Function ConvertFrom-JsonItem { <# .SYNOPSIS { required: high level overview } .DESCRIPTION { required: more detailed description of the function's purpose } .NOTES Troy Lindsay Twitter: @troylindsay42 GitHub: tlindsay42 .PARAMETER InputObject { required: description of the specified input parameter's purpose } .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSObject .OUTPUTS System.String .LINK .LINK .LINK .EXAMPLE {required: show one or more examples using the function} #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] $InputObject = $null ) Begin { # The Begin section is used to perform one-time loads of data necessary to carry out the function's purpose # If a command needs to be run with each iteration or pipeline input, place it in the Process section #$function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name #Write-Verbose -Message ( 'Beginning {0}.' -f $function ) } # End of Begin Process { $return = $null Switch -Regex ( $InputObject.PSObject.TypeNames ) { 'Array' { $return = @() $InputObject.ForEach( { <# Recurse #> $return += , ( ConvertFrom-JsonItem -InputObject $_ ) } ) Break } 'Dictionary' { $return = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject ForEach ( $jsonItemKey In ( [HashTable]$InputObject ).Keys ) { If ( $InputObject[$jsonItemKey] ) { <# Recurse #> $parsedItem = ConvertFrom-JsonItem -InputObject $InputObject[$jsonItemKey] } Else { $parsedItem = $null } $return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $jsonItemKey -Value $parsedItem } Break } Default { $return = $InputObject } } Return $return } # End of Process End { #Write-Verbose -Message ( 'Ending {0}.' -f $function ) } # End of End } # End of Function |