# Exported functions <# .Synopsis Edits the current user's host profile. .Description Launches the default editor on the PowerShell profile for the current user on the current host. .Example edit-hostprofile #> function Edit-HostProfile { Start-Process -FilePath (Get-ApplicationPath ps1) -ArgumentList $profile } Export-ModuleMember -Function Edit-HostProfile <# .Synopsis Edits the current user's profile. .Description Launches the default editor on the PowerShell profile for the current user on any host. .Example edit-profile #> function Edit-Profile { Start-Process -FilePath (Get-ApplicationPath ps1) -ArgumentList $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts } Export-ModuleMember -Function Edit-Profile <# .Synopsis Save the shell history to a history file. .Description Saves the shell history to a CLIXML history file, which can be used by Import-History. .Parameter Path The history file to save, defaulting to .history.tmp in the current user's documents folder. #> function Export-History { param ( [string] $path = "${myDocuments}\.history.tmp" ) Get-History -count $MaximumHistoryCount | Group-Object CommandLine | foreach {$_.Group[0]} | Export-Clixml $path } New-Alias shy Import-History -Description "Save the shell history to a history file." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-History -Alias shy <# .Synopsis Get the application path for the given extension. .Description Returns the application path (default executable) for the given extension. .Parameter Extension The extension for which to return the application path (i.e., 'exe'). .Example get-applicationpath docx #> function Get-ApplicationPath { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Extension ) try { $default = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.$Extension" -Name '(Default)' -ErrorAction Stop).'(Default)' (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Classes\$default\shell\open\command" -Name '(Default)' -ErrorAction Stop).'(Default)' -match '([^"^\s]+)\s*|"([^"]+)"\s*' | Out-Null $path = $matches[0].ToString() $path.Trim('"',' ') } catch { Write-Error "An application path was not found for the filetype '.$Extension'." } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ApplicationPath <# .Synopsis Gets the current system time. .Description Returns the current system time as a System.DateTime. #> function Get-CurrentTime { [DateTime]::Now } New-Alias now Get-CurrentTime -Description "Gets the current system time." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-CurrentTime -Alias now <# .Synopsis Gets the .NET runtime installation directory. .Description Returns the directory where the common language runtime is installed. .Parameter AsInfo Returns a DirectoryInfo object rather than a path string. #> function Get-DotNetInstallDirectory { param ( [switch]$AsInfo ) $runtimePath = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory() if (-not $AsInfo) { $runtimePath } else { [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $runtimePath } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DotNetInstallDirectory <# .Synopsis Gets a list of all assemblies loaded into the current PowerShell session. .Description Returns a list of all assemblies loaded into the current PowerShell session. #> function Get-LoadedAssemblies { [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-LoadedAssemblies <# .Synopsis Gets a list of all accessible types of the current loaded assemblies. .Description Returns a list of all accessible types of the current loaded assemblies. #> function Get-LoadedTypes { Get-LoadedAssemblies | foreach ` { if (-not $_.IsDynamic) { $_.GetExportedTypes() } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-LoadedTypes <# .Synopsis Gets the location of one of the Windows special folders. .Description Returns the location of one of the Windows special folders, as described in System.Environment. .Parameter Alias The alias of the special folder to get; one of the System.Environment.SpecialFolders enum values. .Parameter AsInfo Returns a DirectoryInfo object rather than a path string. .Example get-specialfolder Desktop #> function Get-SpecialFolder { param ( [System.Environment+SpecialFolder]$Alias, [switch]$AsInfo ) $folderPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath($Alias) if (-not $AsInfo) { $folderPath } else { [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $folderPath } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-SpecialFolder <# .Synopsis Load the shell history from a history file. .Description Loads the shell history from a CLIXML history file, such as that produced by export-history. .Parameter Path The history file to load, defaulting to .history.tmp in the current user's documents folder. #> function Import-History { param ( [string] $path = "${myDocuments}\.history.tmp" ) Import-Clixml $path | Add-History } New-Alias lhy Import-History -Description "Load the shell history from a history file." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Import-History -Alias lhy <# .Synopsis Invoke the assembly installation utility. .Description Invokes the assembly installation utility with arbitrary parameters. #> function Install-Assembly { . "$(Get-DotNetInstallDirectory)installutil.exe" $args $input } Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-Assembly <# .Synopsis Invoke the Microsoft Build Engine. .Description Invokes the Microsoft Build Engine with arbitrary parameters. #> function Invoke-BuildEngine { . "$(Get-DotNetInstallDirectory)msbuild.exe" $args $input } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-BuildEngine <# .Synopsis Invoke the C# compiler. .Description Invokes the C# compiler with arbitrary parameters. #> function Invoke-CSharpCompiler { # needs updating to find Roslyn compiler . "$(Get-DotNetInstallDirectory)csc.exe" $args $input } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-CSharpCompiler <# .Synopsis Invoke the IL assembler. .Description Invokes the IL assembler with arbitrary parameters. #> function Invoke-IlAssembler { . "$(Get-DotNetInstallDirectory)ilasm.exe" $args $input } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-IlAssembler <# .Synopsis Does nothing. .Description Does nothing, either succeeding or failing. .Parameter Fail Fail to do nothing successfully. .Example invoke-nothing #> function Invoke-Nothing { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [switch]$Fail ) if (-not $Fail) { write-verbose 'Doing nothing and succeeding.' } else { Write-Error -Category NotEnabled 'Doing nothing and failing.' } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-Nothing <# .Synopsis Displays pipelined text in a temporary file. The temp file is displayed in the default text editor. When the editor is closed, the temp file is deleted. If you wish to save the information that is displayed, use the saveas feature from the editor. .Example "string" | Out-TempFile Displays the word string in a temporary file via the default text editor. When the default text editor is closed, the temporary file that contained the word "string" is deleted. .Example Get-Process | Out-TempFile Displays process info in a temporary file via the default text editor. When the default text editor is closed, the temporary file that contained the process information is deleted. .Example Out-TempFile -in (get-service) Displays service info in a temporary file via the default text editor. When the default text editor is closed, the temporary file that contained the process information is deleted. .Parameter in Data to display in a temporary file .Inputs [psobject] .Outputs [psobject] #> function Out-TempFile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,valueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0)] [psobject] $in ) BEGIN { $tempFile = [io.path]::GetTempFileName() } PROCESS { out-file -filePath $tempFile -InputObject $in -Append -Width 300 -Encoding unicode } END { . (Get-ApplicationPath txt) $tempFile | Out-Null Remove-Item $tempFile } } Export-ModuleMember Out-TempFile <# .Synopsis Set the location to a peer directory of the current directory. .Parameters Path The filename of the peer directory to change to. #> function Set-LocationOver { param ( [string]$path = $(throw "USAGE: Set-LocationOver -Path path") ) Set-Location ('..\' + $path) } New-Alias over Set-LocationOver -Description "Set the location to a peer directory of the current directory." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationOver -Alias over <# .Synopsis Set the location to the root of the current PSDrive. #> function Set-LocationRoot { Set-Location / } New-Alias root Set-LocationRoot -Description "Set the location to the root of the current PSDrive." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationRoot -Alias root <# .Synopsis Set the location to the parent folder of the current directory. #> function Set-LocationUp { Set-Location .. } New-Alias up Set-LocationUp -Description "Set the location to the parent folder of the current directory." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationUp -Alias up <# .Synopsis Determines if you are running in a 64 bit process. #> function Test-Is64Bit { [System.Environment]::Is64BitProcess } Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-Is64Bit <# .Synopsis Determines if you are running in the Windows PowerShell ISE .Description This function determines if you are running in the Windows Powershell ISE by querying the $ExecutionContext automatic variable. .Example Test-IsISEHost .Example if(Test-IsISEHost) { "Using the ISE" } # Prints out Using the ISE when run inside the ISE, otherwise nothing #> function Test-IsIseHost { $ -match "ISE Host$" } Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-IsISEHost <# .Synopsis Test whether the target computer is a laptop/tablet. .Parameter Computer The computer name of the computer to test. #> function Test-IsLaptop { param ( [string]$computer = "localhost" ) $isLaptop = $false if (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_systemenclosure -ComputerName $computer | Where-Object { $_.chassistypes -eq 9 -or $_.chassistypes -eq 10 ` -or $_.chassistypes -eq 14}) { $isLaptop = $true } if (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_battery -ComputerName $computer) { $isLaptop = $true } $isLaptop } Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-IsLaptop <# .Synopsis Refreshes the current user's host profile. .Description Reloads the PowerShell profile for the current user on the current host. .Example update-hostprofile #> function Update-HostProfile { . $profile } Export-ModuleMember -Function Refresh-HostProfile <# .Synopsis Refreshes the current user's profile. .Description Reloads the PowerShell profile for the current user on any host. .Example refresh-profile #> function Update-Profile { . $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts } Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-Profile <# .Synopsis Execute a ScriptBlock as another culture. .Parameter Culture The culture (a CultureInfo) in which to execute the ScriptBlock. .Parameter Script The ScriptBlock to execute. #> function Use-Culture { param ( [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]$culture = $(throw "USAGE: Using-Culture -Culture culture -Script {scriptblock}"), $script= $(throw "USAGE: Using-Culture -Culture culture -Script {scriptblock}") ) $OldCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture trap { [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $OldCulture } [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $culture Invoke-expression $script [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $OldCulture } Export-ModuleMember -Function Use-Culture <# .Synopsis Execute a ScriptBlock in another location. .Parameter Location The location in which to execute the ScriptBlock. .Parameter Script The ScriptBlock to execute. #> function Use-Location { param ( [string]$location = $(throw "USAGE: using-location -Location location -Script {scriptblock}"), $script = $(throw "USAGE: using-location -Location location -Script {scriptblock}") ) push-location $location -stackname usingLocationStack invoke-expression $script pop-location -stackname usingLocationStack } New-Alias within Use-location -Description "Execute a ScriptBlock in another location." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Use-Location -Alias within # System cmdlet aliases New-Alias dd Push-Location -Description 'Adds the current location to the top of a location stack.' -Scope Global -Force New-Alias du Pop-Location -Description 'Changes the current location to the location most recently pushed onto the stack.' -Scope Global -Force New-Alias jobs Get-Job -Description 'Gets Windows PowerShell background jobs that are running in the current session.' -Scope Global -Force New-Alias new New-Object -Description 'Creates an instance of a Microsoft .NET Framework or COM object.' -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Alias dd,du,jobs,new # Alias functions <# .Synopsis Delete files (with confirmation). #> function del? { remove-item -Confirm $args } Export-ModuleMember -Function del? <# .Synopsis Delete files (with force). #> function del! { remove-item -force $args } Export-ModuleMember -Function del! <# .Synopsis Retrieve a list of external PowerShell scripts in the path. #> function Get-Scripts { Get-Command -Type ExternalScript } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Scripts <# .Synopsis Create and enter a directory. #> function nd { mkdir $args ; Set-Location $args[0] } Export-ModuleMember -Function nd <# .Synopsis Obliterate a directory and all its contents. .Description Obliterate a directory and all its contents (requires confirmation). #> function zap { Remove-Item -Confirm -Recurse -Force $args } Export-ModuleMember -Function zap # Go functions <# .Synopsis Set current location to the current user's desktop folder. #> function Set-LocationDesktop { Get-SpecialFolder Desktop | Set-Location } New-Alias go-desktop Set-LocationDesktop -Description "Set current location to the current user's desktop folder." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationDesktop -Alias go-desktop <# .Synopsis Set current location to the current user's home directory. #> function Set-LocationHome { Set-Location ~ } New-Alias go-home Set-LocationHome -Description "Set current location to the current user's home directory." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationHome -Alias go-home <# .Synopsis Set current location to the current user's user profile directory. #> function Set-LocationProfile { Get-SpecialFolder UserProfile | Set-Location } New-Alias go-profile Set-LocationProfile -Description "Set current location to the current user's user profile directory." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationProfile -Alias go-profile <# .Synopsis Set current location to the local temporary files directory. #> function Set-LocationTemp { Set-Location "$(Get-SpecialFolder LocalApplicationData)\Temp" } New-Alias go-temp Set-LocationTemp -Description "Set current location to the local temporary files directory." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationTemp -Alias go-temp <# .Synopsis Set current location to the local working folder. .Description Set current location to the local working folder (defined in the $workingFolder variable). #> function Set-LocationWorking { Set-Location $workingFolder } New-Alias go-working Set-LocationWorking -Description "Set current location to the local working folder." -Scope Global -Force Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LocationWorking -Alias go-working |