Filters $filters if ( $results.Count -eq 0 -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' ) { Write-Error -Message "Armor VM not found: Name: '${Name}'." } else { $return = $results } $return } # End of process end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending: '${function}'." } # End of end } # End of function |